
Friday, August 09, 2019

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency

Stations monitored 30 July-August 08, 2019
Logs and information welcome at:

DengĂȘ Welat/Voice of the Homeland, 11530 via Issoudun, France relay, 1715 for announcer's Kurdish text and conversations. Schedule to 2100. Station target's programming to Turkey, formerly broadcast as Denge Kurdistan. (NLD SDR)

TWR Africa 9475, 1745 sign-on with interval signal and English ID. Opening choir music into Swahili religious service. Schedule to 1800, Monday-Friday. Good signal SIO 434 via Qatar SDR.

Radio Amhara SDR signal
Radio Amhara (100 kW) 6090, 1700-1750. Amharic text and talk to Horn of Africa vocals. Lady's text 1738, followed by interviews with good signal SIO 343 via Qatar SDR. Subsequent logging 1830-1845. Schedule runs to 2100.

Radio Fana SDR signal
FBC Radio Fana/Fana National program (schedule 0255-2100) (100 kW) in presumed Oromo or Somali from 1750-1837 on 6110 kHz. Signal poor at SIO 222. Radio Oromiya (100 kW) heard on 6030 kHz in presumed Amharic text from 1750 tune-in. Fanfare from 1759, time tips 1800. News reporting including correspondent's phone-in. SIO 434.(Qatar SDR) Voice of Tigray Revolution on 5950 kHz (100 kW) from 1800. Male announcer's text to HOA vocal music at 1804-1809. Echo-style announcement and continued music. Listed service as Afar/Tigrinya. SIO 444 with no fading (GRC SDR) 

Radio Monte Carlo via Roumoules, France 216 LW, from 1820. French conversations and promos for soccer game vs Bangladesh. Good signal to 1935 tune-out. France's Europe 1 on 183 LW, 1935 tune-in to French news headline trade-offs (NLD SDR) Radio France French service noted from 1935 on 11995 // 15300 to Africa. (NLD SDR)
Radio HCJB Deutschland, 3995 // 5920 to Europe. Good signal at 1940 tune-in. German conversations including remote segments, interspersed with religious music. This segment runs 1600-2000. Germany's Shortwaveradio in English from 1945 playing classic Animals tune House of the Rising Sun to Euro pops. Fairly good signal on 3975 // 6160 kHz. (NLD SDR)

Voice of Greece 9420, 1520. Promo to Greek pop vocals to 1527. Greek commercial ads format to 1530. Station ID amid musical fanfare. News headlines format to 1535 to additional items on Athens. SIO 444. (GRC SDR)

Harbor Light of the Windwards, 1400 kHz AM, 1950 (3:50 pm local time). Excerpts read from Chapter 11 of River of Fire (// audio on website Instrumental piano music to 2000. Station ID at local "4'o'clock." Choir hymn to Modern Times program with Pastor Dennis Armsby 2001-2015 closing with prayer. Announcer ID at "4:15" local time check to vocal hymn to program, Let the Bible Speak (online Contact link at: (TWR Bonaire SDR)

All India Radio External Service (Aligarh), Urdu service on 6140 kHz. In-progress sitar program at 1825 tune-in to 1829. Announcer's brief text to vocals/tabla accompaniment. Fair SIO 333 signal for schedule to 1930. English AIR 9445 kHz at 1835 tune-in. No sign of 9910, 11620 or 11935 kHz. Station ID at 1850 into Indian musical vocals. Additional monitoring as; 1745-1800; 1800-1945 on, 9445, 9910, 11620, 11935, 13695 world news at 1800 with station ID. (Pakistan/India SDR's)

VOIRI Pars Today, 6155 to Africa in Arabic at 1830 tune-in. Lady's text on Islam. Intro music to additional programming. Good signal SIO 434. This frequency runs to 2100. French service 7330 from 1820-1920. (Qatar SDR)

North Macedonia
Radio Makedonija 810 kHz AM. Station's tone tune-up signal at 1725. Sign-on 1730 with time tips and station identification and comments, followed by scheduled Macedonian folk music program. This is part of the Monday-Friday Music broadcast 1730-1800. (Hungary/Romania SDR) Read more about North Macedonia, from my June 6, 2019 post North Macedonia, new country listing on medium wave at Shortwave Central 

Saudi Arabia
SBA Radio Saudi Gen Prgm 1, 15225 to Asia // 15435 fair to Africa, 1700-1800. Station // on 1440, 1467 kHz AM with Arabic text at 1658 tune-in. Music fanfare to intro announcement. Announcer's text on Islam. Radio Riyadh 585 kHz heard from 1600-1710 monitoring, fair-good signal.  SBA Radio Saudi Qur'an, 13710 // 15205 // 17560 n Arabic from 1718 tune-in. SBA Saudi Radio International in Persian service on 7240 kHz with announcer's text. Tajik service 1700-1750 for International on 9885; Persian 7240 kHz 1700-1757.

Voice of Turkey, 9540 (to Middle East) // 17770 (to Asia) kHz. Arabic service 1400-1445 with morning features including headline news and Turkish music programs. Website: Persian service on 9765 to Asia, 1500-15555 with similar program format and feature on Ankara and Turkish pop vocals. Poor signal quality for Turkish service from 1520-1555. Additional monitoring at 1710 on 15520 for English service. Weekly Analysis program, musical promos to Turkish folk music. Closing comments about the English service programs noteing the times/frequencies, meter bands, satellite services and website information. Turkish service checked at 1722 on 5960 // 9460 (SIO 433). French service 7360, 1732-1740. German service 9840, 1740-1750. (Hungary SDR)

Radio Sultanate of Oman, 9620 kHz. Low-level Arabic with SIO 323. Arabic pop-style music 1531-1535, followed by traditional Arabic instrumentals to Arabic service 9620 to 22000 UTC. Website: Subsequent checks of 9620, 1835-1845 with fair 322 SIO in Arabic. (Qatar SDR)
(Gayle Van Horn W4GVH/Global Radio Guide/Teak Publishing)