Friday, April 04, 2008

May Dxpedition to Glorioso Islands

FR/G, GLORIOSO ISLANDS. Jean-Michel, F6AJA, editor of Les Nouvelles DX, informed OPDX on Monday last week that after many years of effort, the permission has f nally been received and an operation to Glorioso (Glorieuses) Islands will take place,
probably early May (possibly between May 5-9th) for some weeks. At the moment, operators mentioned are Pascal/F5PTM, Freddy/F5IRO, Stephane/F6KIN, David/F8CRS, Yves-Michel/ F5PRU and possibly 3 others. The team plans to have 3 or 4 stations on the air. They are currently looking for sponsors, and if you would like to help, please contact Didier, F5OGL.

Presently, Glorioso is ranked 4th in “DX Magazine’s 2007 Most Wanted Countries World-Wide” in the mixed modes (EU 7th, Asia 9th and NA 4th). There is no Web page currently available for this operation, but details from the 2005/2006 planned operation Web page (which did not take place) states: “The Glorioso Archipelago consists of two coral islands: Grande Glorieuse (3 km in its larger diameter)
where the human installations are, and Ile du Lys (circular island, 600 metres in diameter) which is desert. The archipelago also includes two rock islets - Roches Vertes and l’Ile aux Crabes - as well as a sand bank more or less above water at high tide.

At the east and northeast of Grande Glorieuse are a series of dunes reaching a maximum elevation of 12 m. The islands and rocks are surrounded by a reef and a lagoon which is drained dry at low tide. The Glorioso islands are situated 220km northwest of Diego Suarez (Madagascar). The island became French territory in 1930. Around 1912, a French came from the Comoros and planted a fi ne coconut palm
plantation there. Exploited until 1958 by people from the Seychelles, it is currently abandoned. There are also fi laos. Fauna consists exclusively of a rather
large colony of terns. The meteorological service of the French colony in Madagascar installed on the island a rather primitive weather station in 1955 which was opened only during the hurricane season from October to April. Since 1960 the the station is
open all year round. The importance of this station is clear. It predicts cyclones for the North Madagascar and Comoros area. It ensures safe navigation on the Madagasca-Djibouti-Madagascar and Kenya- Mauritius-Kenya air and maritime routes. (From minister for the French overseas Web site)” ADDED NOTE: Jean-Michel, F6AJA, provides DXers with an interesting Web page that (probably) has the most complete QSL collection (28 different QSL) from Glorioso. Take a look at: tp://lesnouvellesdx. fr/galerie/galerie2.php?page=topten&pfx=FRG He still needs some cards for his collection: FR5ES/G, FR5HG/G and FR5KH/G. [Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin
#849 March 9, 2008] FR/G, GLORIOSO ISLANDS

The expedition to the Glorioso Islands [425DXN 879] is expected to take place between 6 May and 6 June. The operators involved, including off site supporting
team members, are 5U5U, F5CQ, F5CW, F5CWU, F5IRO, F5OGL, F5PRU, F5PTM and TT8SS. Final dates, callsign and other information will be given in due course. The web site for the DXpedition is at [TNX F6AJA] [425 DX
News #881 March 21, 2008]
(Source: QRZ? Hame Radio Corner/ODXA-Listening-In, April 2008)
Map/UT Texas