
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Kurdistan Youth Radio begins regular broadcast

The first radio station in the new local radio infrastructure for youth in Kurdistan, Radio Lawani Kurdistan (Kurdistan Youth Radio), has started its regular broadcasts. Radio Lawan is a project initiated and supported by the Ministry for Sports and Youth, Kurdistan Regional Government. This is a non-profit project inspired by the Swedish community radio model.
The first step of the radio infrastructure was built in Ranye east of Hewler, Radio Lawani Ranye. The radio station was built from scratch in 25 days. It was completed the 22nd October 2006 when test broadcasts started. The studio is built with modern technology which provides high quality broadcasting and enables creative studio work. As a part of this project a technician, Daniel Araya, from Swedish Public Service Radio visited Kurdistan in December. The aim of this visit was to initiate further cooperation and establish contacts.
The second radio station is under construction in Kirkuk. It will be completed in the following days where test broadcasts also will take place.
(Source: Kurdish Media/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)