
Friday, November 28, 2008

All India Radio schedule update

All India Radio

All times UTC
Latest Info:
(From latest printed schedule & others)

Revised schedule of External Services:
Aligarh: (Some transmitters which were off air at Aligarh is now back on air)
7255: 1315-1415 Dari, 1415-1530 Pushtu, (Afghanistan, Pakistan),
1530-1545 English
9620: 1230-1500 Sindhi, 1500-1600 Baluchi (Pakistan)
11620: 0100-0430 Urdu
15770: 0400-0430 Persian, 0430-0530 Arabic (W.Asia), 0845-0945
Indonesian, 1115-1215 Tamil, 1215-1245 Telugu (SE Asia)

5990 : 0100-0200 Sindhi
17875 : 0845-0945 Indonesian (ex 15770)
17895 : 1000-1100 English
The updated SW sked is available in frequency order at:
(Source: Jose Jacob, VU2JOS/National Institute of Amateur Radio/Cumbre DX)