
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Nobel Peace Prize for Democratic Voice of Burma ?

The Irrawaddy, Oct. 2, 2010, editorial: "The winner of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize will be announced on Oct. 8. ... The Nobel Committee, composed entirely of Norwegians, will select the winner from the 237 persons and organizations that have been nominated for the prize. The Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB)—a Burmese-language satellite TV and shortwave radio organization run by exiled journalists—is considered a top candidate to win... . If the Nobel Committee announces that the Oslo-based DVB has won the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize, The Irrawaddy believes that it will be a significant achievement not only for the DVB but also for all Burmese media—both those in exile and those inside the country, as well as citizens journalists—who are struggling to cover a country ruled by one of most brutal military regimes in the world which is determined to censor all media critical of the junta." Despite DVB's notoriety, BBC, VOA, and RFA have larger audiences in Burma.
(Kim Elliott blogspot)

Democratic Voice of Burma, an active clandestine station broadcasting on shortwave in Burmese, may be heard on the following schedule. Broadcast are targeted to Asia.

All times UTC
0000-0030 9490
1430-1500 17625
1500-1530 15480 17625
2330-0000 9490
(Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager/Monitoring Times)