
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Hot shortwave news - in a flash

Are you getting the latest hot information about what is happening on the shortwave bands? If not, you need to sign up for NASWA's electronic Flashsheet service.
You will find shortwave news and information about the radio DX scene that will enhance your shortwave listening hobby. If you are a current member of NASWA, and want to receive the electronic Flashsheet, send your email to Rich D'Angelo at including your email address, location and membership expiration date from your mailing label.
You can participate by sending your latest logs to the electronic Flashsheet, edited by Mark taylor to
This fine newsletter helps hobbyists stay abreast of the acition with breaking shortwave news and information, logs and more. It is an excellent supplement to the monthly NASWA Journal.
Not a member of NASWA yet? To find out more about NASWA (North American Shortwave Association), visit their website at where you'll find information about membership and much more, or write to: North American Shortwave Assoication, 45 Wildflower Road, Levittown, PA 19057 USA.
Don't forget to tell them Shortwave Central blog sent you !!
Gayle Van Horn