
Friday, January 23, 2009

DRM made big steps ahead in 2008

Editorial -

DRM made big steps ahead in 2008 with numerous events, milestones and novelties. The successful demonstration of a DRM data transmission towards the Audi VIP vehicles at the Olympic games, where only 80kW DRM power covered all Olympic sites, was a real breakthrough with a most cost-effective information system.

The current world financial situation forces broadcasters to use most economic broadcast infrastructure. DRM is the only system for large, populated areas deliverin the requested quality of sound at the lowest possible distribution costs. With its extremely high reliability and independence, the system is the preferred choice for many countries and cultures.

The increased costs for energy challenged Thomson to provide new features for higher efficiency. Several transmitting stations around the globe were updated with the AMC and EAMC option to decrease their electricity bills. With the right target audience, the right content, the right schedule, and with a broadcast infrastructure that provides sufficient weight to drive reach and frequency, radio can be an incredibly powerful medium, especially with the added advantages of DRM.

The coming years will form the transistion with tremendous changes for broadcasters and infrastructure providers. Thomson - with its highly skilled engineers and broad expertise - are glad to support and guide broadcasters through this new era of digital broadcasting.
Josef Troxler
(Radio News/Winter 2009)