
Friday, June 22, 2012

All India Radio-Kohima resumes morning broadcast


4850, AIR Kohima, 0315 UTC, May 30. (AIR) is now on in the morning. This transmitter was off the air last several months.
English news followed by ID: "AIR Kohima". Then program broadcast in regional language. (Mondal via Chakroborty and Goswami). The transmitter has been repaired and will be on the air with regular programs. They are interested in feedback from shortwavelisteners, please post your observations in DX-India. Audio file from transmission at 1359: . (Gupta). It was last heard in March 2010 according to my notes. (Anker Petersen) Heard 1350-1401* UTC, May 31, local news in English. The former shortwave schedule of this 50 kW transmitter is: 4850 0000-0415 1000-1600/1630/1700 and 6065 0430-0510 0700-0900 UTC.Thanks to Alokesh Gupta for the tip. (Jacob)
(DSWCI/DX Window 456)