
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Iraq launches Independent Radio & Television Network

A new radio and TV network launched in Iraq this week. The Independent Radio & Television Network (IRTN) of Iraq say it exists as the independent and free voice of the people of Iraq. IRTN was founded on October 3, 2006. Its radio broadcasts can be found on 99.3 FM and its television programming is on UHF Channel 34. The station claims to be broadcasting at 3,000 kW [sic] from its media center in Diyala Province. It says its radio programming can be heard in Kut, Hillah, Baghdad, Fallujah, parts of Tikrit and all of Diyala including Baqubah.
The station says on its website (in English): “When Saddam built this facility back in 1986 he dreamed of the day when he could broadcast his propaganda all the way into Iran and Syria. That is why he built this studio between Baghdad and the Iranian border. This is the only dream of Saddam’s that we hope to fulfill. Our dream is to generate enough money to one day buy a 40,000 kW [sic] transmitter. With this much power we can share our message of peace, freedom and prosperity with all of our brothers and sisters in both Iran and Syria as well as the entire country of Iraq.”
A report from PR Newswire says that Coalition Forces are protecting the media center while rooting out the terrorists. US State Department Global Outreach advisor Paul McKellips has been living with the Iraqis - two Sunnis and two Shia - at the media compound since 3 February. The same report says that the radio station is on the air 14 hours a day, and the TV service will launch on 25 March.
Independent Radio & Television Network of Iraq

(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)