
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Croatian Radio logs via shortwave

All times UTC // parallel frequency

3984.85, Croatian Radio-Voice of Croatia, 0200-0214, April 26, English "Croatia Today" program with news, sports & weather. IDs. Weak. Very good on // 7285-via Germany. Spanish at 0230. (Brian Alexander, PA)

3984.86, Croatia Radio, 2345-0005+, April 25-26, Euro-pop/ballads. Croatian news at 0000. Weak. Not heard earlier at 2230 check. Much stronger on // 7285, 9925 - via Germany. Not usually heard on 3 frequencies at once. (Brian Alexander, PA)

via Germany, 9925, Croatian Radio-Voice of Croatia, 2215-2229, April 25, English "Croatia Today" with news sports, & weather. IDs. Very good. Heard on // 6165 with a weak signal for 1 minute at 2215-2216* before pulling plug. Noticed
// 7285 at 2216-2229 with a good signal strength but co-channel QRM from WYFR-Albania. 3985 not heard. Spanish at 2230 on 9925 & 7285. (Brian Alexander, PA)

3984.86 Hravatski Radio (t): 0337-0408+, 15-Apr; Mix of pop and C&W style tunes, none familiar. Brief anmt before 0400, ? Radio then tones, then W in eastern Euro local language -probably news. Back to music @0405, but occasionally covered by strong trill. In AM, but need USB to kill ARO. Buried w/occasional fair peak. (Harold Frodge, MI/Cumbre DX)

Croatia - Summer A-08 of HRT HS-1 in Croatian via Deanovac:0457-0756 on 6165 DEA 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu/NoAf
0757-1356 on 9830 DEA 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu/NoAf
1357-2056 on 6165 DEA 100 kW / non-dir to WeEu/NoAf
2057-0456 on 3985vDEA 010 kW / non-dir to WeEu/NoAf
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX Apr 22)
(Source: BC-DX #857, wb, Germany)