
Thursday, August 02, 2012

Amateur radio castles DXpeditions

August 3
WCA & COTA-RU pedition RU9YF/P , RA9YJY/P and UA9YIY/P from Beloretskaya Fortress
Eugene RU9YF, Victor RA9YJY and Alexander UA9YIY will be active on the 3th of August 2012 from Belozerskaya Fortress, WCA: UA-0540, COTA-RU: R-911, RDA: AL-24 located in RFF-102. They plan to work as Home Call/P on all bands, all modes. QSL via bureau or direct. [tnx info RU9YF].

August 8
WCA & DCI pedition I2JJR/6 and IW6NZY/P from Borgo Fortificato di Moscufo
Augusto I2JJR and Sivino IW6NZY will be active on August 4, 2012 from Borgo Fortificato di Moscufo, WCA: I-12501, DCI: PE-042, WW Loc. JN72ak also Chiesa S.Maria del Lago, DAI: AZ-0093 located in Comune di Moscufo (PE), DMI: 4527. They plan to work as I2JJR/6 and IW6NZY/P from 06:30 UTC till 11:00 UTC on on 40, 20 and up to 6 meters bands only SSB. QSL via Home Call, bureau or direct. [tnx info I2JJR].

August 8
WCA & COTA-RU pedition UF0A/0 and others from Oglahty Fortress
Alexander UF0A and operators from Minusinsk will be active on the 4th of August 2012 from Oglahty Fortress, WCA: UA-00182, COTA-RU: C-005, RCA: RC-103 located in Park Khakasskiy, RFF-091. This activity is celebrate in honor of the 1000 years of a fortress. They plan to work as Home Callsign/0 on all bands, all modes. QSL via bureau or direct. [tnx info UF0A].

August 11
WCA & COTA-YL pedition YL11WCA from Edole Castle
- Vitaly YL3AFK, Alex YL3BU, Evgeny YL2TD and Grigorij YL2NS will be active on the 11st and 12rd of August 2012 from Edole Castle, WCA: YL-00022, COTA-YL: Z-007, WW loc. KO07UA. They plan to work from 10:00 UTC on the 11st of August till 13:00 UTC on the 12rd of August as YL11WCA on 80 - 10 meters CW and SSB near WCA frequences. QSL via bureau. Log will be uploaded to WCA E-Log. More information and also online at page [tnx info YL2NS].

August 17
WCA & DMHP pedition CR5WFF from Farol ba Berlenga
- Luis CT1EJB and Armando CT2JYX will be active on the 17th and 20th of August 2012 from Farol da Berlenga, WCA: CT-01001, DMHP: LR-086 located in Berlenga Island, IOTA: EU-040. They plan to work on all bands SSB/RTTY/BPSK as CR5WFF. QSL via CT1EJB. [tnx info CT2JYX].

August 18
WCA & COTA-DL pedition DK0GYB from Castle Roseburg
Helmut DM2BPG and Erich DL2HUC will be active on August 18, 2012 from Castle Roseburg, WCA: DL-02137, COTA-DL: SAB-006. They plan to work as DK0GYB (special DOK: 800ANHALT) from 07:00 till 14:00 UTC. QSL via DARC bureau. [tnx info DL4NTC].
(Andrew RN1CW)
WCA Co-ordinator (World Castles Award)
RZ1CWC team