
Monday, September 26, 2016

Blog Logs-South America

All times UTC  // parallel frequency *sign-on   sign-off*

Logs edited for clarity

3310.00, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 2330-0010. Music and advertisements. After some time I heard them, best in LSB with Quechua program, no ID heard, SINPO 33333. Arrunátegui/Méndez/DSWCI-DX Window 564)

4795, Radio Lipez, 0122. Bolivian music and text, SINPO 34333, Fair signal on You Tube video/audio at: (Daniel Wyllyans, Nova Xavantina MT Brazil/HCDX)

6134.86, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, 2308-2325. Station identification as "en Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz la primera.” Spanish program: “El Chaco Boliviano” to newscast. SINPO 33333. (Arunátegui/DSWCI-DX Window 564)

3375.1, Radio Municipal, São Gabriel da Cachoeira. 0909-0955. Signal fading to announcer's novel echo chamber effect, then female vocalist. (Wilkner/DSWCI-DX Window 564)

4805, Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 0900-1010. Portuguese chat, no music heard. Signal very weak. Also noted weak at 2330 on subsequent check. (Wilkner/DSWCI-DX Window 564)   

4885.02, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 2023-2040. Portuguese comments, SINPO 14321. (Méndez). Also heard at 2318-2320 with Portuguese talk, SINPO 15331. (Mille). Heard at 0310-0432, in Portuguese with ads, talk and music. SINPO 35232. (Beryozkin, D’Angelo and Petersen). Noted 0437-0710, with Brazilian songs, at 0703: "Rádio Clube, Clube da Madrugada", SINPO 24322. (Méndez/DSWCI/DX Window 564)

4895, Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande. Falando da fiscalização do TRE tribunal regional eleitoral do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul e da pagina na internet do TRE Federal. Dia 16 de Agosto 2016 em 11:40 UTC SINPO 34333 Wyllyan/HCDX)

4915, Radio Daqui, Goiânia, 0915-0930. Brazilian pop, male vocal and DJ, good signal. (Wilkner/DSWCI DX Window 564)

4925.2, Radio Educação Rural, Tefé, 2243-0030. Melodic piano solo, SINPO 14321. (Méndez/ Wilkner/DSWCI-DX Window 564)

5035, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 0235. Portuguese reading from the Bible, SINPO 25342. Also confirmed on // 6040, 6135, 9630, 9725, 9819. (Pankov/SWCI-DX Window 564)

5939.9, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, SC, 2328-2330. Portuguese, SINPO 25332. (Mille). Heard at 0440-0447 in Portuguese with religious talks, and music. SINPO 15331. (Beryozkin/DSWCI-DX Window 564)

6040.2, Radio Aparecida program via Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0225. Portuguese with Aparecida rumbling with unidentified station which closed down at 0250.* (Pankov/DSWCI-DX Window 564)
6135.19, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, SP, 0355-0404. Portuguese announcements and religious songs and talks. SINPO 35443. (Beryozkin/DSCI-DX Window 564)

6160, Rádio Rio Mar. Announer's com comerciais sobre ar condicionado e geladeiras e anuncio do progama seguinte da emissora de 09 da manhã. SINPO 34232  (Wyllyans/HCDX)

6180.03, Radio Nacional da Amazônia, Brasilia, 0345-0402. Portuguese talk and weather temps in Brazil. Station ID, song, and phone-in talks. SINPO 45434. (Beryozkin/Petersen-DSWCI-DX Window 654)

9565, Super Radio Deus é Amor, Curitiba, 0405. Portuguese religious talks. SINPO (Beryozkin/-DSWCI-DX Window 654

5910.06, Alcaraván Radio, Puerto Lleras, 0027-0031. Upbeat musical vocalist. Announcer's “las palabras..cuatro de la tarde. (Wilkner). Also heard in Peru at 0240-0305, Latin American music best heard in LSB due to interference rom Radio Japan at 0300. SINPO 33333. (Arrunátegui). Also heard in Spain at 0723-0750, "LLaneras" and other Latin American songs. Station ID: "Alcaraván Radio", SINPO 24322. (Méndez/DSWCI/DX Window 564)

6050.00, Radio HCJB, Pichincha, Quito, 2250-2320. News and religious hymn. Station ID: “Por Radio HCJB.” SINPO 44444. (Arrunátegui/DSWCI-DX Window 654)

4747.06, Radio Huanta 2000, Huari, Ayacucho, 2350-0010. Program “Noticiero Pulso.” News and ads; Cooperativa  San Cristóbal y Santa María de Magdalena por lo más necesitado.” Additional Spanish ads and a Quechua ID: “Radio Huanta 2000.” Program “Noticiero Radio Periódico 2000 edición de noche”, SINPO 44444. (Arrunátegui). Also heard in Florida on 4747.53 at 0010-0023, with Spanish chat, under massive CODAR interference.(Wilkner/DSWCI-DX Window 654)

4774.94, Radio Tarma, Tarma, Junín, 2235-2300. Quackery program, ID: “Por Radio Tarma”, program: “el Ángelus”, SINPO 33333. (Arrunátegui). Also heard in Spain at 2338-2350, with Peruvian songs and Spanish comments, SINPO 14321. (Méndez//DSWCI-DX Window 654)

4985.50, Radio Voz Cristiana, Chilca, Huancayo, 1105-1135. Religious program with music. Ads and station ID: “Radio Voz Cristiana”, (Arrunátegui/DSWCI-DX Window 654)       

5024.92, Radio Quillabamba, Quillabamba, Cusco, 2240-2310. Music, ID: “Radio Quillabamba cumpliendo 50 años..”, program “Comunidad Cristiana Campesina”, SINPO 44444.(Arrunátegui/DWSCI-DX Window 654)