
Friday, January 23, 2009

Blog Logs - China

With the Chinese New Year to begin January 26, here is a preview of what DXers are monitoring recently from China. Please recheck this blog for schedules prior to the 26th.
Gayle Van Horn

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

3950, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 1725-1735, Jan 15, Chinese song. SINPO 34333. (Mille)

4460, CNR-1 Voice of China, Beijing, 0910-0916, Jan 11, Chinese talk with music behind, alternating male/female segments, advertisements sound-like. SINPO 24222. (Otávio)

4750, CNR-1/PBS Qinghai (presumed) 1437, Jan 08 and 15. Absence of both Bangladesh and RRI, I was able to clearly hear just two stations, both in Chinese; CNR-1 noted // 5030 and was stronger than PBS Qinghai. (Howard)

4830, China Huayi Broadcasting Corporation, Fuzhou, 2330-2350, Jan 10. Chinese talking. Heard initially under Mongolia but improving to equal strength, 23432. (Cody). Also heard at 1535-1600*, Jan 15, talk in Chinese, time check to ID. SINPO 23432. (Robic)

4900, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, 1416-1430, Jan 11, not // 4940; 1430-1500 was // 4940; after 1500 not // 4940. Had hoped they might continue parallel for Focus on China in English, but no such luck. (Howard)

4940, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, 1500-1525, Su Jan 11. Time to program Focus on China in English. News about China with music bridges between items. Reception reports can be sent to: Box 187, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, Fujian, "zip code 350012", P.R.C. or on-line via their website: This program is only broadcast on Sunday. Light QRM from All India Radio- Guwahati. At 1525 into Chinese and pop songs. (Howard)

4950, Voice of Pujiang, Shanghai (p), 1510-1550, Jan 11 and 15 fade out. Chinese talk and song, weak // 5075. (Schulze)

5060, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 1708-1712, Jan 10, song. SINPO 33333. (Mille). Also heard at 2340-2350, Jan 09, Chinese talks. SINPO 35433. Just received a full data paper QSL from this station for a Dec 07 report. (Cody)

6060, Sichuan PBS-2, Chengdu, 1510-1515*, Jan 15. Traditional Chinese music, almost good reception // 7225 continued on till 1516*, with poor reception due to QRM. These two frequencies seem never to be in sync for sign-off. (Howard)

6130, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, 2202-2207, Jan 13, relaying CNR-8 in Tibetan, talks, possibly news, music, poor modulation. SINPO 34332, inactive on 7385 at this hour. (Romero)

6190, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 0203, Jan 18. Chinese with Chinese hard rock music and telephone talk show. The music was interesting, but to a westerner, the Chinese language just does not "fit" to hard rock music. Good signals, but weaker than normal here in Kabul. (Muick)

7165, Nei Menggu PBS, Hothot, 0430-0500, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. This is the first occasion that I have noted China on 7 MHz during the Asian Daytime Mode openings! As for previous Asian Mode events, these signals became audible abruptly, with no actual "fade-in" gradient. In the space of a few milliseconds, these signals suddenly appeared - some were audible for only two or three minutes - others were audible for up to 30 minutes and longer. These Asian mode signals often originate randomly from various countries - on these two days, no signals were audible from the Indian sub-continent or from Sarawak! Signals from the same transmitter location on different frequencies tend not to propagate at the same times! See my loggings from China below on these days. (Padula)

7275, Xinjiang PBS, Urumchi, 0440-0500, Jan 12/13, Uighur. (Padula)

7280, Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 0430-0500, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)

7385, PBS Xizang, Lhasa, 2105-2108, Jan 13, Tibetan ann, local folkmusic, 34433. (Romero)

9500, CNR1 - Voice of China, Shijiazhuang, 0400-0515, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)

9505, Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 0400-0500, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)

9685, CNR5 - Voice of Zhonghua, Beijing, 0400-0515, Jan 12/13, Mandarin/Amoy. (Padula)
9720, CNR2 - China Business Radio, Xi'an, 0435-0515, Jan 12/13, Mandarin. (Padula)

9810, CNR2- China Business Radio, Xi'an, 0400-0515, Jan 12/13. (Padula)

(DSWCI/DX Window 369, A. Petersen)

Additional China monitoring

4220, PBS Qinghai (presumed) Xining. January-18 Tibetan(sch) 2316-2330. Announcer talks to music, 2326 male/female host with talks on Chinese music sounding like a commericial; SINPO 23322 (Lucio Otavio, Brazil/playdx2003)

4460, CNR 1 Beijing, 1048-1115, Jan 13, Mandarin. Announcers with continous talk, still going at 1104 re-check. Signal fade-out by 1115. Noted fair-poor. (Scott Barbour, NH)

6065, CNR-2/China Business Radio 1330-1400, Jan 16. First time I have heard their condensed half hour program of "English Evening." For years has always been a full hour (1300-1400); I will need to check this out to hear if it is a permanent change or not, mostly program is in English, hosted by John and a Chinese woman talking about the new edible greeting card, movies, etc., business news (Business Today) segment to Studio Classroom Worldwide program (in the past this was a half hour segment, today was about 15 minutes long) // 6155 and 7245. Noted all with fair reception (Ron Howard, CA)

7335, China Radio International, 7335 1750 English. SIO 333 Jan 12 Lady with two male host during program conversation about Hollywood movies. Station ID at 1756. (Stewart Mackenzie, CA)

7355, PBS Xizang 1814, SIO 433 Jan 14 Announcer's Chinese comments abruptly off the air 1815. (Stewart Mackenzie, CA)

7375, CNR-2/China Business Radio, 1157-1225, Jan 17,Chinese talk. Quick " China Business Radio" ID at 1200 and back to Chinese talk. Local music. Fair to good. Weak on // 6065, 6090, 6155, 7130, 7140, 7335, 7350, 9810. Fair on // 7315. Thanks toRon Howard tip. (Brian Alexander, PA)