
Friday, June 22, 2012

HCJB testing new transmitter from Germany

All times UTC
Ecuador/ Germany
3995, HCJB, via Weenermoor. ”Our new transmitter site will ... start at 1400, June 08 with the first test run, before our 4-hour broadcast block start, first the stream running from our HCJB Partners SW Radio ( ). Reception reports are of course welcome as always. Stephen Schaa, Jun 08". (via Bueschel, Kenny and Liehr). Kall-Krekel is Off on 3995. (Milling, via Bueschel). Heard at *1401-1635, Jun 08, a German HCJB program. At 1500 an ann mentioning the transmission is coming from Kall. 1627 female in Platt Deutsch giving the address of SW-Radio, Postfach 8025, 32736 Detmold.1629 male German ann a testtransmission of HCJB from Kall. Russian HCJB program starting at 1630. But these programs must originate fom Weenermoor. Moderate at 1401, while excellent reception at 1630. (Van Arnhem). Noted with very strong signal here at 2020, Jun 08, carrying HCJB in German, switching to HCJB in Russian at 2030.
The audio modulation sounds much more punchy and compressed that it did from Kall. (Kenny). Heard the German service at 2115, Jun 08, booming signal of 9+10 dB here in Goettingen. Around 2130 ann for test transmission coming from Classic Broadcast in Kall. Then into another religious program in German. (Kuhl in DXplorer). I still have a good readable S6-signal now at 0810, Jun 09. German program. Distance from Goettingen is around 250 kms. (Kuhl in DXplorer). Heard very weak at noon in Copenhagen at 0957-1103, Sa Jun 09, religious hymns and talk in unidentified language, 25121. (Petersen).
Station ann are annoying at present, still the Kall-Krekel transmitter site is mentioned, but Horst Rosiak at HCJB Quito will start recording some new station / program ann soon, regarding new Weenermoor transmitter site. Address: SW-Radio e.V., Postfach 8025, D-32736 Detmold, Germany. Tel: (+49) 05232-803009. Email: . QSLs will continue to be issued in Quito. Electronically without return postage via an online website , with return postage per letter, which is now generally provided with nice stamps from Ecuador. (Bueschel)
(DSWCI/DX Window 456)