
Friday, January 05, 2007

Radio Netherlnds program preview Jan 6 - Jan 12

Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands' English Service - a list of the new programmes coming up on Radio Netherlands this week, beginning on Saturday.
*** Weekend Connection ***
Every Saturday, the Newsline team brings you Weekend Connection, with thought-provoking reports on the issues making headlines in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond.
It's a lively mix of local colour and "the big picture". One week you might hear how Dutch farmers are doing their part to combat bird flu, the next week it's about the worldwide attempt to punish crimes against humanity. Big or small, Weekend Connection covers it all!
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0500 (Western N America)
*** Vox Humana ***
"Raising Cain(e) with Mahler"
Jazz pianist and composer Uri Caine appeared twice last summer in The Netherlands. In June he premiered his Mozart Remix at the Holland Festival. And he was back a month later at the North Sea Jazz Festival improvising on laptops.
Eclectic is a good word to describe his work. He took time between gigs to talk to David Swatling about his reinvention of music by Viennese composer Gustav Mahler - not the most likely subject for a jazz artist!
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)
Repeated: Sun 1400 (South Asia), Sun 1900 (N America, Africa)
*** Amsterdam Forum ***
Virtual crack - is online gaming bad for you?
Online video games are one of the biggest growth areas in mass entertainment. They are used as entertainment and stress relief by many around the globe. But as the world of online gaming grows, the debate about its social impact is intensifying.
Recently a clinic was opened in Amsterdam to treat people addicted to playing online games. The organisers say the games may look innocent, but can be as addictive as gambling or drugs. They claim gamer addicts risk their relationships, health, education and careers to satisfy their addiction.
So is online gaming a harmless diversions from reality - or a dangerous addiction?
Have your say on the topic at
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1004 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1204 (Eastern N America), 1504 (South Asia), 1804 & 2004 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0500 (Western N America)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)
*** The Research File ***
Forget body decoration and the art of tattooing - a new scientific use has been found for tattoo needles, as a way of delivering vaccines into the skin. And the vaccines themselves are not the conventional kinds, but use DNA from infectious organisms or from certain types of cancers to stimulate the immune system. And how that stimulation occurs can also be seen very easily, allowing researchers to further their knowledge about these vital processes. Meet the Dutch doctor behind the ideas in the Research File.
We'll also hear how other parts of the body's defence system could be harnessed in the fight against infections. And there's surprising news that many migraine sufferers could benefit from a little surgery!
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)
Repeated: Thurs 1500 (South Asia), Thurs 1900 (Africa)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0500 (Western N America)
*** EuroQuest ***
"Best of the Quest"
Jonathon Groubert selects his highlights from 11 years of Euroquest.
Jonathan will be returning in May at the helm of a new Radio Netherlands programme.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)
Repeated: Mon 1500 (South Asia), Mon 1900 (Africa)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0500 (Western N America)
*** The Weekly Documentary ***
"Bridges of Bone and Blood"
A decade and more after the former Yugoslavia fragmented in bitter conflict, many thousands of people from the region are still missing.
In "Bridges of Bone and Blood", Laura Durnford visits the International Commission on Missing Persons in Bosnia-Hercegovina and explores the various ways in which its scientists are helping to identify the human remains which continue to be discovered.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)
Repeated: Fri 1500 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1900 (Africa), Sun 14:30 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), Sun 1930 (Africa, N America)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)
*** Dutch Horizons ***
For many people Holland equals tulips, windmills, clogs and cheese. But where does this clichéd image come from?
Also in Dutch Horizons: a manual for "expats" on how to deal with the Dutch and an ethnic marketing company carrying out research into the needs of immigrants.
Plus, a report about Americans of Dutch descent trying to master the old mother tongue.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)
Repeated: Wed 1500 (South Asia), Wed 1900 (Africa)
*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1200 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)
*** Network Europe ***
Take a dash of entertainment, add a measure of information. Swirl in a hint of irreverence and mix well for a thoroughly European flavour. An enticing cocktail that offers more than a taste of events on the continent this week.
We call it Network Europe: served up every Tuesday and Friday by a partnership of Europe's leading broadcasters.
Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1027 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1227 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1827 & 2000 (Africa), 0027 (Eastern N America), 0127 (Central N America), 0527 (Western N America)
Repeated: Tues 1500 (South Asia), Tues 1900 (Africa)
(R Netherlands)