
Friday, January 22, 2010

Radio Netherlands Program Guide - Jan. 23-29

Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands Worldwide's English Service - a list of the new programmes coming up on Radio Netherlands Worldwide this week, beginning on Saturday.

*** The State We're In ***

'Growing Up Right'

Socialite in the slums: Yvonne Bezerra de Mello lives in a wealthy district of Rio. But ever since police massacred eight street kids in 1993, she's devoted herself to educating the children of Rio's slums, or favelas. She's lost friendships over her work. But now her school attracts international attention for her success.

Child of a child murderer: Nick Castree grew up in a violent home with a volatile father. Yet he was still shocked when he learned of his father's conviction for murdering a child. He tells Jonathan about his journey out of the darkness he grew up with.

Children of paramilitaries: Sharon and John had fathers on opposing sides of the extremist fence in Northern Ireland. Both their fathers took part in sectarian violence and did prison time. They describe what growing up in the shadow of such violence means to them, and how they've put their lives back together.

Micro-finance - the promise and the pitfalls: When Muhammad Yunus won the Noble Prize in 2006, micro-finance was heralded as the cure-all solution for poverty. But Malcolm Harper has a sobering view of how micro-finance can actually make some lives worse.

It's the thought: Radio Netherlands Producer Dheera Sujan thought she was doing the right thing when she offered to finance the education of a young boy she met in Malawi. But the boy's family disowned him as a result of her gift, and she's still haunted over whether she did the right thing.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.00 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
15.00 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.00 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.00 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
00.30 Europe
05.00 North America
14.00 Europe
23.00 North America and CBC

*** Network Europe Week ***

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

* Taking Advantage - Is the US "occupying" disaster-hit Haiti?
* Sacrificial Lamb? - Bulgaria's Commission nominee steps down.
* Also on the program...Wilders in the dock - the controversial Dutch MP goes on trial for inciting racial hatred
* And Spy Games - could a Europe-wide intelligence agency ever work?

All that and plenty more on Network Europe Week - from the Euranet Partnership

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
19.30 East Africa 12045, West Africa 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
04.00 Africa and Asia
13.00 North America
17.00 Europe
22.00 Asia

*** Network Europe Extra ***

Arts and Culture brought to you each Sunday from Europe's widest partnership of international broadcasters.

* Legendary Czech underground band Plastic People of the Universe is back with its first new album in a decade.
* The Sri Lankan handball team that couldn't play ball but knew how to get asylum...
* Spies, lies, and an assassination attempt on the Pope. No, not the latest Dan Brown novel, but a real-life thriller from Turkey.
* Warsaw's new hotspot OR: "Kiosk with vodka and culture"
* Bonjour India: France seeks to take its revamped image abroad.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 East Asia 12065, 6040, East China 9720
1800 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
1900 East Africa 12045, West Africa 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
0400 North America
0500 North America
1000 Africa and Asia
1200 North America
1430 Europe
1700 Europe
2200 Asia

*** Radio Books (primary program) ***

'What Kwaku Knows' - by Arthur Japin

Popular Dutch writer Arthur Japin won the 2008 Public's Prize for his novel set in 19th-century Texas. His Radio Books story is set in Ghana where young boys like Kwaku dream of being discovered by football scouts. On the day of his 13th birthday, he has high hopes. But the day doesn't go according to his fantasies.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.30 East Asia 12065, 6040, East China 9720
14.00 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.30 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
19.30 East Africa 12045, West Africa 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
00.30 Europe
05.30 North America
10.30 Africa and Asia
14.40 Europe

*** Curious Orange (primary program) ***

Michel Walraven is your guide to modern-day Holland.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East Asia 12065, 6040, East China 9720
14.30 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.30 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.30 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
00.30 Europe
13.00 North America
14.30 Europe
22.10 Asia
23.10 North America and CBC

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
15.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.04 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.04 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
14.04 Europe
22.00 Asia
23.00 North America and CBC

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
19.04 East Africa 12045, West Africa 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
05.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** From Way Back When ***

A chance to hear some Radio Netherlands Worldwide programmes from the 1980s, from way back when...

This week, Neville Gray talks to Dutch jazz pianist Pia Beck, in a 1982 edition of the Saturday Show crammed with Pia's upbeat boogie music. Pia Beck died in 2009.

Broadcast times on WRN
05.20 North America

*** Classic Dox ***

'The House' (Originally broadcast December 2001)

An unusual story of a Czech émigré who unexpectedly hears that the old family home in the Bohemian mountains still exists. What he finds under the floorboards when he visits the house bring the painful family past back to life. Produced by Michele Ernsting.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East Asia 12065, 6040, East China 9720

Broadcast times on WRN
13.20 North America

*** European Jazz Stage/ World Music ***

You're invited to a tropical jazz round trip. You'll hear piano wizard Michel Camilo, composer Randal Corsen, pianist Jan Hartong with his trio, and Brazilian-born singer Lilian Vieira and her band.
All of that, on the European Jazz Stage with Daniel Frankl.

*** Live! at the Concertgebouw ***

The Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic is conducted by Kenneth Montgomery, with music by Claude Debussy, Antonin Dvorak and Ludwig van Beethoven.
Hans Haffmans is the programme's host.

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
19.04 East Africa 12045, West Africa 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
05.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** The State We're In - Midweek Edition ***

'Growing Up Right'

Socialite in the slums: Yvonne Bezerra de Mello lives in a wealthy district of Rio. But ever since police massacred eight street kids in 1993, she's devoted herself to educating the children of Rio's slums, or favelas. She's lost friendships over her work. But now her school attracts international attention for her success.

Child of a child murderer: Nick Castree grew up in a violent home with a volatile father. Yet he was still shocked when he learned of his father's conviction for murdering a child. He tells Jonathan about his journey out of the darkness he grew up with.

Children of paramilitaries: Sharon and John had fathers on opposing sides of the extremist fence in Northern Ireland. Both their fathers took part in sectarian violence and did prison time. They describe what growing up in the shadow of such violence means to them, and how they've put their lives back together.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.30 East Asia 12065, 6040, East China 9720
14.15 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.15 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.15 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
04.00 Africa and Asia
10.30 Africa and Asia
14.15 Europe

*** Live! at the Concertgebouw ***

Zubin Mehta, renowned maestro, returns to the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. With music by Igor Stravinsky: Symphony in Three Movements, Symphony of Psalms and The Rite of Spring.
Your host is Hans Haffmans.

*** Commonwealth Story ***

A selection of winning stories chosen from the large number of entries for the 2009 Commonwealth Short Story Competition.

'Hiding in the Cracks' - by Judith Allnatt, UK: A bullied little boy finds a chrysalis.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.50 East Asia 12065, 6040, East China 9720

Broadcast times on WRN
00.50 Europe
04.25 Africa and Asia
10.50 Africa and Asia
22.50 Asia
23.50 North America and CBC

*** Classic Dox ***

'The House of Orange: A Union of Nation and Family' (Originally broadcast December 2002)

A portrait of the House of Orange and the role it has played in the life of the Dutch nation. Historians and archive material tell the story of the Netherlands' Royal Family from 16th-century Stadhouder William the Silent to the three queens of the 20th century. Produced by Marijke van der Meer.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.30 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
15.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.04 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.04 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
14.04 Europe
22.00 Asia
23.00 North America and CBC

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
19.04 East Africa 12045, West Africa 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
05.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** Reloaded (primary program) ***

Another selection of this week's programme highlights presented by Mindy Ran.
The tragedy in Haiti, the Davids commission shock report on Iraq, the death of a true Dutch heroine - Miep Gies, and storm over a minaret?

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
18.15 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.15 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
14.15 Europe
22.10 Asia

*** Classic Dox ***

'The House of Orange: A Union of Nation and Family' (Originally broadcast December 2002)

A portrait of the House of Orange and the role it has played in the life of the Dutch nation. Historians and archive material tell the story of the Netherlands' Royal Family from 16th-century Stadhouder William the Silent to the three queens of the 20th century. Produced by Marijke van der Meer.

*** Newsline ***

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
15.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.04 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.04 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
14.04 Europe
22.00 Asia
23.00 North America and CBC

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
19.04 East Africa 12045, West Africa 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
05.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** Earth Beat (primary program) ***

We look at barter cultures around the world, and find out whether this is just a giant swap shop, or if there are other reasons for going cashless. We also visit a school that's growing its own food, and meet a man who hates lawns. They take up time space and water and you can't even eat the grass. Maybe we should just put down carpet instead - that's what they do in Australia.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East Asia 12065, 6040, East China 9720
14.30 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.35 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.15 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
04.00 Africa and Asia
05.10 North America
10.00 Africa and Asia
13.00 North America
14.00 Europe
17.30 Europe
22.10 Asia
23.10 North America and CBC

*** Classic Dox ***

Worlds Apart: Story of the Collard Family (Orig. broadcast Nov. 2001)

One family and two cultures. For decades Aboriginal children were taken away and fostered out or brought up in an orphanage - a parent's worst nightmare. The story of the Collard family puts a human face on Australia's stolen generation. Produced by Dheera Sujan.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
15.15 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
15.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.04 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.04 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
14.04 Europe
22.00 Asia
23.00 North America and CBC

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
19.04 East Africa 12045, West Africa 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
05.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** Bridges with Africa (primary program) ***

We're giving the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and are linking up with stations in Africa. The show goes beyond the clichés of starving children and war-ridden countries and seeks to bring you genuine voices from a vibrant continent.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East Asia 12065, 6040, East China 9720
14.30 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.15 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.15 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
05.10 North America
10.00 Africa and Asia
13.00 North America
17.30 Europe
22.10 Asia
23.10 North America and CBC

*** Classic Dox ***

The Music of Lutes and Harps (Originally broadcast May 2007)

Confucius described the harmony between husband, wife and children as the music of lutes and harps. The influence of Confucius on Chinese family life - particularly his teachings on filial piety and the relationship between stable family life and a stable state - is still felt today. A New York Festivals Finalist produced by Marijke van der Meer.

*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
15.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.04 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.04 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
14.04 Europe
22.00 Asia
23.00 North America and CBC
(R Netherlands)