
Monday, February 03, 2014

New decisions on the way for Deutsche Welle

"To achieve our goals for the next four years, we now need to create the program-related conditions," the director said at the 20th January before employees in Berlin and Bonn. The Board had on 17 January agreed on necessary measures programmliche. "They create the framework in which we implement our ideas of creative and modern journalism and position ourselves as a global information provider from Germany," said Limbourg.

It is intended to focus on English and on successful regional languages. English is the journalistic "flagship" and thus developed into an internationally competitive offer. DW wants their potential in the target group of global decision-makers and participants exploit the political opinion-forming process. At the same time the news surfaces are expanded in the German TV channel and structured the program clearer. The DW Director: "German is an important language for the DW." In the online sector a German-speaking community is built on and German courses are developed.

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