This evening's edition of Blog Logs, represent those posted from ours friends at WWDXC. Nice vartiety folks, and best of DX!
Gayle VH
15470 Southern Sudan Interactive R. Instruction via Gavar
Armenia Jun 09 *1400-1429* 35433 English, 1400 sign on with opening music,
ID, Opening announce, Talk, 1428 ID, 1429 sign off.
(Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium June 15)
2485 VL8K, Katherine NT, 2055-2130*, 09 Jun, English, talks,
news, phone-ins; 35231; \\ to 2310 & 2325, both worse. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
4835 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 21312-2139, 09 Jun, English, ABC newscast;
44332, adjt. QRM de MLI 4835.4. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
4910 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 2135-..., 09 Jun, English, ABC newscast;
44321. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11)
6010 I got a definite ID yesterday on the Bahrain Radio Bahrain
Frequency 6010 kHz at 1609 UT pop music annoucements. Programme in English
June 12. sio 443. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
5025 ORTB, Parakou, 0925-1015, 09 Jun, unreadable talks (can't
say whether in French or Vernacular); 15341. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11)
3310 R. Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2350-2358, 08 Jun, Quechua,
talks; 44343, adjt. uty. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
5952.5 R. Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2216-2229, 09 Jun, Quechua, infos. on the
station, webpage & e-mail addr, f/ball infos; 44332, adjt. QRM.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
6105.4 R. Panamericana, La Paz, 2235-2244, 9 Jun, Spanish, religious
prgr, music; 54433, adjt. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
6155 R. Fides, La Paz, 2240-2249, 09 Jun, Spanish, lively tunes, chats;
34433.(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
9624.9 R. Fides, La Paz, 2158-2208, 09 Jun, Spanish, talks; 23431, QRM de
CAN 9625 but mainly de adjt. chs. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
3365 R. Cultura, Araquara SP, 2343-2357, 06 Jun, rosary; 35242.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
4805 R. Difa do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2203-2215, 09 Jun, announcements,
talks abt. f/ball; 45332.(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
4815 R. Difa, Londrina PR, 0005-0016, 09 Jun, religious prgr & songs to
match; 44332.(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
4825 R. Educadora, Braganca PA, 0002-0014, 09 Jun, f/ball match rpt.
Curitiba v Remo, TCs; 54333. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
4885 R. Club do Para, Belem PA, 2116-2132, 09 Jun, advertisements, prgr
abt. f/ball, phone-ins; 55333. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
5035 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2138-2147, 09 Jun, songs,
advertisements, truck drivers' prgr "Pe na Estrada"; clipped audio, but I
believe this is a feeder problem as the other \\ outlets, 6135 & 9630,
were in the same condition; 44332. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
6010 R. Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2224-2232, 09 Jun, carnival-
like songs; 44332, adjt. QRM.(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
6040 R. Club Paranaense, Curitiba PR, 2226-2237, 09 Jun, f/ball match
rpt.; 34332, adjt. QRM thence better on LSB. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
6080 R. Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2230-2233, 09 Jun, Bible passages
reading; 33431, adjt. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
6135 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2140-2149, 09 Jun, prgr "Pe na Estrada";
54433, adjt. QRM only; check 5035. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
6150 R. Record, Sao Paulo SP, 2239-2246, 09 Jun, f/ball match rpt. &
infos. on other matches, advertisements; 44433, adjt. QRM. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
9530 R. Transmundial, Sta Maria RS, 2149-2200, prgr "Entrevista"; 55433.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
9630 R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1030-1212, 09 Jun, newscast,..., talks;
25443, and vy. poor at 1200. Also 2144-2206, 09 Jun, prgr "Pe na Estrada",
advertisement for TV Aparecida, DX prgr "Encontro DX" at 2202; 55444;
check notes under 5035. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
9675 R. Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 1031-1215, 09 Jun, talks,...,
news (tent) 1207 when vy. poor; 24442. Also 2151-2207, 09 Jun, religious
songs & sung prayer, DX prgr "Alem Fronteiras" at 2200; 55444, but QRM as
from 2200. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
11735 R. Transmundial, Sta Maria RS, 1427-1530, 09 Jun, webpage info,
youth's prgr, refs. to the "Jornada da Fe"; 14431, then better at 1530.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
11804.8 R. Globo, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 1125-1133, 10 Jun, talks; 12431, QRM
de CUB 11805.(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
11805 R. Brasil Central, Goiania GO, 1216-1425, 09 Jun, songs ("Sucesso
Brasil Central"), TCs, "utilidade publica" annoucements (these are
official anns. from the municipality, the govern., etc), advertisements,
station slogans,..., f/ball news at 1415; 25433. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
11925.2 R. Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP, 1101-1136, 10 Jun, songs, chats,
oldies; 25432. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
17815 R. Cultura, Sao Paulo SP, 1426-..., 09 Jun, Braz. songs... for a
change...; 15431. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
7230 R. Burkina, Ouagadougou, 1202-1424, 09 Jun, French,
prgr "Culturama", Afr. pops,..., Vernacular, talks; 45444, overmodulated
at times. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX June 11
6030 CFVP hrd 6/11 during R. Marti silent period from 0507 tune
w/ "Grand Ol Opry Top 40" C&W mx program w/ man host. Signal gradually
improved after 0600 but marred by static crashes. SINPO 34343 w/ peak sigs
0615-0715. Frequent anmts for songs, local events, commercials and
references to 1060 AM. (Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, DXplorer June 12)
6009.48 La Voz de tu Conciencia at 1031-1103 UT on Jun 6.
Religious vocals, ranchera-style, to 1039 UT, then EG religious talk or
speech w/SP translation after every phrase; ID at 1057 UT, then music past
ToH. Good signal but fading after 1100 UT. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer June 10)
4052.5 R. Verdad at 0343 UT on June 14, fair with gospel songs in English and Spanish.
(James Ronda-OK-USA, DXplorer June 17)
9930 Radio for North Korea (ORNK) via Hawaii (KWHR), at 1104-
1158* UT on June 12, in Korean, announcers with background music (mostly
various classical music), but also played eclectic selections of music
(Korean ballads, classical music and segment of soul music ["Soul Man",
Otis Redding with "Satisfaction", etc.]), 1158 played "Pomp and
Circumstance", English ID that KWHR was going off 9930. Fair-good, no
jamming noted. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, DXplorer June 12)
And on 11850 at 0725 I could hear some nice Indian style music at
weak to fair strength, and it was also audible on 9595 in parallel, but
very weak here. I didn't recognise the language but I presume it was All
India Radio Nepali service via Delhi. I did try listed \\ 7250 but Vatican
Radio was using the frequency. (Noel R. Green-UK, wwdxc BC-DX June 10)
4677.5 Sam Nuea hrd June 10 from 1158.5 tune w/ local inst/vocal
mx to 1200 UT, woman ann 1200, program tune 1200-01, woman ann to 1201.5
then short mx and into a man ann alternating w/ woman ann and a few short
music spots (just a few sec each) at 1202. May have been some remote
reports, but couldn't be sure. Believe 1200 prgm is a relay of National
Service news. Woman ann w/ s/off at 1231.5 and carrier off at 1232.5.
SINPO 25432 w/ ocnl peak to S3 after 1215. Signal gradually improved after
1215. (Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, DXplorer June 11)
(Source: WWDXC-Top News BC-DX #812)