
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Eletronic DX Press Radio Monitoring Association to offer anniverary QSL

To commemorate the 13th birthday of the Electronic DX Press Radio Monitoring Association on January 4, 2009, special QSLs are now being issued for all correct reception reports received up to the end of 2009 for "Radio EDXP" programs hosted by various international shortwave broadcasters.

The full color QSLs show Australian scenes and wildlife, and indicate the actual transmitter location and the name of the host broadcaster.

"Radio EDXP" is the EDXP's long-time broadcasting service, offering news reports and schedule updates about international broadcasting, propagation, and monitoring. The programs are known as the "Australian DX Report", and host broadcasters include:

Worldwide Christian Radio (WWCR) - Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Every week, on Sundays, at 0300-0315 and on Mondays at 1245-1300

The Voice of the Andes, HCJB, Quito, Ecuador, each month during the "DX Party Line" English program. The DXPL is broadcast over HCJB-Australia (Kunnunurra, Western Australia), WWCR, WRMI and IRRS (Slovakia)

World Harvest Radio International, T8WH Palau, WHRA Maine, and WHRI Indiana, monthly during the "DXing with Cumbre" English program

Adventist World Radio worldwide network, every month, during the "Wavescan" program, on weekends. This may be heard over transmitters in Guam, Germany, and WRMI.

Reports must include sufficient details for validation purposes, and indicate the date (UTC), time (UTC), frequency, quality of reception, and
interference effects, and should be sent to:

Radio EDXP, 404 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert, Victoria 3127, Australia

Return postage is mandatory - A$2 in mint Australian stamps (for Australian addresses), one IRC or US$1 elsewhere

Radio EDXP electronic QSLs are also available and reports may be submitted either by Email, to or via the on-line Reception Report Template. You "pick up" your E-QSL at a special Website after you have received an E-mail notification from EDXP.

The Template is at

Radio EDXP is also available via the Internet, with a new episode produced each week, and may be accesssed at

Formed in January 1996, in Melbourne, Australia, the EDXP is a society to bring together relevant information about World Radio High Frequency Broadcasting, and Australian domestic broadcasting, in a structured and timely manner. Information is contributed by members or researched by the EDXP administration. Most members reside in Australia.

Special free guest membership is available at

The EDXP pioneered the use of electronic mail in Australia for collaboration between members, and celebrates its 13th birthday on January 4, 2009, moving into its 14th year of continuous operations.

Good listening to Radio EDXP, nsd your reception reports would be appreciated!

Bob Padula
(Cumbre DX)