
Monday, September 26, 2016

TWR Africa medium wave to apply for second license

1566  - second medium wave transmitter for TWR Africa

Trans World Radio plans to apply for a second license for broadcasts from its present site located in western Africa.

The first transmitter on 1566 kHz went on the air in 2008. Years ago, the Protestant missionary broadcaster also announced plans for a short wave transmitter, but this idea was evidently dropped.

The 200 kW-transmitter will broadcast on a medium wave frequency. Although the frequency is not yet announced.
(Prof. Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 26)

Join us in seeking God for ministry expansion in West Africa.

Dear praying TWR friends, colleagues and partners,

Some time ago a plan was conceived to extend TWR Africa's broadcasts to focus more fully on Nigeria in West Africa. Over time God watered the seeds of this plan until it matured into a firm resolution to see more of the 180 million people of Nigeria served with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our bold plan sees the installation of a second 200 kW AM transmitter at the present TWR West Africa Transmitter Station (WATS) along with a suitable antenna system to cover Nigeria. The granting of a second broadcast license is therefore critical as it will enable us to broadcast
for more hours to Nigeria and surrounding countries. Imagine the impact that these broadcasts would have on the people of West Africa but more specifically on those in northern Nigeria, hotbed of religious radicalism and also one of the least reached regions on the African continent.

With this prayer appeal we ask that you, our fellow workers in the Gospel, stand with us for 15 weekdays of earnest and committed prayer for God's will to be done related to getting a license, building up the transmitter and starting broadcasts. Thank you dear brothers and sisters, for standing
in this spiritual battle with us. We believe in the power of corporate prayer before the Throne. May God give us grace and favour!
Branko Bjelajac (D.Sc.)

26 September 2016 (Monday) Pray for God to grant us favor with our license application. Pray that He will give us favor in the eyes of the authorities.

27 September 2016 (Tuesday) Pray that God will ordain things in such a way that we pass swiftly through the process of license application, transmitter installation and broadcasting.

28 September 2016 (Wednesday) Pray for God's favor to rest upon a container with earth moving equipment that is on its way to WATS. Pray that it will arrive safely and pass through the customs process without hindrance.

29 September 2106 (Thursday) Pray that God will start preparing the hearts of millions of potential Nigerian listeners to be reached through the second MW transmitter.

30 September 2016 (Friday) Bring the WATS team before the Lord for wisdom as they ramp up their skills and work output in anticipation of the second transmitter.

Trans World Radio Africa, P.O. Box 4232, Kempton Park, 1620, South Africa
phone + 27 11 974 2885.
(TWR Africa
(WWDXC/Top News 1269)