
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2006 Clandestine Activity Survey

During 2006 the activity of political clandestine stations broadcasting on shortwave has increased by 5.4% to 1260 WBHs (Weekly Broadcasting Hours).This is the result of the latest Clandestine Activity Survey which has been compiled annually since 1986.
Activity of clandestine stations broadcasting to target areas on the Asian continent has increased by 3% to 870 WBHs and activity to target areas onthe African continent has increased by the same percentage amount to 197 WHBs. On the American continent the increase was 19% to now 193 WBHs.

The three most active target areas worldwide are now China with 200 WBHs(+122 when compared with the previous year), Afghanistan with 196 WBHs(+6) and Cuba with 193 WBHs (+31). Activity to Iraq which had been themost active target area each year since 1994 has dropped considerably.

The number of different target areas active worldwide has decreased by oneto 24. While Syria and Pakistan are considered to be no longer active,Libya has been listed for the first time since 1990.(Mathias Kropf-D, wwdxc BC-DX Dec 31)

(Source: WWDXC -Top News (BC-DX # 789)