
Thursday, August 02, 2012

QSL Report Central

China Radio International relay, 6020 kHz. Full data Ozbek ethnic minority group card with "Albania" notation, unsigned. Also received program and frequency schedule, contact sheet and a copy of The Messenger newsletter. Received in 35 days for an English report and two IRCs. QSL address: English Service, CR-2, POB 4216, Beijing, PR of China 100040. (Bill Wilkins, MO).

Cameroon-TJ9PF, 20 meters/RTTY. DXpedition via F50GL. Full data color sunset scenery card. Received in two weeks for $2.00 US and nested Euro SASE. QSL address: Didier Senmartin, P.O. Box 7, F-53320 Loiron, France. (Larry VH, NC)

USA-WX4NHC, 14325 kHz USB. National Hurricane Center. Full data NHC staff and Eye of Hurricane card, signed by John K4AG. Received in 89 days for a utility report and SASE (used for reply). Report for their equipment Test Day. Station address: WX4NHC, c/o Mr. Julio Ripoll, 11691 SW 17th St., Miami, FL 33165 USA (Wilkins).

Radio Clube do Para, 4885 kHz. Full data logo card and English letter with illegible signature. Received in 62 days for a Portuguese/English letter, return mint postage and SASE with address label (both used). Station address: Av. Almirante Barroso 2190 3° andar, Marco, 66095-000 Belém, Brasil. (Tom Banks, Dallas, TX) ^ Streaming audio

Radio Senado, 5990 kHz. Full data QSL card, unsigned. Received in 30 days after e-report follow up in Portuguese to (Sam Wright, Biloxi, MS) On-demand audio

WYFR/Family Radio relay via Nauen, Germany 13660 kHz. Full data 50th Anniversary card with site notation. Received in seven months, three weeks after follow up report to (Edward Kusalik, Canada).

Andaman and Nicobar Islands-All India Radio Port Blair. Full data verification letter as email attachment via V.G. Suresh Babu, Assistant Engineer, All India Radio. Verification for special transmission of the Mahalaya program. Received in 11 days for program details to: (Alokesh Gupta, India)

WBT, 1110 kHz AM. Charlotte's News Talk. Full data color station logo card, signed as Chief Engineer. Received in eight days for an AM report with return mint postage. Station address: 1 Julian Price Place, Charlotte, NC 28208-5211 USA. (James Robertson, FL). Streaming audio

WHO, 1040 kHz AM. Newsradio 1040. Full data WHO logo/owl card, unsigned. Received in 10 days for an AM report, SASE (not used) and return mint postage. Station address: 2141 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312 USA. (Frank Hillton, Charleston, SC) Streaming audio

WMAL, 630 kHz AM. Full data 1960 vintage QSL card, signed by David A. Sproul, Chief Engineer. Received in eight days for an AM report and return mint postage. Station address: 4400 Jenifer Street NW, Washington DC 20015 USA. (Al Muick, PA/HCDX) Streaming audio

WHKW, 1220 AM kHz AM. The Word. Friendly full data letter, signed by Brett Patram, Director of Engineering. Veri-signer noted he enjoys DX reports from the US and Europe, and included sheet of photos of the antenna field. Photos and information available at . Received in four days for an AM report and return mint postage. (Muick) Station address: 4 Summit Drive, Suite 150, Cleveland, OH 44131 USA Streaming audio

Australia-VMC Charleville, Queensland. Australian Bureau of Meteorology. 12365 kHz. Full data color E-QSL of bureau crest/ map card via Navin Chandran. Received in 12 days for a utility report to Postal address: Navin Chandran, Telecommunications Systems, Bureau of Meteorology, 700 Collins St., Docklands - 3008, Australia. (Gupta). Additional station information including schedules and frequencies at .

Croatia-CRE Cres/LOS Losinj. Two color map/antenna photos cards, signed by Darko Lenz, Head of Technical Department. Received for a utility report to Zagreb address. Reply came from: Hrvatska. Kontrola Zracne Plovidbe d.o.o., Podruznica Pula, Valtursko Polje 210a, pp 238, 52000 Pula, Croatia. (Patrick Robic, Austria/UDXF)

Japan-JNA Tokyo Sea Patrol Radio, 8414.5 kHz. No data letter, signed by C. Terada, plus sticker and info sheet. Received in 26 days for a utility report. QSL address: Japan Coast Guard, 2-1-3, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8918, Japan. (Robic)

Spain-TXX2 Guardia Civil Madrid/Valdemoro, 7527 kHz. Full data prepared QSL card signed and stamped. Received in 18 days for a utility report. Station address: Dirección General de la Policía y de la Guardia Civil, Servicio de Telecommunicaciones, Guzmán el Bueno 110, 28003 Madrid, Spain. (Robic)

Taiwan-XSX Keelung (Chilung) Radio, 12577 kHz. Full data DIN A4 certificate, signed by Janet Kuo. Received in 23 days. Station address: 9, Yi 3rd Road, Keelung, Taiwan, PR of China. (Robic)

United Kingdom-XSS-DHFCS Forest Moor, 14555 kHz. Full data prepared QSL card signed and stamped. Received in nine days for a utility report. Station address: DHFCS NCS Forest Moor, Menwith Hill Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire HG3 2RE United Kingdom (Robic).

United States-KVM70-Honolulu Meteo, 11090 kHz. No-data station letter from Mike Cantin, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, plus station sticker. Received in 41 days for a utility report. Station address: National Weather Service, 2525 Correa Rd., Suite 1250, Honolulu, HI 96822 USA. (Robic).