
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Security tightens at Malagasy radio and TV over coup rumors

Security has been tightened around the premises of the Malagasy state TV and radio stations following rumours that some military officers were planning to stage a coup, the independent newspaper Les Nouvelles web site reported on 27 May.
About eight armed soldiers have been deployed around the offices of the Television Malagasy (TVM) and Radio Nationale Malagasy (RNM) in the capital Antananarivo in a bid to control movements by staff. The Les Nouvelles web site said details are “still sketchy” on the alleged plot.
An unnamed official of the radio downplayed the deployment and termed the exercise “a simple security measure”.
A renowned presenter with the state TV confirmed the cir rumorsculation of rumours that “some high-ranking army officers were planning to forcefully get in and go live”, while a high-ranking officer with the national gendarmerie confirmed knowledge of the alleged plot, which he said “could be a move to destabilize the country”. He added that “this should not be taken lightly”.
BBCM observed that state TV did not mention any coup rumours and proceeded with normal programming in its 27 May 1000 gmt bulletin.
(Sources: Les Nouvelles website, Antananarivo, in French 27 May 08; Television Nationale Malagasy, Antananarivo, in Malagasy 1000 gmt 27 May 08, both via BBC Monitoring/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)