
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

North Korea time adjustment

Pyongyang Time Fixed in DPRK
    Pyongyang, August 7 Juche 104 (2015) (KCNA) -- The DPRK decided to fix the standard time on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation.
    A decree of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK published on Wednesday said:
    It was on August 15 when President
Kim Il Sung, benefactor of national resurrection and peerless patriot, crushed the brigandish Japanese imperialists by making long journeys of anti-Japanese bloody battles and liberated Korea. It was the day of historical significance as it put an end to the history of national sufferings and brought about a radical turn in carving out the destiny of the country and its people.
    The wicked Japanese imperialists committed such unpardonable crimes as depriving Korea of even its standard time while mercilessly trampling down its land with 5 000 year-long history and culture and pursuing the unheard-of policy of obliterating the Korean nation.
    It is the firm faith and will of the DPRK's service personnel and people to force the Japanese imperialists to pay for the monstrous crimes committed by them for a century, firmly defend the national sovereignty and demonstrate for eternity the dignity and might of the great Paektusan nation shining with the immortal august names of Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.
    The Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK makes the following decision reflecting the unshakable faith and will of the service personnel and people on the 70th anniversary of Korea's liberation:
    Firstly, the time at 127 degrees 30 minutes east longitude or 30 minutes later than the present one shall be fixed as the standard time of the DPRK and called Pyongyang time.
    Secondly, Pyongyang time shall be applied from Aug. 15, Juche 104 (2015).
    Thirdly, the DPRK Cabinet and relevant organs shall take practical steps to carry out this decree. -0-

Bell Tolls Standard Time in Korea at 00:00, August 15, Juche 104 (2015)

    Pyongyang, August 15 Juche 104 (2015) (KCNA) -- The day of August 15, Juche 104 (2015) broke amid keen interest.
    The Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK decided to set the standard time of the Republic with 127 degrees 30 minutes east longitude as a standard and to apply it from August 15.
    The thirty minutes between 24:00, August 14 of the previous time and 00:00, August 15 of Pyongyang time will be taken off to set 00:00 of August 15 of the previous time as 00:30 and all clocks would be set as "00:00, August 15, Pyongyang time" at 00:30, August 15 of previous time.
    At 00:00, the Pyongyang Bell tolled deep sound at state standard time 00:00 at the Pyongyang Astronomical Observatory, just as it did to the great excitement of the Koreans greeting the New Year's Day after the liberation of the country.
    The moment, the clock tower of the Grand People's Study House and the clock tower of Pyongyang Railway Station all tolled the time of Korea, Pyongyang time.
    At the same time, all industrial establishments, trains and ships across the country sounded sirens and whistles.
    Service personnel of the Korean People's Army on their duties of defending the country, scientists working on satellites to explore a new area of conquering space and all other people of the country set their clock and watches according to Pyongyang time amid excitement and delight at the national event.
(Anulf Piontek, Germany)