
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Voice of Russia World Service celebrates jubilee

This year marks 30 years since the launching of theVoice of Russia World Service in English, formed aspart of the English-language Service of Radio Moscow that was on the air since 1929. On October 3, 1978,the new service began round-the-clock broadcastsbeamed throughout the world.In the run-up to the anniversary we invite you toshare with us your most vivid memories andimpressions, reminiscences of your first encounter with the World Service broadcasts on the airwaves,your impressions of our programs, both of the past andthe present day, recollections about our broadcasters,staff writers, announcers - anything you would like toshare with us and other listeners of the World Service in English. Your letters may be sent to us by the regular mail, bye-mail or voice e-mail. You may record them on a CD or audio cassette. Anything you wish to contribute iswelcome. Your most interesting entries will beincluded in our programs and posted on the web site,and your voice letters - played in our programs on theair. Write to us at: the Voice of Russia World Service, Moscow, Russia, or e-mail to us at: Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
(Source: Sakthi Vel)