
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hobart Radio International schedule

(via Hobart Radio In'tl)
Hobart Radio Inernational, Tasmania, Australia - welcome to the DX Extra. It’s a show about the shortwave and radio hobby featuring news, reviews, pirate radio and anything in-between. We’re on shortwave and also as audio on demand at the website 

In show 31 this fortnight:
  • Latest Voice of Korea (North) schedule A
  • Review on a SDRplay SDR radio
  • Does the BBC World Service has a future
  • France longwave and mediumwave cutbacks
  • And check out pirate news and logs.

Hear us on the radio (SW + FM):
FM: World FM New Zealand 88.2 FM Thursdays at 0430 UTC
SW: Channel 292 6070 kHz Saturdays at 1600 UTC
WRMI Radio Miami International 9955 kHz Sundays 330-0400 UTC
WBCQ Area 51 5110kHz Monday0330 UTC (Sunday 8.30 PM US PT)
Also via Radio Spaceshuttle World Service and on occasion Premier Radio

Kind regards,
Rob Wise.

Hobart Radio International - The Voice of Tasmania
North Hobart, 7002 Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
Web: Twitter: @hobartradiointl Facebook:

Hobart Radio International is a shortwave community service relayed across Europe, North America, South America and New Zealand and features the DX Extra and The Buzz shows! Like what we do? Donate so we can afford more airtime and cover more regions of the world.