
Friday, September 01, 2023

FRS reports on Summer Splash QSLs


Dear FRS Listener,

Following the extra Summer Splash broadcast on Sunday, August 13th, a start could be made to organizing the replying. Lots of e-mails came in, in the meantime a nice package of letters in our P.O.Box 2702 was picked up as well.

Unfortunately, we lost a great number of emails because of a mistake (beyond our control). 
Yesterday most (I guess all) of the 'victims' received a mail in which we explained what happened requesting for resending their e-mail report(s) for July 23rd/30th and August 6th/ 13th. I'm happy that most of the listeners whose mail(s) got lost, already replied and resent their reports. Thanks!

In case you are amongst those who sent us mail/reports in the period July/ August (and you haven't received a reply): please resent your mail!

All of this caused a delay. The eQSLs have still to be finished yet and as a matter of fact I'm on holidays for 2 weeks starting at the end of this week. 

For that reason I'd like to inform that all replies for the 2023 Summer Splash will start by September 11th. Please have a little patience. Good news: A bumper edition of the FRS Summer 2023 Newsletter is waiting for you!

Thanks for your understanding!

Remember: FRS-Holland will be back in late October/ early November. Thursday, August 31st the Free Radio Service Holland will officially turn 43!