
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*

Logs edired for clarity

4716.731, Radio Yura, 0124-0135. So far - a fair signal with a program of music being heard. Music of typical Bolivian style with plenty of flutes. Signal peaked at a fair level periodically. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

5921.281, Radio San Miguel, 0120-0130. Very weak signal with no audio heard. This can used as a reference since only the preesentation was available. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

5952.49, Radio Pio Doce Veinte, 0113-0135. Spanish with lots of male/female announcer banter. A bit of music, five time pips at 0130. Signal poor-fair in ECCS-LSB with 5950silent. Also heard 0043-0102 on subsequent logging with live events during poor signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH). Heard on 5952.45, 0000-0117 in Spanish. (Brian Alexander, PA). Heard this frequency at 0137-0203 in Spanish. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)

6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, *0857-0925. Station sign-on with choral music and Spanish talk. Flute interveal signal at 0858, followed by opening Spanish ID announcements at 0859. Santa Cruz song at 0900 into ads, jingles and Bolivian music for fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA) Heard 0005-0020 on 6134.837 kHz. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

4915.03, Radio Daqui, 0925-0935. Portuguese religious music to announcements. Heard on // 6080.02. Both freqs weak. (Brian Alexander, PA).

6010.02, Radio Inconfidencia, 0045-0105. Portuguese talk during poor signal quality's channel splatter. Very weak identified station on 6009.85, perhaps Colombia's Conciencia // 15189.99. (Brian Alexander, PA).

6165, RNT, 2215-2231.* French talk to Afro-pop music, including a remake of a Michael Jackson tune. Sign-off with national anthem at 2230. Signal poor. (Brian Alexander, PA).

7270, Nei Menggu PBS, 1205-1240.+ Presumed with odd Mongol-sounding vocals. Female announcer continued past 1230. Not heard on 9750 which used to be parallel. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)

9730, Voice of the Broad Masses, *0258-0315. Sign-on with intervanl signal and veernacular talk at 0300. Horn of Africa music during poor signal quality with adjacent channel splatter. Stronger on // 7174.99. (Brian Alexander, PA).

4055, Radio Verdad, 1125. Preacher in English ending with mentions about Guatemala. Female's Spanish announcement to hymns through 1130. Good signal. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

5939.85, Radio Voz Missionaria, 0530-0545. Portuguese religious programming to music. Poor signal with adajacent channel splatter // 9665.10 weak but readable. (Brian Alexander, PA).

7125, Rdiff Nationale, 2210-2257.* French talk and wide variety of Afro-pop, high-life, and rustic tribal music. Abrupt sign-off for fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA) Heard on 7125, 0653-0700 in French. (Jim Evans, TN).

9425, AIR-Bengaluru/National Channel, *1318. AIR interval signal to female announcers mention of "Vande Mataram," followed by same tune. Fair signal. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).

3345, RRI-Ternate, 1145. Islamic sounding music and woman's mention of Islam. Continued Islamic music for poor signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada). 3344.97, 1107-1130 with local programming and lite pop music. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX).

9235, Galei Tzahal, 0055-0125. New frequency as reported, ex 6977 kHz. Signal weak and poor quality in noisy conditions, heard // on 15850 kHz poor - to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)

11960, Radio Jordan (Al Kharana) (presmued) 0446-0449. Arabic service including Middle East pop music with female's announcements. Signal poor but steady. (Jim Evans, TN).

15540, Radio Kuwait, 1856-1901. English service of rock music and station ID at 1900. program discussing the achievements of women in Kuwait. Very strong signal. (Jim Evans, TN).

15215, Voice of Africa (Sabrata) 1847-1850. Hausa talk to brief burst of music. Good signal with fading. (Jim Evans, TN).

9835, RTV Malaysia/Sarawak FM, 1045-1100. Malaysian talk to pop music. Announcements at 1048 and Islamic sounding music. Qu'ran recitations at 1054, followed by dramatic text over music. Time pips at 1100 and additional announcements.(Jim Evans, TN).

7245, ORTM, *0557-0605. Abrupt sign-on with Qu'ran recitations. Good signal strength. (Brian Alexander, PA). Noted on 7245, 0617-0620 in Arabic. (Jim Evans, TN).

7220, Trans World Radio, 0540-0546. Polish service. Interval signal to music at 0544. Opening announcements at 0545, followed by talk. Weak signal noted with fading and amateur radio interference. (Jim Evans, TN).

9704.99, LV du Sahel, 2210-2259.* Vernacular talk to Afro pop tunes. Rustic tribal music to Qu'ran at 2254. Short flute interval signal at 2257 to national anthem. (Brian Alexander, PA).

Northern Marianas
9670, Radio Nederland (Tinian), 1110-1112. Dutch service of male/female's chat. Good signal strtength with a bit of fading. (Jim Evans, TN).

Papua New Guinea
3385, Radio East New Britain, 1151. Announcer's in Tok Pisin language to local songs, and news at 1200. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada). Heard on 3385, 1142-1210.+ in Tok Pisin, worsening after 1200. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)

5921.293, Radio Bethel, 0025-0035. Can't hear musch with the stronger signal from WHRI, but noted a presentation from Betel periodically. (Charles Bolland, FL).

6172.897, Radio Tawantinsuyo (tentative), 0110-0120. Found a weak signal here, with possible female's comments. Strong signal on 6175 kHz is sucking the audio out of the carrier on 6172.897 kHz. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

15285, Radio Pilipinas/VOP. Randomly from 0203 to 0330.* Sunday's they have a completely different format than any other day. English songs from Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr., to two female's chatting about religion. Station off with national anthem - started as poor signal and came up to almost fair. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).

Sri Lanka
12130, Radio Mashaal (presumed), 1117-1126. Pashto service and talk from male/female duo. Weak signal with fading, above the noise level about 50% of the time. (Jim Evans, TN).

15745.01, SLBC, *0125-0140. Sign-on with local drums. National anthem at 0126, followed by more local drums and local music. Opening English ID and preview of upcoming programs. Lite instrumental music at 0131. Signal poor-fair. (Brian Alexander, PA).

6220, WYFR relay, 1122-1131. Burmese religious sermon by slow-talking male preacher. Moderate signal streength with a fit of signal flutter. (Jim Evans, TN).

7260, Radio Thailand via Udon Thani, 1108-1117. Vietnamese service with talk and traditiobal music at 1112. Station ID and noted schedule in English at 1114. Chimes at 1115 into English and presumed Cambodian IDs and possible Cambodian program. (Jim Evans, TN).

7575, Voice of America relay, 1206. English service discussing Mumbai bombing. Fair signal, heard on // 12150 Philippines. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

15275, Radio Thailand, 0039-0102. English business news to sports report. Take on Thailand tourism promo to Weather Flash. Many station IDs, time pips, and chimes. Announcement as, "the time is now eight am in the Kingdom of Thailand." Choral national anthem into Thai. Signal poor-fair. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).

3945, Radio Vanuatu, 1214. Woman's announcement in presumed Bislamic, followed by orchestral anthem and silence at 1216. Fair signal with occasional amateur radio interference. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

9780.14, Rep. of Yemen Radio, 0306-0355.+ Irregular, on the air earlier than usual with Arabic talk. Traditional Arabic music for good signal quality. (Brian Alexander, PA)