
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

TWR Unwraps new transmitter

TWR Bonaire ready for new transmitter
This afternoon eight wooden crates with the 450 kW transmitter got unwrapped by the TWR-staff on Bonaire. The crates arrived at the transmitter site at a symbolic moment, right after our Christmas Lunch!

Bernard Oosterhoff, TWR-Bonaire's station director says, ‘I am overjoyed that everything is progressing so well. We can feel Gods’ blessing on this special project! A year ago, we planned that we would be finished by the end of this year. Now it will be January, but for a big project like this, one month delay is not much and we trust on Gods timing. Yes, it is very special feeling to have the new transmitter under our roof now. An amazing amount of installation work has been done this year, so most of us take some well-deserved time off during Christmas.

Promote 800 AM frequency
In January we plan to hook up the new transmitter and test it. Please pray with us that the signal will reach into the new areas which we hope to cover and even beyond. Then when the signal is going strong, we will need to promote the 800AM frequency in the new regions, so many people will tune in and become regular listeners’
(phone/text TWR Bonaire)