
Friday, November 28, 2008

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

Ascension Island
Relay on 11875 new freq. Star Radio, Monrovia, Liberia *0700-0730, Nov 28, threshold signal at sign on. Slowly improved to a weak but readable level by 0725 with English talk. ID at 0729. Into Cotton Tree News programming at 0730. (Brian Alexander, PA)

via Ascension Island relay, 11875 NF, Cotton Tree News, 0730-0800*, Nov 28, opening “CTN” ID announcements at 0730 and English news. IDs as “C-T-N". Talk about local election during entire broadcast. They usually go into vernacular talk around 0740 but tonight they were entirely in English. Abrupt sign off. Weak but readable at 0730 but improved to a fair level by 0736. (B. Alexander, PA)

6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 0922-0937, Nov 27, Spanish talk. Local music. IDs. Good-strong signal. Very slight QRM from apresumed very weak Brazil on 6134.95. (B. Alexander, PA)

5990, Radio Senado, Brasilia, 0854-0920, Nov 27, local Brazilian music at tune-in. Opening Portuguese ID announcements at0902. Portuguese talk. Local ballads & pop music. Good-strong signal.(B. Alexander, PA)

5240, People's Broadcasting Station, Xizang, 0019-0030, Noted a very weak signal here with a male in Chinese language comments. (C. Bolland, November 27, 2008)

6105, Firedrake, 1516, Nov 25, fair. Find no Firedrake now on 9000. (R. Howard, CA)

6289.73, Egyptian Radio, 0003-0019, Initially noted a female in Arabic(?) comments between North African type music. She is joined later by a male. Signal was fair. (C. Bolland, November 27, 2008)

Equatorial Guinea
5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 2245-2259*, Nov 27, Euro-pop music. Spanish talk. Sign off with National Anthem at 2256. Poor in noisy conditions. (B. Alexander, PA)

15190, R. Africa, 1715-1804, Nov 26 (Wed.); in English, raspy voiced African-American preacher, no program or station ID at end of his program; BoH "Call to Worship", listeners asked to write to Zion Chapel, 937 Royce Avenue, Holland, Michigan, their website lists this as "Radio West Africa" (?) Signal fair till about 1750, when R. Philipinas began to quickly fade in.(R. Howard,CA)

5980 new freq, Voice of Tigray Rev, 0258-0310, Nov 27. tune-in to IS. Talk at 0300. Local Horn of Africa music at 0304. Weak but readable. // 5950 - poor, mixing with Okeechobee, Florida. (Brian Alexander, PA)

4990, AIR Itanagar, 1450-1500, Nov 26, in English with "Newsreel", fair-poor, light QRM from Hunan. Some days Yunan totally dominates here. (R. Howard, CA)

9525.90, Voice of Indonesia, *1001-1010, Nov 28, open carrier starting at 0948. Sign on at 1001 with Indonesian ID announcement. Into English programming at 1002. Weak. Poor in noisy conditions. Too much noise to pull out any program details.
(B. Alexander, PA)

9525.90, Voice of Indonesia, 1005-1015+, Nov 27, tune-in to English news. ID at 1009. Talk about banking system in Indonesia. IDs at 1014. Fair. Only a threshold signal at 1325 check. Reception here on the east coast is usually best at 1000 with only
a weak signal at 1300. (B. Alexander, PA)

5995, RTVM, *0555-0640, Nov 28, sign on with guitar interval signal. National Anthem at 0558. Flute IS along with opening French ID announcements at 0559. Religious recitations at 0602. Vernacular talk. More religious recitations at 0631. Local Afro-pop music & talk at 0638. Fair signal. (B. Alexander, PA)

6240, Radio DMR, 2324-2345 Tuned in with a program in English with a male in news and comments. At 2327 English closed down with ID, Address and URL. This was followed with a segment in the French language. Signal was good. (C. Bolland, November 26, 2008)

6075, Radio Rossii, Kamchatka,1150-1205 Noted two males in Russian language conversation. ID given at 1159 as, (Radio Rossii, ...). On the hour, news given. Signal not yet faded in enough for reasonable listening; but at a poor level, there's no QRM to cause problems.(C. Bolland, FL November 27, 2008)

6055, Radio Rwanda, 2053-2100*, Nov 27, Afro-pop music. English talk with personal messages from listeners. Sign off with short electronic instrumental piece. Fair to poor with co-channel QRM. English listed for Thursday only at 2000-2045 according to WRTH. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Brian Alexander, PA
Chuck Bolland, FL
Ron Howard, CA