
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Blog Logs

Thanks again to Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts for this weeks newsletter. Best of DX your way.
Gayle VH

All times UTC // parallel frequencies heard

4409.8 Radio Eco (tentative) 0042-0102+, 2-Sep; Low-key Spanish vocal tunes; Male announcer's Spanish text, but too buried to copy. (Frodge-MI)

3279 LV del Napa (Tena). 0516-0526. 3 Sept 07. Spanish. OM with church service including responsive prayers. Fair. (Wood, TN). 6125 HCJB 0930-10 8/19/07 Andean kid howling music, talks. Fading at 10 UTC when killed by 6120 Radio Japan via Sackville splatter. Some QRM from modern woodpecker bursts. Next day Andean music, but no kid
howling. Another day I taped this, and it had the radar bursts throughout. (Russell)

4780 Radio Cultural Coatan; 0108-0121+, 2-Sep; Spanish anuncios events & peppy music bumper between items. ID @0119 as Radio Coatan, without Cultural, then camp'o music. SIO=323, roar QRM-SSB no help; no sign of swiper which is strong on 4785. (Frodge-MI)

15085 VOIRI 1842 in French. Fair but heard most days. //13755 poor. 20 Sept. (LC)

6095 RNZI 1011 8/19/07 RNZ ID, pgm about journalists protesting job cuts, and content trivialization. (Russell)

9720 Radio Victoria OXC4C; 2335-2409+, 1/2-Sep; Preachy M in SS; mentioned Lima & onda corta several times & la palabra del dia(not Dio); several short music selections; Top of the hour announcement muffled but included Beethoven's 5th. New religious program at 2401 with M&W in Spanish. ID @2407, "La programa de Dios ... Radio Victoria ...". SIO=222 with occasional decent peaks; need LSB to avoid Rev. Barbi via Costa Rica on 9725. Possibly //6020, but too tough to tell due to mess there. @2355 6020 covered by OC, then CRI s/on @2400 in English. (Frodge-MI)


7270 Voice of Turkey missing on Sept. 3. On September 4 at 0310 I noted them back w/nx read by announcer, then music with poor to fair signal. Checked with news //5975 only to find out it had a totally different program-nx read by a man. The frequency was 5975.02. (LC-MI)


Laser Hot Hits International 6925/AM, 2050-2116+, 2135, 1-Sep; Relay by Dr. Benway per FRN post. Brit-accented M with Euro-pop. ID & Merlin drop repeated. SIO=353 (Frodge-MI)

WBNY Bunny Radio. 6925.1/U, *2353:37-2400:23*, 2/3-Sep; Alan Weiner bits & Cmdr. Bunny announcement and bumper sticker offer. SIO=2+53 (Frodge-MI)
(Source: MARE Tip Sheet # 456 via Ken Zichi)