
Thursday, February 01, 2024

New program announced as The Henry Norman Show


7490 (7489.964) kHz - Program announcement  - The Henry Norman Show

Dear Professor Biener, Dear Bernd, Dear Siegbert,

Since Channel 292 is currently silent, I have thought about producing and broadcasting a test program via WBCQ - The Planet.

I am therefore presenting the first program under my artist name as "The Henry Norman Show".

On February 09 at 03.00 UTC,  I will start on the frequency  7490 kHz with a test broadcast for the target area of North America / Western Europe. The time is unfortunately one of the few free slots at the station

So I can't change the transmission time at the moment.

However, you may be able to listen to the program as a podcast on the station's website. I will also be happy to make the program available on request after it has been broadcast.

E-QSL's are available at 

Best regards
Nouri Streichert (Henry Norman)
(Siegbert Gerhard-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 16)
(BC-DX 1568/21 Jan/WWDXC Top News