
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Blog Logs - Bahrain on SW

BAHRAIN 6010.1 on 12 Dec at 1915 UT noted a weak station with western pops. Buried by IRIB at 1930. Today 13 Dec I checked this and it was again audible around 1750, but 6010 was too crowded until 1900. After 1900 I heard this station with pops (George Michael etc) and few announcement in (British) English. Mentioned twice "National Day 16th" which fits with Bahrain and by passing what sounded like "... Radio Bahrain, this wonderful, wonderful station". That fits R Bahrain even better :-)

At 1930 IRIB started again on 6010. This station had a carrier and upper side band but I couldn't check if there was audio on lower. R Bahrain used to be AM/U. Haven't seen loggings of R Bahrain on this frequency for a long time. Maybe it has been here for some time or is this reactivation?

Again, the ID I heard was not too clear, so I hope someone could confirm Bahrain on this frequency. (Jari Savolainen-FIN, hcdx Dec 14) I have been noting Bahrain on 9745 AM/U lately at significantly improved levels (S-4 to 4+) on DX Tuner Sweden in the 2130 time frame, with no hint of the former co-channel stas V. of Han or HCJB. A few months ago it was hard to dig Bahrain out of these co-channel occupants. Of course this channel is continuous Arabic music, so programming much different than 6010. Seems like they might be using full 60 KW power now, whereas before using only lesser output - maybe a revival all around w/ Bahrain?!
(Bruce Churchill-CA-USA, hcdx Dec 14)
(Source: WWDXC Top News-BC DX # 786)