
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Shortwave Radiogram, Program 314


Hello friends

We use Twitter @SWRadiogram extensively to share results of Shortwave Radiogram reception and to send reminders about transmissions during the weekend. It is a simple and functional platform for that purpose. But, with uncertainties about the future of Twitter, I looked into Threads, the new competitor to Twitter. 

Establishing an Instagram account is a prerequisite to getting on to Threads. I did that and soon decided that Instagram does not interest me, for receiving or sending. I would just proceed to Threads. However, I learned that Threads does not, yet, have a desktop version. I don't do mobile, except sometimes as an internet radio, and to communicate with my wife. ("Where are you?" "I'm in the cat food aisle.") So I would just wait until Threads can be used on a desktop.

A few days after signing up for Instagram, I received a rather stern notice from Instagram informing me that my account has been suspended. This is before I posted anything to Instagram or Threads. They mentioned procedures 1) to find out why the account was suspended and 2) to request a review of the suspension. I am not going to bother with those procedures. Threads will have to go on without me. I will stick with Twitter until it self-destructs, then probably exit social media altogether, and return to an unsociable linear website.

Years ago, I had a Facebook account. I used it only to relay news about international broadcasting from my website (my @kaedotcom Twitter account is now my outlet for international broadcasting news). That Facebook account was also suspended, probably because I used a third-party app to push the website items to my Facebook page.

So it seems that I've never met a Meta that will have me as a member.

A video of last weekend's Shortwave Radiogram (program 313) (Friday 1300 UTC) is provided by Scott in Ontario. The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. H0b0_Radio has this IQ recording of the Saturday 0230 UTC broadcast. An archive of received images is provided by John @highroute in California. An analysis is provided by Roger in Germany, plus his notes on the closing music.

Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 314, 20-25 July 2023, in MFSK modes as noted:

 1:39  MFSK32: Program preview
 2:47  MFSK32: Milestone in energy capacity of supercapacitors
 6:39  MFSK64: Espresso might be helpful against Alzheimer's*
11:58  MFSK64: This week's images*
28:41  MFSK32: Closing announcements

Please send reception reports to

Twitter: @SWRadiogram or 

(visit during the weekend to see listeners’ results)