
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Blog Logs

Thanks to Hans Johnson for the followings logs and information from Contact May DX News.
Gayle VH

Radio Algerienne now being relayed via Sines 0400-0600 on 7150, 2000-2100 on 9765 and 2100-2300 on 7150. Also via Skelton 0400-0600 on 7260, 2000-2100 on 11810, 2100-2300 on 9710. (Wolfgang Bueschel)

Radio Racja in Belarus via Lithuania is now 1530-1730 on 6145.

China Radio International in English is now being relayed by CVC Chile 1200-1400 on 15440, well heard here 1345 April 15. (Mike Barraclough)

Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation schedule is now 2215-2245 Friday, Saturday and Sunday on 5930 7210 and 9760. (Aoki A08 list)

Czech Republic
Radio Prague is issuing a special QSL card on the occasion of the eighty fifth anniversary of Czech Radio's first regular broadcast. If you'd like to obtain your own copy, make sure to send us a reception report from our programme on the exact date of the anniversary, May 18 2008. (Alokesh Gupta, Radioactivity blog)

Broadcasts from HCJB Global Voice's shortwave station in Ecuador will continue at least through October 2008 as the Quito airport authority has granted the mission's request to postpone the dismantling of its shortwave radio towers. HCJB's agreement two years earlier with the Quito Airport Corporation (CORPAQ) had required the mission to remove the towers in Pifo to make way for a new international airport. "We asked for an extension last fall," explained Doug Weber who directs mass media for HCJB Global Voice in Latin America. "We were first granted a six-month extension, and now we've been granted a full year. We will continue to broadcast after the 2008 deadline on the remaining antennas for as long as we feel is reasonable and prudent." (HCJB Global News)

Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia is scheduled Tuesdays 1400-1430, EOTC Holy Synod Radio Mondays 1600-1700 and Addis Dimts Radio Sundays 1600-1700 all using 17875 via Samara. (TDP website, Aoki A08 list) Ethiopians for Democracy is scheduled via Werchatal 1700-1759 on 13820 Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. (Wolfgang Bueschel)

Voice of Tigray Revolution being heard on 5950 around 1825 after VOIRI signs off, generally fair to good reception now that adjacent channels are clear especially now that there is no DRM on 5955. Station signs off at 1900. (Edwin Southwell)

Radio Democracy Shorayee is scheduled 1700-1800 on 12120 via Samara Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. (TDP website, Aoki A08 list)

Denge Mezopotamya schedule is now 0400-1800 on 11530, 1800-2000 on 7540 both via Ukraine. (TDP website, Aoki A08 list)

Suab Xaa Moo Zoo in Hmong-Blue and Njua is scheduled 2300-2400 on 11655 via Taiwan. (TDP website, Aoki A08 list)

T8BZ High Adventure Ministries heard in Belgium April 19 on 15725 at 1010 with religious programme The Kingdom of God. (Maurits van Driessche, Hard Core DX)

Radio Pilipinas schedule is now 1730-1930 Tagalog on 9395 11720 and 15190, 0200-0330 English on 11880 15285 15510. (Aoki A08 list)

6005, BBC Indian Ocean Relay Station verified a direct report to Victoria with a frequency/time confirmation letter in 41 days from verification signer Albert Quatre, Senior Engineer (VT Communications, BBC Indian Ocean Relay Station, P. O. Box 448, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles). He mentions in the letter that they have
two Marconi 250 kW B6131 transmitters using Pulse Width Modulation and that the antenna system consists of six Marconi 4 band arrays strung across four towers (Rich D`Angelo, Pennsylvania)

Radio Sweden has replaced 11540 with 11590 for English 1530-1600. (Mike Barraclough)

Voice of Tajik English service heard opening at 1700 April 14 with identification and news on 7245, news summary again at 1730, rest of broadcast seemed to be music. Fair signal on clear channel but adjacent channel interference from 7240 and 7250. (Mike Barraclough)

Radio PMR now noted on 12135 1400-1700, very strong signals. 15 minutes of English at 1400, 1445, 1530 and 1615 followed by French and German. Transmissions are Monday to Friday. North American service announced as 2215-2345 on 6040 with English at 2215
and 2300. (Edwin Southwell, Mike Barraclough)

Germany: Wolfgang Bueschel, UK: Edwin Southwell, USA: Rich D'Angelo. Until next month
(Source: Hans Johnson/Cumbre DX)