
Friday, January 05, 2007

ARO Bangladesh DXpedition update

S21, BANGLADESH (DXpedition Update). Josep, EA3BT, Team Leader of the 2007
Bangladesh operation, informs that the Bangladesh Telecommunications
Authority "has finally changed their callsign - The callsign that will be
used during te operation will be: S21XA. The logo and Web page has already
been adapted, so please note that the new URL address of the Web page is: (The old links are still in place, for preventing errors.)
Josep mentions that they are working hard during these last days before
their operation. The dates continue to be the same: January 10-16th. He also
adds that they have included in their Web page a survey for finding out the
real needs (bands/modes) of the ham radio community. Please visit the Web
page and provide your needs.
(Source: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin # 788)