
Friday, July 21, 2023

A new dawn for digital radio in Africa


By Ruxandra Obreja
LONDON — Radio has been called “Africa’s medium” — its popularity remains high due to accessibility and relatively low cost. In many of Africa’s 54 countries, with a combined population of over 1.3 billion, traditional radio sets are widely used, highlighting the digital divide between developed countries and those without reliable electricity and internet.

But there are other reasons for radio’s popularity in Africa. It is strongly linked to oral storytelling — central to developing the continent’s diverse cultural identities and languages. The intimacy and immediacy of radio, a trusted companion, remain unparalleled on the continent, explaining why radio listenership is higher in many African countries than the global average. For example, in a recent survey in South Africa, up to 94% of citizens over 15 confirmed they owned a radio set.

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