
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

New DX program on Chile's Radio Esperanza

6090 kHz - New DX program on SW through the waves of Radio Esperanza, 6090 kHz, from Temuco city, from September 28th, its name "Esperanza DX", produced by Comision de Radioescuchas de FEDERACHI and edited by Hector Frias & Luis Valderas, from Santiago. The same will be broadcasted the first & last Friday of the month, in Spanish, at 1710 UTC up to October 13, and at 1610 UTC from October 14, 2007. Source: Hector Frias, via Eduardo Penailillo Barra, CHL. (Gabriel Barrera-ARG, wwdxc BC-DX Sept 27)
(Source: World Wide DX Top News-BC-DX 827)