
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Madagascar World Voice tentatively plans for winter schedule

Thanks to WWDXC Top News, for including MWV "proposed" winter scheduling. As noted, these are to be considered as a "tentative" schedule plan.

Planned MWV - a lot of Madagascar entries under MDG MWV WCB tentatively in B-16 winter season

All times UTC

9710 0100 0200 41,42S             100  40  15 218 Eng
7390 0200 0300 12-13,14N,14SE,15  100 250 -15 218 Spa
7390 0300 0400 12                 100 265   0 218 Spa
15670 0300 0400 41,42S             100  40 -15 218 Eng
11825 0400 0500 36SE,37,38W,46,47W 100 295 -30 218 Eng
17530 0400 0500 43,44W,49NW        100  55 -15 218 Chn
9570 1800 1900 19,20,29,30W       100 355  30 218 Rus
17640 1800 1900 36SE,37,38W,46,47W 100 310 -15 218 Eng
9540 1900 2000 19,20,29,30W       100 355  30 218 Rus
11945 1900 2000 38E,39,40NW,40S,48N100 355  30 218 Ara
13710 2000 2100 38,46NE,47N        100 340  15 218 Ara
17640 2000 2100 36SE,37,38W,46,47W 100 295 -30 218 Eng
11610 2100 2200 27S,28SW,37N       100 325   0 218 Chn
9535 2200 2300 43,44W,49NW        100  55  30 218 Chn
11790 2200 2300 38,46NE,47N        100 325   0 218 Ara
(wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 22)