
Friday, January 12, 2007

Australian DX Report Edition # 28 available on line

Edition No. 28 of my weekly internet audio magazine AUSTRALIAN DX REPORT is now available, at is the second edition for 2007, and it runs to 17 mins and 30 seconds,containing lots of professionally researched and sourced shortwave updated schedules and news, unavailable in the public domain. If you haven't subscribed (free) to the feed, you may do this at the site using Feedblitz. This means that the shows will come to you for downloading as MP3 files whenever new programs are released!

The Australian DX Report audio presentations continue to attract interest by people around the world, with several hundreds of downloads every week. I would be glad if you would be able to distribute this message to your radio monitoring friends, the radio communications media, or within your DXing organisation.Thank you and best regards from Melbourne, Australia!
Bob Padula