
Thursday, May 01, 2008

Update on Kang Guru Radio


Kang Guru Radio English program on 9680, via RRI Jakarta.

Sue Rodger of KGRE has been informed by RRI Jakarta that they have a new schedule: 0800-0820 UT on Wed. and Fri. (ex: 1000-1020 UT on Wed.and Sun.), which would explain why I have not heard them on their former schedule for almost two months now. Within the past hour Kevin has updated their website with the new schedule . This change is an unfortunate development for me, as I had enjoyed their entertaining programming for some years now, but think the new time is too early for reception in Monterey, whereas the former time of 1000 was close to perfect for me. Jakarta sunset will not be till about 1045 UT. The only other alternative is to attempt to hear another RRI station that carries KGRE programs, but that would be a real challenge
(Ron Howard-CA, April 29)