
Friday, October 28, 2022

FRSH plans broadcast on 30 October


Dear FRS Friends!

The wait is almost over: on Sunday, October 30th 09.52 CET sharp, the Free Radio Service Holland will be back on the airwaves celebrating 42 years of independent free radio on shortwave.

Full details are- as always- to be read on our website. Use the link below!
For this celebration, there's a special brand-new QSL available. And: we'll give it a try on 31 metres. 

Have a splendid weekend. We'll be meeting very soon.
73s, Peter V. on behalf of the entire FRS team

On Sunday October 30th, the Free Radio Service Holland will take to the airwaves celebrating 42 years of shortwave free radio. 

On this occasion, programmes will commence at 08:52 UTC/ 09:52 CET and close down will be at 13:35 UTC/ 14:35 CET . Following close down the full programming might be repeated (if so only on 7700 and/or 9335 kHz!). Programmes will be aired on 7700//9335 and 6185 kHz. . 

Expect the familiar FRS format: great music, various (surprising) radio-related items, FRS memories, listener's mail and of course DX news. We haven't included details in the programme schedule below because...we'd like to surprise you!

Because of the high number of letters/ e-mails we received following our July/August Summer Splash, our good old International Listeners' Letter Show will be revived for this occasion! In the 1980s it used to be part of our programming. Mike Taylor who used to do the Mailbag Show on E.M.R., will host the I.L.L.S. Tune in on Sunday, October will be great Sunday entertainment and more than worthwhile! 
And: for this special occasion only, a brand new QSL card is available, printed in full colour on heavy high quality paper. 
Reports but moreover: personal comments and criticism are more than welcome. P.O.Box 2702 in 6049 ZG Herten, the Netherlands  (=excellent hard copy QSL) or by e-mail: . 
  FRS-HOLLAND Programme-Schedule for Sunday Oct. 30th 
UTC Time Programme Schedule CET Time
08:52 Station-opening: ID's & Theme tune 09:52
09:02 FRS Magazine- Peter Verbruggen 10:02
10:00 German Show- Jan van Dijk. 11:00
10:45 Dave Scott's Radiowaves    11:45
11:30 FRS Goes DX - Peter Verbruggen 12:30
12:00 Musical Express- Bert van Leer 13:00
12:45 ILLS - Mike Taylor 13:45
13:35 Close down 14:35