
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Blog Logs

Thanks to this editions contributors. What are you hearing ?

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*

Logs edited for clarity


6100, Radio Afghanistan 1525-1628. Abruptly on the air at 1625. Talk and telephone interviews from male/female duo in unid language (?Dari or Pashto) Station ID in English, and frequencies announced as FM 93.0 and shortwave 6100. English news, song and talk on Ramadan at 1548. Closing announcements at 1556, followed by another vernacular song. Urdu service noted at 1602, ID, frequencies announced again as before. Newscast to 1611, followed by music and commentary of current affairs. Urdu song at 1621closing announcements at 1627. Abruptly off the air at 1628. Good, clean signal. (Alokesh Gupta, India).

Ascension Island
6005, BBC relay, 0447. Network Africa program reporting on persecution of gays in Ghana. Good signal, // 6190 SOuth Africa fair. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

9745, Radio Bahrain, 2357-0020. Carrier = USB. Audible after Romania 2357 sign-off. Local Middle Eastern music to local chants and Arabic talk. Local pop music, signal poor - fair. (Brain Alexander, PA).

11930, Radio Belarus International, 0359-0409. Belarusian announcements at 0359 with low side interference from Radio Japan via Bonaire relay. Time pips on the hour to newscast with field reporters. In the clear after Bonaire's sign-off at 0400. (Jin Evans, TN).

3310.011, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0001-0015. Female's Spanish newscast, followed by Bolivian music. Signal poor, but with promise. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz, 0034-0045. Actually listening to this station for almost an hour before I started to do the logging. Male announcer in Spanish commenting prior to the musical selections. At 0045, announcer is joined by another as conversation begins. Signal noted at fair level. (Charles Bolland, FL).

4930, Voice of America relay, 0431. English service in poor signal quality, heard on // 4960 via Sao Tome, also of poor quality. Noted also on 15580, 0524 with Daybreak Africa program.(Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

4877,060 Radio Difusora (presumed)0045-0055. Noted a weak signal with musiic and commotion. Nothing steady as the noise kept pushing the signal down to nothing. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

11600, Radio Bulgaria, 0630. Switch from French to English at 0600, followed by station ID. SINPO 44434. Station ID, time/frequency quote into News Report. Sports and weather report to music program at 0638. Fair signal. (Nick Rumple, NC/ptsw)

6070, CFRX Toronto, 0547. Comedy show to station ID. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

6080, China Radio International relay, 0432. In the Spotlight porgram (English) profiling a movie projectionist. Very good signal quality, with a tracer of VOA interference. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

5925.00, China National Radio, 1050-1100. Male announcer in Chinese with comments during the period with a parallel signal on 7620 kHz. The signal on 5925 was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

13620, Radio Dabanga (to Sudan), 0430-0459. Followed by Wertachtal, Germany outlet of S-9 + 30dB at 0500-0557. Station identification sung by male at 0511. This broadcast channel suffer from some klanking 'metal drum radio' - like noise. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany/HCDX).

5910, Radio Alcaravan, 0637. Spanish ID "desde Colombia Alcaravan Radio." Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

6050, Radio Havana Cuba, 0448. DXers Unlimited program with Arnie Coro. Serious transmitter problems, low audio and hum // 6000 also has low audio but no hum noted. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

4780, Radio Djibouti, 0327-0345. Starting to fade-in at freq check. African type music, followed at 0333 with vernacular comments. (Charles Bolland, FL).

6030, Radio Oromiya, *0322-0340. Sign-on with marimba interval signal. Opening announcement to 0330 in listed service as Oromo. Local horn of Africa style music at 0333Weak signal with adjacent channel splatter. Must use ECSS-LSB to avoid noise on high side, but in the clear with Radio Marti off the air on UTC Mondays. Barely audible by 0340. (Brian Alexandr, PA).

11995, Radio France International, 0444. English service with news from France. Good signal, // 9805 fair. Heard 11615, 0610, // 17800(Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

9910, Trans World Radio, 1124-1131. Chinese talk from lady announcer that included web and postal address. Upbeat contemporary Christian music at 1129. Talk overs from announcer at 1130. Good signal with minimal fading. (Jim Evans, TN).

4055, Radio Verdad, 0455. Spanish religious hymns, occasional announcements. Recheck at 0513 with American preacher in English. Poor signal. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

3289.992, Voice of Guyana 0007-0015. English programming announcemenrs, followed by upcoming music promos. Signal fading in to a fair level as the time passed. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

5010, All India Radio, 0011-0015. Carriner on frequency at 0011 without audio. Expecting Thirovananthapuram to come up to 0020 if they stick to their scheduled being time at 0020.At 0018, heard the usual interval signal(flute and other instruments). AT 0020 noted group singing heard and followed by commenrs in Hindi. Signal fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

6145, Athmeeya Yathre Radio, (presumed) 0115-0129. Station rather weak with noise observed. Flute melody opening to female's comments for almost 15 minutes in the Telugu language. At 0129 noted an interval signal type music melody for a few seconds, then off the air. Poor signal quality. (Chuck Bolland, FL). station formerly known as Gospel for Asia - ed.

9525.96, Voice of Indonesia, 1110-1116. Female announcer's comments, but can't ID the language. Signal of VOI is threshold or worse. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

9680.05, RRI Jakarta 1102-1115. Just caufht the end of the opening station ID for this hour which was followed with the national anthem and another promo that mentioned "Jakarts." More Indonesian comments amid fair signal. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

13740, VOIRI, 0340-0345. Lady announcer's Dari items and a few bars to local music between statements. Poor to moderate signal with fading. (Jim Evans, TN).

9235, Galei Zahal 0346-0350. Hebrew service with pop music and talk from female announcer. Poor signal with fading, slightly stronger on // 15850. (Jim Evans, TN).

15680, Radio Kuwait, 0341-0346. Pashto talk from announcer. Occasionally joined by a comments (on the scene ?). Poor signal with fading. (Jim Evans, TN). Heard on 15540, 1905 with English service. (Nick Rumple, NC/ptsw)

5010.02, Radio Madagasikara, 0322-0355. Carrier + LSB. Talk in listed Malagasy. Station ID at 0325 to local pop music. Fair signal quality. (Brian Alexander, PA). Noted on this frequency at 0027-0035. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

6050, RTM, Asyik FM, 1345. Malay, DJ took several phone calls, Malaysian pop songs, 1400 time pips, woman with announcement and then man with intro to “Radio Suara Islam” over fanfare music, 1401 Islamic singing by male chorus. Good signal. John Wilkins noted the exact frequency was 6050.02 and Ron Howard was listening at the same time today and confirms it was almost exactly on 6050 today (Aug 9). Thus I have revised the logging.
(Harold Sellers, BC)

7245, Radio Mauritanie, 0529. Already on because of Ramadan, included Islamic chants. Very good signal. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

9800, Trans World Radio, 0658. Tune-in during interval signal to 0700. Station's English sighn-on "good morning, this is T - W - R Monaco." Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

New Zealand
15720, Radio NZ International, 0437. Lay and two male's discussing the loss of a tree somewhere. Good signal quality; 11725m 0646 with news, sports report and station ID. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

North Korea
15180, Voice of Korea, 0331-0336. French service. Classical vocal music followed by announcer's chat. SIgnal poor to moderate with some fading. Slightly stronger on // 11735(Jim Evans, TN). Heard this frequency at 0140 in English (Nick Rumple, NC/ptsw).

4824.45, La Voz de la Selva (presumed)0050-0100. Not much of a signal noted and just barely audible. Male's Spanish noted between music selections. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4940.00, Radio San Antonio, 1030-1045. Noted two males in Spanish with comments, impossible to hear their comments amid the noise and signal was very poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

17825, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 0356-0400.* Russian talk from announcer's into station IDs and announcements to 0358. Gone at 0400. Good signal with only a bit of fading. Weaker on // 9845 (via Biblis). (Jim Evans, TN).

9545, Deutsche Welle reply, 0614. English programming including ID, business and sports news. Very good signal. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

13775, Voice of Russia via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 0433. English with two announcer's conversation about Russian nationalism. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

7240, Deutsche Welle relay, 0440. English program, Digital Europe to station ID. Fair signal quality, // 6180 fair via Portugal. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada). Relay noted on 15275, 0600 in English. (Nick Rumple, NC/ptsw).

South Africa
3320.0, Radio Sonder Grense, 2353-2359. At tune in, noted male/female in coversatin to music at 2358. Continued comments in Afrikaans and a promo. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

Sri Lanka
15745, SLBC, 0220. American pop/rock music program in progress at tune-in. Musical jingle ID. (Nick Rumple, NC/ptsw)

13720, Sudan Radio Service, 0403-0406. Arabic talk from announcer duo amid weak signal with fading. (Jim Evans, TN).

United Kingdom
17610, Deutsche Welle relay, 17610. Sounding like a newscast program in progress with German topics. Faded completely below noise level at 2027. (Nick Rumple, NC/ptsw).

3215, WWCR, 0330-0358. Pastor's religious comments and prayer. Noted live ID as, "this is World Wide Christian Radio." Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

11870, KNLS, Anchor Point, Alaska 1200-1206. Interval signal and station ID, repeated IS to 1201. Opening announcements to gospel music program at 1202. Signal poor-moderate with some fading, but in the clear. (Jim Evans, TN).