Monday, March 31, 2008

A08 Media Broadcast schedules

A08 period (30/03/2008 - 26/10/2008)
A08akt_02 31.3.2008 Gesamtplan

frq startstop ciraf azitype day from to loc pow broad
target area remarks

11995 1030-1100 28NE,29W 100 156 NAU 100 PRW Belarus/Ukraine
11915 1030-1059 27 300 216 WER 100 PRW Engl. London
13745 1100-1129 29 60 217 WER 100 PRW Russ. Moskau
13840 1100-1130 29S 90 217 WER 100 PRW Russ. Rostow
5975 1130-1159 28NW 40 805 WER 100 PRW WEUR
5965 1130-1159 28NW ND 926 WER 100 PRW WEUR
9525 1200-1300 27 300 217 WER 100 PRW Engl. London
7330 1200-1300 18 5 156 NAU 100 PRW Skandinav. Stockholm
11835 1300-1329 29 60 216 WER 100 PRW Russ. Moskau
13800 1300-1329 30N,31W 60 217 WER 500 PRW Russ. Omsk
11975 1330-1429 28NE,29W 60 217 WER 100 PRW Belarus/Minsk
9440 1330-1430 28NE,29W 70 216 JUL 100 PRW Belarus/Minsk
11955 1430-1500 29N 45 147 WER 100 PRW Russ. St.Petersb.
11755 1430-1459 29S 75 206 WER 100 PRW Ukraine Kiev
9440 1500-1529 29S 75 206 123456 WER 100 PRW Ukraine Donek
9440 1500-1530 29S 75 216 7 WER 100 PRW Ukraine Donek
11800 1500-1530 29S 75 208 WER 100 PRW Ukraine Kiev
5975 1530-1559 28NW 40 805 WER 100 PRW WEUR
9670*1530-1700 28NE,29W 44 145 MC 100 PRW Lit/Belarus/Ukraine
7265 1700-1759 27 300 206 WER 100 PRW Engl. London
7140 1700-1759 18 20 805 JUL 100 PRW Skandinav. Stockholm
6140 1800-1829 29S,30 75 206 WER 100 PRW Kasachstan
9695 1800-1830 38E,39 115 217 JUL 100 PRW Israel
6175 1830-1930 29S 75 146 WER 100 PRW Ukraine Kiev
6145 1830-1859 29S 75 201 WER 100 PRW Ukraine Donetsk
6050 1900-1930 29N 45 147 WER 100 PRW Russ. St.Petersb.
6135 1930-1959 28NW 40 805 WER 100 PRW WEUR
6110 1930-2000 28NW 130 805 JUL 100 PRW WEUR
7135 2100-2200 27S 220 146 NAU 250 PRW Frankr. Paris
5975 2100-2159 28NE,29W 55 141 WER 100 PRW Lit/Belarus/Ukraine
9640 0030-0045 41 90 216 1 WER 100 PAB India
15205 1400-1415 39N,40 90 216 7 NAU 100 PAB ME
15205 1400-1430 41 90 218 14 JUL 100 PAB India
15205 1415-1430 41 90 218 23567 JUL 100 PAB India C-Start
15205 1430-1445 41 90 216 1 NAU 100 PAB India
15205 1400-1415 29S,39N,40NW104 218 35 NAU 250 PAB Armenia
13830 1601-1631 39,40 100 218 5 JUL 100 PAB ME
13830 1601-1646 39,40 100 218 1 JUL 100 PAB ME
9515 1930-2015 37,38 150 200 1 WER 250 PAB NAF
9515 2000-2030 37,38 150 200 6 WER 250 PAB NAF
9515 1930-2030 37,38 150 200 7 WER 250 PAB NAF
9490 2330-0030 41,49 75 217 WER 125 DVB Myanmar (Burma)
15650 1700-1730 47E,48 135 217 7 WER 125 RMI EAF
5945 1300-1400 27,28 ND 976 1 JUL 100 RTR WEUR
5945 1100-1115 27,28 ND 926 1 WER 250 MWA WEUR
9655 1830-1859 46S,47SE 180 217 WER 500 LWF Nigeria/Cameroon
7320 0000-0100 41 105 216 WER 250 IBC Sri-Lanka WRN
6015*1700-1800 27W,28 45 147 ISS 100 HCJ WEUR
6140 1159-1259 27,28 ND 926 1 WER 100 MVB CEUR 1st Sun
6055 0900-0959 27,28 90 201 1 WER 100 CHW Hungaria
9585 1800-1859 28E,29 75 208 7 WER 125 CHW Rus w/Ukraine
6045 0900-1000 27E,28 ND 926 1 WER 100 HLR WEUR 1st Sun
6055 1030-1100 27,28 ND 926 17 WER 125 EMG WEUR
13710 1100-1130 19-26 20 216 7 NAU 250 EMG EEUR/sibiria
11955 1504-1533 29,30 70 146 7 NAU 250 EMG EEUR
15675 1830-1845 52,53 160 216 35 JUL 100 RRP CAF
13830 1700-1759 38E,39S,48 135 217 1346 WER 500 SBO EAF
11640 1630-1659 38E,39S,48 140 216 36 JUL 100 RHU EAF
13820 1700-1759 38E,39S,48 135 217 5 WER 125 ELF EAF
13820 1700-1759 38E,39S,48 135 217 146 WER 250 EFD EAF
15600 1730-1759 39S,47E,48 145 217 JUL 100 IBR EAF
9675 1900-2030 46N,46SE 210 216 NAU 100 IBR WAF
11915 1730-1800 47,48,52 155 217 JUL 100 IBR CAF/EAF
13840 1800-1859 47,48 150 200 WER 250 IBR Chad/Sudan North
6175 1900-2100 27,28W 300 206 WER 250 TOM UK,WEUR
13810 1400-1459 28,29W,38E,3115 217 JUL 100 TOM NE/ME/SEEUR
17485 1500-1559 46E,47,48W,5160 216 JUL 100 TOM NAF,CAF,SAF
6110 1400-1559 27,28W 290 805 7 0504-261008 JUL 100 TOM UK,WEUR
5945 0700-0815 27,28N 280 156 17 NAU 100 BVB WEUR
5945 0745-0815 27,28N 280 156 6 NAU 100 BVB WEUR
5945 1200-1230 27,28 ND 926 1 WER 40 BVB WEUR DRM
6130 1815-1830 28,29 55 141 24 WER 125 BVB EEUR
6130 1800-1845 28,29 55 141 5 WER 125 BVB EEUR
6130 1800-1830 28,29 55 141 36 WER 125 BVB EEUR
6130 1800-1845 28,29 55 141 7 WER 125 BVB EEUR
6130 1800-1929 28,29 55 141 1 WER 125 BVB EEUR
9430 1800-1859 39,40 120 216 1 WER 250 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
9430 1800-1830 39,40 120 216 7 WER 250 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
9430 1830-1859 39,40 120 216 6 WER 250 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
11830 1830-1959 46,47 160 216 1 JUL 100 BVB CAF (Nigeria)
11830 1931-2000 46,47 195 217 7 WER 125 BVB Togo/Benin/Nigeria
13710 1900-1930 52,53,57 165 216 1 NAU 500 BVB CAF,SAF
11635 0430-0530 48 135 218 7 WER 125 BVB EAF
11635 0430-0500 48 135 218 1 WER 125 BVB EAF
11635 0430-0530 39,40 120 218 2345 WER 250 BVB ME
11635 0430-0545 39,40 120 218 6 WER 250 BVB ME
13810 1600-1759 38S,39S,47,4145 216 234 NAU 100 BVB EAF
13810 1630-1759 38S,39S,47,4145 216 5 NAU 100 BVB EAF
13810 1630-1859 38S,39S,47,4145 216 6 NAU 100 BVB EAF
13810 1600-1830 38S,39S,47,4145 216 7 NAU 100 BVB EAF
13810 1600-1859 38S,39S,47,4145 216 1 NAU 100 BVB EAF
9430 1615-1729 39,40 120 216 246 WER 100 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
9430 1730-1759 39,40 120 216 1 3003-050408 WER 125 BVB NE/ME (ISR)
9430 1700-1759 39,40 120 216 1 0604-261008 WER 125 BVB NE/ME (ISR)
9430 1700-1729 39,40 120 216 35 WER 100 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
9430 1700-1759 39,40 120 216 7 WER 125 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
17535 0900-1000 38,39 135 217 6 WER 125 BVB NE (Egypt)
9635 2000-2030 38,39 150 200 5 WER 250 BVB NE (Egypt)
12140 1530-1730 39,40 100 217 JUL 100 BVB Iran
11875 1800-1859 39,40 105 216 135 JUL 100 BVB Iran
11875 1800-1830 39,40 105 216 246 JUL 100 BVB Iran
11875 1800-1815 39,40 105 216 7 JUL 100 BVB Iran
13590 1530-1845 39,40 115 217 1 3003-050408 JUL 100 BVB NE/ME (ISR)
13590 1530-1815 39,40 115 217 1 0604-261008 JUL 100 BVB NE/ME (ISR)
13590 1545-1615 39,40 115 217 6 JUL 100 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
13590 1545-1600 39,40 115 217 24 JUL 100 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
13590 1545-1800 39,40 115 217 3 JUL 100 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
13590 1545-1829 39,40 115 217 7 JUL 100 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
13590 1545-1645 39,40 115 217 5 JUL 100 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
13590 1730-1759 39,40 115 217 6 JUL 100 BVB NE/ME (Israel)
15680 1400-1459 41 95 218 17 NAU 250 BVB SAS,India,Pakistan
15680 1530-1559 40,41 90 218 17 JUL 100 BVB SAS,India,Pakistan
15680 1515-1559 40,41 90 218 3456 JUL 100 BVB SAS,India,Pakistan
13580 1625-1715 39,40 115 217 36 ISS 250 BVB Yemen
13580 1625-1729 39,40 115 217 245 ISS 250 BVB Yemen
15390 1500-1530 41 95 218 17 NAU 250 BVB SAS,India,Pakistan
15390 1500-1559 41 95 218 256 NAU 250 BVB India/West Bengal
15390 1530-1559 41 95 218 3 NAU 250 BVB India/West Bengal
15390 1515-1559 41 95 218 4 NAU 250 BVB India/West Bengal
9435 1800-1830 37NW 220 805 1 JUL 100 BVB Spain
17650 1530-1559 47,48 135 217 4 WER 100 BVB EAF
7255 2245-2330 49E 75 217 6 WER 250 BVB Vietnam
7255 2300-2330 49E 75 217 7 WER 250 BVB Vietnam
9655 0816-0846 27,28 280 156 7 3003-050408 NAU 40 BVB UK,WEUR DRMC-St
9815 0030-0045 41 75 216 17 WER 500 BVB SAS,India
9490 0030-0100 41 90 217 WER 500 BVB SAS,India
15470 1430-1529 47,48 145 217 123457 JUL 100 BVB Sudan
15470 1430-1544 47,48 145 217 6 JUL 100 BVB Sudan
15610 1200-1230 31S,42N 70 216 23456 NAU 250 BVB NW China
15750 1230-1329 41NW,42S,43S 75 217 WER 250 GFA
15495 1330-1459 41 90 217 WER 250 GFA
13860 1330-1429 41NE,43S,49N 75 217 WER 250 GFA SAS,E-India/Burma
13745 1430-1529 41NE,43S,49N 75 217 WER 250 GFA SAS,E-India/Burma
13750*1530-1630 40E,41NW 85 216 ISS 250 GFA SAS,W-India/Pakistan
9435 0030-0130 40E,41NW 90 217 WER 250 GFA SAS,W-India/Pakistan
9680 2330-0030 41NE,43S,49N 75 218 WER 250 GFA SAS,E-India/Burma
13840 1700-1800 37,38 175 217 JUL 100 YFR NAF
9925 1600-1759 39N,40W 115S217 JUL 100 YFR Turkey
9620 2000-2100 39,40 120 217 WER 125 YFR NE
11895 2000-2100 37,38,46,47 195 217 WER 100 YFR NWAF
3955 1700-1759 27,28 ND 926 WER 100 YFR WEUR
9635 1901-2001 37N 230 146 NAU 250 YFR Portugal
9635 1801-1901 37N 230 146 NAU 250 YFR Spain
15750 1500-1859 47,48 155 218 NAU 500 YFR EAF
11670 1600-1659 40 105 217 WER 500 YFR Iran
11850 1700-1759 40 105 216 NAU 500 YFR Iran
9505 1700-1900 29,30 65 216 NAU 500 YFR Russia
15715 1400-1459 41 90 217 WER 500 YFR SAS,India
15670 1300-1559 41 90 217 WER 500 YFR SAS,India
11680 1600-1759 41 90 217 WER 500 YFR SAS,India
15640 1300-1359 41 90 217 WER 500 YFR SAS,India
15370 1400-1559 41 95 218 NAU 500 YFR SAS,India
15690 1400-1459 41S 105 218 NAU 500 YFR SAS,India
13820 1500-1559 41 75 216 WER 500 YFR SAS,India
12075 1600-1659 41 75 216 NAU 500 YFR SAS,India
11785 1700-1759 41 75 217 WER 500 YFR SAS,India
15350 1300-1459 41E 75 217 WER 500 YFR SAS,Bangladesch
13830 1500-1559 41E 75 217 WER 500 YFR SAS,Bangladesch
13840 1500-1559 41 75 217 WER 500 YFR SAS,Bangladesch
11730 1600-1759 41E 75 217 WER 500 YFR SAS,Bangladesch
7220 1800-1859 28E 110 216 JUL 100 YFR Romania
13645 1600-1659 39 120 218 WER 500 YFR Saudi Arabia
13630 1600-1859 47,48 145 218 NAU 500 YFR EAF
11760 1600-1659 47,48 135 217 WER 500 YFR EAF
15705 1600-1659 46E,47,52N 165 217 WER 500 YFR CAF
11670 1700-1759 39 120 216 WER 500 YFR Saudi Arabia
11600 1800-1859 37E,38 150 217 WER 500 YFR Lybia,Egypt
11855 1800-1859 39 120 217 WER 500 YFR Saudi Arabia
13830 1800-1859 47E,48 135 218 WER 500 YFR EAF
13730 1800-1859 46E,47,52N 165 218 WER 500 YFR CAF
9590 1900-1959 37E,38 150 216 WER 500 YFR Lybia,Egypt
9495 1900-1959 39 120 217 WER 500 YFR Saudi Arabia
9610 1900-2200 46,47,52 180 218 WER 500 YFR Nigeria/Ghana
11610 1900-1959 46,47,52 180 217 WER 500 YFR Cameroon,Gabon
11840 1900-1959 37,46 210 217 WER 500 YFR WAF
5970 2000-2059 37E,38 150 216 WER 500 YFR Lybia,Egypt
9595 2000-2059 46E,47,52N 180 216 WER 500 YFR Cameroon,Gabon
6115 2000-2159 37,38W 210 216 WER 500 YFR Morocco,Algeria
5915 2100-2200 37E,38 150 216 WER 500 YFR Lybia,Egypt
9720 2100-2159 46E,47,52N 180 216 WER 500 YFR Nigeria/Ghana
7115 2200-2300 37,38W 210 216 WER 500 YFR Morocco,Algeria
7285 2200-2300 46S,47W 180 218 WER 500 YFR Nigeria/Ghana
5965 2200-2300 37,46 195 216 WER 500 YFR WAF
9925 2200-0300 11-16 240 216 WER 100 HRT SAM
9925 2300-0300 6-10 300 217 WER 100 HRT NAM East
9925 0100-0500 2-10 325 216 NAU 100 HRT NAM West
9470 0400-0700 55,59,60 240 216 WER 100 HRT NZL
11690 0600-1000 58,59,60 270 217 WER 125 HRT Australia

FMO's Frequency managing Organization
11980 0700-0800 37,38W 210 217 WER 100 AWR
11980 0800-0830 37,38W 210 217 WER 100 AWR
15260 0800-0900 37,38W 210 217 WER 100 AWR
9790 0900-1000 28W 180 216 1 NAU 100 AWR
11780 1730-1759 37,38W 210 217 WER 100 AWR
11730 1900-2030 37,38W 210 216 WER 100 AWR
15205 1900-1930 46SE,47W 200 216 JUL 100 AWR
15205 1930-2000 46SE,47W 165 217 WER 250 AWR
15260 1900-2000 37,38W 200 216 JUL 100 AWR
11755 2000-2100 46SE,47W 180 217 WER 100 AWR
9430 2030-2100 37,38W 210 216 NAU 125 AWR
9545 0300-0330 48 135 216 WER 250 AWR
5915 0300-0329 48 135 216 WER 250 AWR
9815 0330-0400 48 135 218 WER 250 AWR
9735 0400-0430 39,40W 120 216 WER 250 AWR
6185 0500-0600 28E 120 201 WER 100 AWR
15435 1200-1259 41NE 90 217 WER 250 AWR
15320 1300-1500 42,43W 70 218 NAU 250 AWR
15225 1500-1529 41N 90 217 WER 250 AWR
15160 1500-1529 41N 75 217 WER 250 AWR
15160 1530-1559 41N 90 217 WER 250 AWR
15225 1530-1559 41N 75 217 WER 250 AWR
17575*1630-1700 48 135 217 ISS 250 AWR
17575*1730-1759 48 135 217 ISS 250 AWR
11660 1700-1729 39,40W 120 217 WER 250 AWR
7345 1529-1600 28 105 206 7 WER 100 TWR Romania C-Start
5910 1807-1840 28 130 206 2605-010808 JUL 100 TWR Serbia C-St
6105 0642-0820 27 300 206 1 WER 100 TWR England C-Start
6105 0712-0750 27 300 206 7 WER 100 TWR England C-Start
6105 0657-0750 27 300 206 23456 WER 100 TWR England C-Start
9440 1529-1600 29S,39N,40 90 218 23456 WER 100 TWR Armenia C-Start
9505 1626-1659 30S,40 90 218 WER 100 TWR Iran C-Start
7220 1357-1500 28,29,30 60 216 WER 100 TWR Russia C-Start
6015 0459-0557 27S,37N,28SW220 146 3003-280608 NAU 250 RNW
6120 0500-0557 28S 180 146 3003-280608 NAU 250 RNW C-Start
9895 0459-0557 28S 140 216 3003-280608 NAU 250 RNW
9895 0559-0757 27S,37N,28SW210 146 3003-280608 NAU 250 RNW
9895 0759-1057 27S,37N,28SW210 216 17 3003-280608 NAU 250 RNW
9895 0959-1057 27S,37N,28SW210 216 23456 3003-280608 NAU 250 RNW
6035 0659-0757 18,27,28W 300 216 WER 100 RNW
9895 1557-1657 27S,37N,28SW210 146 3003-280608 NAU 250 RNW C-St
6125 1959-2200 27S,37N,28SW210 146 3003-280608 NAU 250 RNW
5955 0557-0757 18,27,28W 0 926 WER 500 RNW C-Start
11935 0659-0757 27S,37N,28SW240 217 3003-280608 WER 250 RNW
6120 0759-1000 27S 255 215 23456 WER 250 RNW
5955 1057-1657 18,27,28W 0 930 17 3003-280608 WER 500 RNW C-Start
5955 1059-1157 18,27,28W 0 930 23456 3003-280608 WER 40 RNW DRM
5955 1157-1259 18,27,28W 0 930 23456 3003-280608 WER 40 RNW DRM C-St
5955 1259-1357 18,27,28W 0 930 23456 3003-280608 WER 40 RNW DRM
5955 1357-1457 18,27,28W 0 930 23456 3003-280608 WER 40 RNW DRM C-St
5955 1459-1657 18,27,28W 0 930 23456 3003-280608 WER 500 RNW
5955 1659-1757 18,27,28W 0 930 WER 40 RNW DRM
9895 1059-1459 27S,37N,28SW225 217 17 3003-280608 WER 250 RNW
9895 1459-1557 27S,37N,28SW225 217 WER 250 RNW
15335 1859-1957 46,47W 183 218 NAU 500 RNW
15535 1759-1957 47E,48,52E,5150 217 WER 500 RNW
15430 1400-1459 39,40 120 217 WER 125 VOR Israel rus
6145 2200-2300 39,40 105 216 WER 100 VOR Iraq arab
9480 0100-0200 8,9 300 217 WER 250 VOR NAM rus
9480 0200-0400 8,9 300 217 WER 250 VOR NAM engl
9725 1500-1659 29 50 218 JUL 100 IBB
7280 0030-0400 40 105 216 WER 250 IBB
6040 1630-1930 40 105 216 WER 250 IBB
7105 1800-1859 40 105 216 WER 250 IBB
9445 1600-1659 29,30 60 208 WER 250 IBB
9510 0200-0330 40 105 216 WER 250 IBB
9695 0230-0330 40 105 217 WER 250 IBB
9770 1600-1659 40 105 216 WER 250 IBB
9760 1700-1759 40 105 216 WER 250 IBB
9805 1900-2000 29,30 60 208 WER 250 IBB
9875 1800-1844 48 150 216 WER 250 IBB
9875 1845-1900 48 135 216 WER 250 IBB
9875 1900-1930 48 135 216 23456 WER 250 IBB
11975 0100-0300 42,43 75 218 WER 250 IBB
13815 1600-1659 30S 90 217 WER 250 IBB
13870 1730-1759 48 150 218 23456 WER 250 IBB
15565 1500-1559 29SE 60 217 WER 250 IBB
6050 1700-1859 28E,29 60 216 WER 250 IBB
9780 1700-1759 40E,41NW 150 216 WER 250 IBB
7115 1700-1759 29 60 201 WER 250 IBB
11780 1600-1630 40 105 217 WER 250 IBB
15115 1430-1629 40 105 217 WER 250 IBB
13725 1400-1600 30S 90 217 WER 250 IBB
17670 1400-1500 40 105 217 WER 250 IBB
11895 1600-1659 30S 75 217 WER 250 IBB
9460 0400-0500 40 105 217 WER 250 IBB
9520 1600-1659 29,30 60 218 WER 250 IBB
9825 0430-0500 19,20,28,29, 60 208 WER 500 NHK rus
15190 0830-0900 38,39,40 105 217 WER 500 NHK pers
17595 1300-1344 41 75 217 WER 500 NHK bengal
17595 1345-1515 41 90 217 WER 500 NHK diverse
7230 1900-1930 40 105 216 WER 250 FEB

Daily, - otherwise stated as
Day 1 = Sunday
Day 7 = Saturday
* changes
+ active on demand
# momentary not active

List of Broadcasters which are using MEDIA BROADCAST technical equipment

AWR Adventist World Radio
BCE Broadcasting Center Europe S.A.
CHW Christliche Wissenschaft
DTK Deutsche Telekom
DVB Democratic Voice of Burma
EFD Ethiopeans For Democracy
EMG Evangelische Missions Gemeinden in Deutschland
FEBA Feba Radio UK
GFA Gospel For Asia
HCJ Voice of the Andes
HLR Hamburger Lokalradio
HRT Hrvratska Radio Televizija
IBB International Broadcast Bureau
IBR IBRA Radio Sweden
LWF Lutheran World Federation (* new)
MWA Missionswerk Arche
MVB Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Baltic Radio
NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
PAB Pan Am Broadcasting
PRW Polish Radio Warsaw
RHU Radio Huriyo (Xoriyo)
RMI Radio Miami International
RNW Radio Netherlands World Service
RRP Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie
RTR Radio Traumland (Belgien)
RWB Radio Waaberi (Somalia)
SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo
TOM The Overcomer Broadcast
TWR Trans World Radio
VOR Voice of Russia
WRN World Radio Network
YFR WYFR Family Radio

Sabine Gawol
Bereich Koeln
Bastionstr. 11-19
52428 Juelich, Germany

(Media Broadcast via WWDXC Mike Bethge-D, transformed from PDF to Ascii
format, Mar 31)
condensed by wb.

* new, just late change of last weekend.
C-Start Crash-start, within a second?

Mr. Brodowsky wrote today afternoon:
"Because of lots "Last-Minute" changes of diverse clients, we could deliver
our summer operational schedule not sooner".
(Souce: wb., wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Mar 31)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Radio Free Asia - A08 Multilingual schedules

RFA does not broadcast in English
Effective: 30 March - 26 October 2008
All times UTC

0030-0130 13820, 13865, 17835
1230-1330 9320, 9455. 13637
1330-1400 9320, 9475, 11540
1400-1430 9320, 11540
1630-1730 7505

Canto Cantonese nese (2 hours daily)
1400-1500 7280, 11595
2200-2300 9355, 11715, 11785

1230-1330 11870, 15525
2230-2330 7580, 13740

1500-1700 1350, 5870, 7210, 7490
1700-1800 1350, 5870, 7465, 9370
1800-1900 1350, 5870, 7210, 7465
2100-2200 1350, 7460, 9385, 9770, 12075

0000-0100 15545, 15690
1100-1200 9355, 15560

0300-0600 TBA
0600-0700 TBA
1500-1600 TBA
1600-1700 TBA
1700-1800 TBA
1800-1900 TBA
1900-2000 TBA
2000-2100 TBA
2100-2200 TBA
2300-0000 TBA

0100-0300 9365, 11695, 11975, 15225, 17730
0600-0700 17510, 17780, 21500, 21690
1000-1100 15460, 17750, 21510
1100-1200 7470, 13830, 15375, 17750
1200-1400 7470, 11590, 11605, 13830, 15375
1500-1600 9370, 11550, 11585, 11795
2200-2300 5865, 7500, 9880
2300-0000 7470, 7500, 9805, 9875

0100-0200 9350, 9490, 11895, 11945, 17640
1600-1700 9350, 9370, 9555, 11750

1400-1500 5855, 9455, 9715, 11605, 11680, 12140
2330-0030 7520, 11580, 11605, 13740, 15535, 15560
(Source: Jose Miguel Romero/HCDX)

RFA On-demand audio:

Radio Canada International - A08 Multilingual schedules

RCI's new schedules for the A08 broadcast season (30 March 2008 to 25 October 2008) have been posted on the "Schedules and Frequencies" page of our website at the following address:

You will find not only our shortwave broadcast schedules, but also the schedules for our three 24-hour per day satellite channels on the HotBird satellite (Europe/North Africa/Middle East), and for the RCI Plus channel on Sirius Satellite Radio.

Please note that the schedules are posted in PDF format. If you do not have the Adobe Reader software to read PDF files, you may download it free of charge by following the link given on the "Schedules and Frequencies" page.

We welcome your comments on our programming and on our updated website.

We wish you good listening in the coming season.
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, India)

Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation - A08 Multilingual schedules

Effective: 30 March - 26 October 2008
All times UTC
Target areas as indicated

Language Freq Band Time(UTC)Target Area

Far East
Chinese 9385 31 1200 1300 41,42,43,44,45
Chinese 11570 25 1200 1300 41,42,43,44,45

South East Asia
Urdu 11580 25 0045 0215 41,44,45,49,50,51,54,55,59
Urdu 15490 19 0045 0215 41,44,45,49,50,51,54,55,59

South Asia
Bangla-1 9380 31 0115 0200 41
Bangla-2 9340 31 1200 1245 41
Hindi-1 9380 31 0215 0300 41
Hindi-2 9340 31 1030 1130 41
Gujrati 9380 31 0400 0430 41

Iran,Gulf & Middle East
Irani 7500 40 1700 1800 40
Urdu 15100 19 0500 0700 40
Urdu 17835 17 0500 0700 38,39,46,47
Urdu 9385 31 1330 1530 37 - 39
Urdu 11570 25 1330 1530 38,39,46,47
English 9380 31 1600 1615 37 - 39
English 11570 25 1600 1615 38,39,46,47
Urdu 6065 49 1915 0045 40

East/South East Africa
English 15625 19 1600 1615 48s,52,53,57

West Europe
Urdu 15100 19 0830 1104 17,18SE,27-29
Urdu 17835 17 0830 1104 17,18SE,27-29
Urdu 7530 40 1700 1900 17,18SE,27-29
Urdu 9390 31 1700 1900 17,18SE,27-29

Dari 6060 49 1430 1530 39NE,40
Pushto 6065 49 1300 1400 39E,40

Frequency Management
303 Peshawar Road,
(Via Iftikhar Hussain Malik)
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, India)

The latest from DX Extra

Dear shortwave listeners,

The shortwave news show 'DX Extra' has put together a very special show which looks at the future of radio. It covers the future battle between DRM and Satellite Radio, also Digital DAB+ Radio in Australia. But that is not all; it also covers the future of radio communications and Digital TV. Simply follow the links below to listen:

MP3 192kbps for Broadband users:

Real Audio 20kbps for Dial-Up users:

The DX Extra website: (It's where you find the transcripts.)

This special show will be very popular, if anyone has any problems please save this email and try the links again. If you still experience problems please go to the contact us page and email HRi. It's always important to remember that some web browsers or mail clients will download the file and not play it. To listen copy and paste the link into your media player.
(Source: Robb Wise-Manager, Hobart Radio)>

FEBA Radio - A08 Multilingual schedule

Effective: 30 March - 26 October 2008
All times UTC - target areas as indicated

Transmitter site codes
ARM Armavir Russia
ASC Ascension Island
DHA Dhabayya
KIG Kigali Rwanda
MEY Meyerton S.Africa
MOS Moosbrunn Austria
MSK Moscow Russia
NVS Novosibirsk Russia
TAC Tashkent Uzbekistan
WER Wertachtal Germany

Day 1 = Sunday (ITU Convention)
Days Frequency Metre Site
Time UTC 1234567 Languages kHz band code

North India, Nepal, Tibet
0015-0030 smtwtfs BANGLA rural 7375 41 TAC
0030-0045 s..w... HINDI 7375 41 TAC
0030-0045 .mt.... MIXED LANGUAGES 7375 41 TAC
0030-0045 ....tfs BANGLA 7375 41 TAC
0045-0100 smtwtfs HINDI 7375 41 TAC
1200-1230 smtwtfs TIBETAN 15215 19 DHA
1430-1445 smtwtfs URDU 12025 25 DHA
1445-1500 ...wtfs KASHMIRI 12025 25 DHA
1445-1500 smt.... MIXED LANGUAGES 12025 25 DHA
1430-1500 smtwtfs HINDI 9540 31 TAC
1500-1530 smtwtfs BANGLA rural 7370 41 TAC

South India
0030-0100 smtwtfs TAMIL 7225 41 DHA
0130-0200 TELUGU 9725 31 DHA
0145-0200 .mtw..s MIXED LANGUAGES 9725 31 DHA
1400-1430 s...... ENGLISH 12025 25 DHA
1400-1415 .mtwtfs MALAYALAM 12025 25 DHA
1415-1430 .mtwtfs MIXED LANGUAGES 12025 25 DHA

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran
0200-0300 s...... URDU 12035 25 DHA
0200-0230 .mtwtfs URDU 12035 25 DHA
0230-0300 .mtwtfs MIXED LANGUAGES 12035 25 DHA
0200-0230 smtwtfs PASHTO 9725 31 DHA
0230-0300 smtwtfs DARI 9725 31 DHA
1400-1445 smtwtfs URDU 9500 31 NVS
1445-1500 smtwtfs MIXED LANGUAGES 9500 31 NVS
1430-1500 smtwtfs PASHTO 9830 31 ARM
1500-1530 smtwtfs DARI 9830 31 ARM
1530-1545 smtwtfs HAZARAGI 9830 31 ARM
1545-1600 smtwtfs MIXED LANGUAGES 9830 31 ARM
1515-1530 s....fs BALUCHI 9840 31 ARM
1530-1600 smtwtfs PERSIAN 9840 31 ARM

Africa, Ethiopia, Sudan
1530-1545 smtwtfs AMHARIC 12125 25 MEY
1545-1600 smtwtfs MAKONDE 12125 25 MEY
1600-1630 s...tfs AMHARIC 12125 25 MEY
1600-1630 .mtw... GURAGENA 12125 25 MEY
1630-1700 smtwtfs AMHARIC 12125 25 MEY
1600-1630 smtwtfs AFAR 11655 25 ARM
1630-1700 smtw... TIGRINYA 9865 31 DHA
1630-1700 ....tfs AMHARIC 9865 31 DHA
1700-1730 smtwtfs SOMALI 9865 31 KIG
1730-1757 smtwtfs TIGRINYA 9865 31 KIG
1700-1730 smtwtfs OROMINYA 6180 49 DHA
1830-1900 smtwtfs FRENCH (Cent+West Af) 7255 41 MEY
2145-2215 HASSINYA/PULAAR (WAf)11985 25 ASC

Middle East
0800-0845 smtwtfs ARABIC 15280 19 MOS
1900-1930 smtwtfs ARABIC 7230 41 WER
1900-2030 smtwtfs ARABIC 9550 31 KIG

FEBA Radio
Ivy Arch Road,
Worthing BN14 8BX United Kingdom
Updated : 20.3.08
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, India & Rachel Baughn)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Radio Netherlands Program Preview - March 29 - April 4

Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands Worldwide's English Service - a list of the new programmes coming up on Radio Netherlands Worldwide this week, beginning on Saturday.

*** The State We're In ***
This week in The State We're In:

Zimbabwe is electing a new government, most likely the same as the old government of strongman and President Robert Mugabe. Gender consultant Betty Makoni and human rights lawyer Dewa Mavhinga tell us about the dire human rights situation and runaway famine in the country, after nearly three decades of Mugabe's rule.

Remember when the Taleban destroyed the ancient Buddhas at Bamiyan? We meet the artists and architects who are fighting to save what is left of Afghanistan's cultural heritage after successive years of civil war and invasion.

Plus we report on why there are shortages of, of all things, milk in oil-rich Venezuela.

And we speak with the Israeli behind the documentary 'Shahida - Brides of Allah' which looks at Palestinian women who become suicide bombers.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1006 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1406 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

*** Network Europe Week ***
A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe. If you missed any editions of Network Europe Week satisfy your needs with this digest of the programme's top stories.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)

Note that on Saturday we also run repeats of:

Curious Orange: 1530 (South Asia 9345, 12080, 15595)
Earthbeat and Stories of the Twentieth Century:
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)

*** Documentary ***
'The adventures of Lorenzo da Ponte'

Lorenzo da Ponte is best known for his collaborations with Mozart, writing the librettos for The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni and Cosi fan Tutti. However, that was just a small part of this extraordinary Italian's 89 years. He led a tumultuous and eventful life in many of the greatest cities on earth including Venice, Vienna, London and New York. His many incarnations included poet, book seller and grocer.

The writer Rodney Bolt discusses his biography 'Lorenza da Ponte, the adventures of Mozart's librettist in the Old and new Worlds'.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1005 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1405 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

*** Reloaded ***
Your chance to catch up with some of the highlights from recent programmes; the best, the most interesting or newsworthy, or sometimes the funniest, chosen by our producers and presented by Mindy Ran.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

Note that on Sunday we also run:

The State We're In:
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)

*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

*** Curious Orange ***
This week on Curious Orange:

The Constitution - in some countries it's revered, in Holland it's "meh". We'll find out why the Dutch don't (seem to) care.

And, never mind the constitution, in Holland it's all about Calvinism. We'll hear how that affects the Dutch and their acceptance - even approval - of pain.

Perro de Jong will be back this week with his usual critical take on the Netherlands and we'll hear from our regular music man Robbert Tilli who'll tell us about the Dutch band GEM.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
15:30 1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)

Note that on Monday we also run:

Documentary followed by Reloaded:
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
Earthbeat followed by Radio Books:
0400 (Western N America 6165)

*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

*** The State We're In - Midweek Edition ***
This week in The State We're In - Midweek Edition:

Zimbabwe is electing a new government, most likely the same as the old government of strongman and President Robert Mugabe. Gender consultant Betty Makoni and human rights lawyer Dewa Mavhinga tell us about the dire human rights situation and runaway famine in the country, after nearly three decades of Mugabe's rule.

Remember when the Taleban destroyed the ancient Buddhas at Bamiyan? We meet the artists and architects who are fighting to save what is left of Afghanistan's cultural heritage after successive years of civil war and invasion.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

Note that on Tuesday we also run:

Network Europe:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
Curious Orange:
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)

*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

*** Radio Books ***

Chris van Camp - 'People Like Us'

Uncle Rik is everyone's favourite Uncle. The trouble is he's also something of a ladies' man and the father of one of his best friend's children. It's the truth that dare not speak its name and the child concerned is caught between adult jealousy and deception. As a consequence her childhood is blighted.

'People Like Us' by Chris van Camp is the true story of her formative years and a story she's telling for the very first time.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)

Note that on Wednesday we also run:

Curious Orange:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
The State We're In Midweek Edition:
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)

*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

*** Earthbeat ***
This week Earthbeat visits Vandana Shiva's seed bank in the foothills of the Himalayas - where pulse, lentils, grains and rice seeds are stored in an effort to maintain the biodiversity of species threatened by extinction and by the non-regenerating seeds forced onto Indian farmers by the giant seed corporations like Monsanto.

Thijs Westerbeek reports on the latest developments in saline agriculture - where scientists are developing food crops that can be grown in coastal areas with high levels of salt in the soil.

And we hear of the secret story behind the vegetables we know and love - how much longer will they look the way they do now?

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia 9795, Far East 6040)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 11655, 12050)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)

Note that on Thursday we also run:

1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
Radio Books:
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)

*** Newsline ***
The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0000 (Eastern N America 9845)
0100 (Central N America 9845)
0400 (Western N America 6165)
1400 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1530 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1800 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
1900 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2000 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

*** Network Europe ***

A Pan European team links up across the continent each week to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

The programme is a unique example of European co-operation, produced by the continent's leading international broadcasters, it reflects the diversity of European society and voices. Each week we drop in on specialists around Europe and catch up with our extensive network of correspondents for their unique take on the events shaping the week.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
0030 (Eastern N America 6165)
0130 (Central N America 6165)
0530 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia 9795, Far East 6040)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 15535)
2000 (East Africa 11805, 12050, West Africa 17810, Central/Southern Africa 7120)

*** Bridges with Africa ***
Lively discussion and thought-provoking reports about and from the African continent. We give the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and linking up with stations in Africa.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1000 (East/Southeast Asia 12065, East Asia 9795, Far East 6040)
1430 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
1830 (Southern Africa 6020, East/Central Africa 11655, 12050)
1930 (East/Central Africa 15535, West Africa 11660, 15335, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)
2030 (West Africa 17810, East Africa 5905, Southern Africa 7425)

0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)

Note that on Friday we also run:

Radio Books:
1030 (East/Central Asia 15510, East Asia 13820, Southeast Asia 11895, Far East 12065)
Network Europe:
1500 (South Asia 9345, 9890, 11835)
0030 (Eastern N America 9845)
0130 (Central N America 9845)
0430 (Western N America 6165)
(R Netherlands)

Radio Netherlands - A08 Multilingual schedules

The SW/MW technical schedule of Radio Netherlands Worldwide effective on Sunday 30 March has now been published at Radio Netherlands website at:

(Andy Sennit)

Plans for Voice of Mongolia to broadcast via Internet

Representatives of Mongolia’s National Public Radio and Television gathered yesterday to share views on the current state and further trends of the radio station “Voice of Mongolia”. A technical and technological modernization and a need to increase a number of listeners are the most urgent issues of the “Voice of Mongolia”- one of the channels to advertise Mongolia abroad.
The attendees of the consultation supported an initiative to broadcast the Voice of Mongolia via Internet. The National Radio has aired programmes in Chinese for the Chinese living in Mongolia since its establishment in 1934, and in Russian and then in Kazakh since 1994. Today, it transmits 6-hours of programmes in Mongolian, English, Chinese, Russian, and Japanese every day. Programs in Russian are broadcast on shortwave transmitters of the Voice of Russia, targeted at Central Asian and European countries, and via the Internet channel of the Russian radio station.
(Source: Montsame Agency/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

BBC Appointed Chair of DRM Consortium

New Election Inside the DRM Consortium - BBC World Service Has Been Appointed Chair of the DRM Consortium

BONN, Germany, March 28 /PRNewswire/ -- -
Every two years, the Digital Radio Mondiale (TM) consortium holds elections. Yesterday the members of the Steering Board, the key players of the DRM Consortium, were elected. After 10 years as Chairman of DRM Peter Senger retired from both DRM and his position as Deutsche Welle's Director DRM. His successor comes from another well known and respected international broadcaster, the BBC World Service in London. Mrs. Ruxandra Obreja, Controller Business Development, BBC World Service has been unanimously elected as new Chair of the DRM Consortium and DRM Association.
The voting took place in Bonn at the premises of the long time DRM member and well known broadcaster Deutsche Welle. There was a great round of applause from the members of the Consortium for Mr. Peter Senger who, as Chairman of the Consortium, for the past ten years made an enormous contribution to the development of the DRM standard. The new Chair Mrs.
Ruxandra Obreja introduced her vision to the members in a short presentation. She stated that: "DRM is on the threshold of a new era. Thanks to the brilliant work of our technical colleagues over the past ten years, the DRM standard is now mature. The challenge for all of us is to ensure that in the next few years the DRM standard is taken up on a mass scale. I see this as both the biggest challenge for the consortium and me personally."
The DRM consortium greatly appreciates the offer of the BBC to take the lead in this enterprise announcing that it is ready to host the DRM Project Office in London.

Fanny Podworny, DRM
Tel.: +49-228-429-31-05

Distributed by PR Newswire on behalf of Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM)
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, India)

Relay on 9290 kHz

March 29th
Radio Casablanca 12.00 - 13.00UTC

Good listening 73s Tom

QSL Report Central

Thanks to contributor Ron Howard for sharing his logging and eQSL card from China Huayi BC.

4830 China Huayi BC, 1235-1304, March 22, on air phone conversations with many "ni hao" (a standard "hello" greeting), "Wei. Wei." (a traditional Chinese phone greeting also roughly meaning, "Hello. Hello.") and the distinctive "ba ba ba" (number 888) and seemed like "shi" (number 4). Assume this must be a local phone number for this program? ToH 5+1 pips. Thanks to Mark Schiefelbein's initial tip.
(Ron Howard-CA)

4830, "China Huayi Broadcast Co.", blue E-QSL, full data, in one day, v/s Qiao Xiaoli (2883752 [at], who is the CHBC QSL Manager. Happy with this, as the station had not responded to my 2005 reception report. (Ron Howard-CA) Back cover of QSL via :

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bible Voice Broadcasting - A08 English schedule

Effective: 30 March - 26 October 2008
All times UTC
Target areas: af (Africa) as (Asia) eu (Europe) me (Middle East) vl (various)
Broadcast days: mtwhfas = Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

0030-0100 fas 9490as
0700-0800 s 5945eu
0700-0800 a 5945eu
0745-0800 f 5945eu
0800-0815 s 5945eu
0800-0815 a 5945eu
1015-1045 s 5985as
1115-1130 smtwhfa 5950as
1245-1300 a 5950as
1400-1500 Sat/Sun 15680as
1530-1600 s 13590me
1530-1600 h 15680as
1530-1600 a 15680as
1540-1600 mtwhf 13590me
1545-1600 a 13590me
1600-1615 twha 13590me
1600-1700 fs 13590me
1615-1630 h 13590me
1615-1700 ta 13590me
1630-1645 h 13590me
1700-1715 t/vl 13590me
1700-1730 a 13590me
1700-1800 fas 9430me 13590me
1800-1815 s 13590me
1800-1815 a 11875me
1800-1830 a 9430me 13590me
1800-1830 s 6130eu
1800-1845 a 6130eu
1800-1900 s 9430me
1830-1900 f 9430me
1830-1900 s 6130eu
1845-1900 s 11830af
1900-1930 s 13710af
1900-1930 s 6130eu
1900-2000 s 11830af

Dunamis Shortwave

UTC (for 6-10 pm local Uganda time)

1500-1600 4750af
1600-1700 4750af
1700-1800 4750af
1800-1900 4750af
(Source: BVB/Alokesh Gupta, India)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

39 Dover Street shortwave schedule

39 Dover Street via IRRS Shortwave

March 28, 2008, 7285 kHz 19:45 UTC (GMT)
Southside Johnny live in Paris (Blues)
March 30, 2008, 9510 kHz 12:30 BST (GMT+1)
April 4, 2008, 7285 kHz 19:45 BST
More Blues
April 6, 2008, 9510 kHz 12:30 BST

April 11, 2008 7285 kHz 19:45 BST
Music from Bristol (U.K.)
April 13, 2008, 9510 kHz 12:30 BST

April 18, 2008, 7285 kHz 19:45 BST
Poetry from Scotland
April 20, 2008, 9510 kHz 12:30 BST

Please note that there will be a change of frequency for the 41 meter band broadcast,around the end of March, so 7285 kHz is tentative. Please visit for a frequency update, where the weekly programmes are posted.
Thanks, Stephen
(Source: Stephen John Jones)

VT Communications moves to a new postal address

International transmission services provider VT Communications has moved its London Head Office to the Blue Fin Building on London’s Southbank. The Blue Fin Building is also the new home of VTC’s Media Management Centre, the control centre of its Global Media Network, delivering broadcast and media content globally across multiple platforms.

The new address is:
VT Communications Ltd
Blue Fin Building
110 Southwark Street
London SE1 0TA
United Kingdom

The telephone and fax numbers remain the same:
Tel: +44 (0)20 7969 0000
Fax: +44 (0)20 7396 6221.
(Source: VT Communications/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

The last days of Kol Israel, English on shortwave radio

Kol Israel will air their final English shortwave broadcast this weekend. The last day of service is schedule to be on March 30. It is not known at this time if there will be a special closedown announcement on the 30th or 31st. Said to be their "final decision," this follows several years of budget and programming cuts, as well as announceing they would leave the air.

an excerpt from an earlier from the Jerusalem Post article;
"Four million shekels have been allocated in the IBA's budget to spare Israel Radio's budget-threatened shortwave Farsi broadcasts, which are widely listened to in Iran, and are regarded as a crucial bridge to the Jewish community there.

But the radio respite has not been extended to the IBA's other foreign language broadcasts, including English, which will no longer be available to radio listeners outside Israel after the end of this month. The broadcasts will continue in Israel on the Reka channel, available on medium wave and FM, but the shortwave broadcasts will cease, silencing Israel Radio's English, Amharic, French, Spanish, Yiddish and other foreign language overseas transmissions for the first time in decades. Would-be listeners will henceforth only be able to hear the programs via the Internet."

To monitor the final days from Kol Israel in English, the following schedule remains current:

All times UTC - programming is targeted to various world regions

0430-0445 6280 7545 17600
1030-1045 13855 15760
1830-1845 6985 7545 9345 15640

On March 28, Israel will adjust their time at 2 AM Israeli time, so except a time shift. (Israel
UTC + 2 hours ( + 3 hours March 28 - Oct 5)

As of April 1, the station will be available via on-demand audio at: . Recordings are maintained for 24 hours.

Current streaming audio of Israel National Radio is available at:

Kol Israel no longer verifies reception reports, however general correspondence may be addressed to:
Israel Broadcasting Authority
P.O. Box 1082
Jerusalem 91010
(Gayle Van Horn, Freq Manager/Monitoring Times-SW Guide)
address via World QSL Book

Voice of Greece - A08 Multilingual schedule

Effective 30 March 2008 - 26 October 2008
All times UTC - target areas as indicated

(UTC) mb Freq mb Frq mb Freq Lang

0000 0300 31 9420 41 7475 Gr
0300 0400 31 9420 41 7475 Gr
0400 0500 31 9420 41 *7475 19 15630 Gr
0500 0800 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
0800 1000 31 9420 19 15630 Gr,Eng
1100 1200 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
1200 1300 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
1300 1400 31 9420 19 15630 Gr,Eng
1400 1500 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
1500 1600 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
1600 1800 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
1800 1900 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
1900 2000 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
2000 2100 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
2100 2200 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
2200 2300 31 9420 19 *15630 Gr
2300 2400 31 9420 41 7475 Gr

Foreign Language Transmissions
0500 0600 25 11645 Al
0600 0700 25 11645 Eng
0700 0800 25 11645 F
0800 0900 25 11645 E
0900 0930 25 11645 D
0930 1000 25 11645 Rus

120013:00 31 9420 Gr

Middle East/ Indian Ocean/ Australia
2300 2400 19 15650 Gr
0000 0100 19 15650 Gr
0100 0200 19 15650 Gr
0200 0300 19 15650 Gr
0300 0400 19 *15650 Gr

America & Atlantic Ocean
0000 0100 31 9420 41 7475 Gr
0100 0300 31 9420 41 7475 Gr
0300 0500 31 9420 Gr
1900 2000 31 9420 19 15630 Gr
2000 2300 31 9420 19 *15630 Gr
2300 2400 31 9420 41 7475 Gr

South America/ Panama Zone / Southwest Africa
1900 2000 19 15630 Gr
2000 2100 19 15630 Gr
2100 2200 19 15630 Gr
2200 2300 19 *15630 Gr

ERT S.A. Macedonia Station

EUROPE 1100 1650 31 9935 Gr
EUROPE 1700 2250 41 7450 Gr

(*) Transmission ends 10 min earlier

Gr = Greek
Eng = English
Al = Albanian
Ar = Arabian
Bg = Bulgarian
F = French
E = Spanish
I = Italian
Pl = Polish
P = Portuguese
R = Romanian
Rus = Russian
S = Swedish
Sc = Servocroatian
Tr = Turkish
D = German

Streaming audio:
Reception reports may be sent via email to: or to the following postal address:

Μessogion 432,15342,
Ag.Paraskevi Attikis,
Tel +301 6066308,6066297,
Fax +301 6066309

Macedonia Radio Station:
Angelaki Str 2, 54621
Fax:+3031 236370

Genaral Direction of E.RA (Engineering Div.)
Messogeion 432, 15342,Ag.Paraskevi Attikis
Τel 301 606 6257 Fax +301 606 6243
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, India)

The last days of KTBN on shortwave radio

KTBN of Salt Lake City, Utah, will air their final shortwave broadcast this weekend. The final day of broadcast will be on Saturday March 31st at midnight, likely at MDT.
The station plans no special closedown announcement. The equipment will be donated, and the property is currently for sale. In case you have not logged KTBN this would be an excellent opportunity to do so. The following schedule reflects their current schedule on shortwave.

All times UTC - targeted to North America

0000-0100 7505
0100-0200 7505
0200-0300 7505
0300-0400 7505
0400-0500 7505
0500-0600 7505
0600-0700 7505
0700-0800 7505
0800-0900 7505
0900-1000 7505
1000-1100 7505
1100-1200 7505
1200-1300 7505
1300-1400 7505
1400-1500 7505

1500-1600 15590
1600-1700 15590
1700-1800 15590
1800-1900 15590
1900-2000 15590
2000-2100 15590
2100-2200 15590
2200-2300 15590
2300-0000 15590

KTBN – Trinity Broadcasting Network
Transmitter located in Salt Lake City, Utah.

General Correspondence:
P.O. Box A
Santa Ana, CA 92711

Reception reports:
Trinity Broadcasting Network
Attention: Superpower KTBN Radio QSL Manager
2442 Michelle Drive
Tustin, CA 92780

Website: (with streaming audio)
(Source: Gayle Van Horn, Frequency Manager, Monitoring Times-SW Guide)
Address information via World QSL Book

TDP A08 program and frequency schedule

All times UTC

TDPradio 0000-0100 9790 DRM mtwtfss English America
Moj Them Radio 0100-0130 15260 AM m.w.f.. Hmong Asia
Haiv Hmoob Radio 0100-0130 15260 AM .t..... Hmong Asia
Hmong Lao Radio 0100-0200 15260 AM ...t..s Hmong Asia
Hmong W.Christian Radio 0100-0130 15260 AM .....s. Hmong Asia
Denge Mezopotamya 0400-1800 11530 AM mtwtfss Kurdish Middle East
Denge Mezopotamya 1800-2000 7540 AM mtwtfss Kurdish Middle East
TDPradio 0800-0900 6015 DRM m...... English Europe
TDPradio 0900-1000 6015 DRM .t..... English Europe
TDPradio 1000-1100 6015 DRM ..w.... English Europe
TDPradio 1100-1200 6015 DRM ...t... English Europe
TDPradio 1200-1300 6015 DRM ....f.. English Europe
TDPradio 1300-1400 6015 DRM .....s. English Europe
TDPradio 1400-1500 6015 DRM ......s English Europe
TDPradio 1500-1600 6015 DRM mtwtfss English Europe
Que Huong Radio 1200-1300 15680 AM mtwtfs. Vietnamese Asia
Radio Xoriyo Ogadenia 1400-1430 17875 AM .t...s. Somali Africa
EOTC Holy Synod Radio 1600-1700 17875 AM m...... Amharic Africa
Radio Democracy Shorayee 1700-1800 12120 AM Farsi Middle East
Suab Xaa Moo Zoo 2330-2400 11655 AM mtwtfss Hmong Asia
(Source; Alokesh Gupta, India)

TDP brokers leased air times over shortwave transmitters, including various clandestine broadcasters.

Reception reports for stations using TDP may be directed to:
Transmitter Documentation Project
c/o Ludo Maes
P.O. Box 1
B-2310 Rijkevorsel

Website: Transmitter Documentation Project:
Website: (shortwave schedules)
(Address information via World QSL Book)

Blog Logs - China

All times UTC // parallel frequency

3900, Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar, Nei Menggu, 2130-2320, Feb 15 and 27, Chinese talk, ID, music, 23432. (Cody and Fransson)

3990, Gannan PBS, Tianshui, Hezou, Gansu, 2250-2310, Feb 28, instrumental music and talk, 23432. (Cody)

4460, Voice of China, Beijing, 1035-1045, Feb 23, Chinese comments. Signal was poor. (Bolland)

4750, Qinghai PBS, Xining, Qinghai, 2200-2220, Feb 21, TS, talk and nice programme of songs, 35433. (Cody).

5039.9, Fujian PBS, Fuzhou, Fujian, 2255-2310, Feb 20, orchestral tune, TS and talk, 34333. (Cody).

5050, Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, Fujian, 2223-2240, Feb 22, clock ticking until *2225, opening orchestral music, station ID, talk and orchestral music, 34333. (Cody).

5050, Guangxi FBS, Nanning, Guangxi, 0000-0018, Feb 24, orchestral tunes, songs and ann, 33433. QRM WWRB. (Cody)

5050, Voice of the Strait (scheduled for Mandarin) and Guangxi FBS (scheduled for Cantonese), 1305-1317, Feb 29, mixing together at about equal strength, mostly talking. Interesting reception conditions! (Howard)

6115, Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 0955-1000, Feb 29, music and Chinese comments, weak signal. Signal was blocked somewhat at 1000 by station on 6120 coming up. Still could hear Voice of the Strait, but it was difficult. (Bolland)
(DX Window #345 via Anker Petersen, Denmark)

Additional China logs:
4830 China Huayi Broadcasting Company (Fuzhou) also heard here in western Tennessee on 3/21 with a fairly good signal (SINPO 34323) 1236-1240. Assumed it was this station, as the language was definitely Mandarin. Good to see it confirmed by others. (Jim Evans, TN)

3990, Xinjiang PBS Urumqi, 2359-0023, Mar 10, Mandarin. Announcer duo with talk b/w exotic ballads & musical selections; fair at best over mild ARO chatter; //4890 poor under CODAR & band noise. (Scott Barbour-NH)

4800 CPBS Geermu, 1234-1238, 3/25/2008, Chinese. CNR-1. Woman talking with a few bars of upbeat traditional music a couple of times a minute. Poor signal with usual CODAR interference (SINPO 22222). (Jim Evans, TN)

4830 China Huayi BC, 1235-1304, March 22, on air phone conversationswith many "ni hao" (a standard "hello" greeting), "Wei. Wei." (atraditional Chinese phone greeting also roughly meaning, "Hello.Hello.") and the distinctive "ba ba ba" (number 888) and seemed like"shi" (number 4). Assume this must be a local phone number for thisprogram? ToH 5+1 pips. Thanks to Mark Schiefelbein's initial tip.(Ron Howard-CA)

4900 Voice of the Strait (Fuzhou), 1257-1300, 3/17/2008, Chinese. Talk by woman. Time pips on the hour followed by talk by man. Very poor signal, barely above the noise.(Jim Evans, TN)

4900 Voice of Strait, 1243, 3/23/08. Weak signal but in the clear. Pop music programing was poor to fair overall (Strawman-IA/NASWA Flashsheet # 331 via Rich d'Angelo).

7110 CNR-1 (Shijiazhuang), 1232-1235, 3/18/2008, Chinese. Talk by woman. Upbeat traditional music with thesounds of children talking. Good signal (SINPO 34333). Parallel 7290 (Beijing) noted with much weaker signal.(Jim Evans, TN)

7345 CNR-1 Beijing, 1126-1134, Mar 18, Mandarin. Ad string; ID at 1130 followed by announcer with news and sound bites. Signal poor-fair listening in ECCS-LSB. (Barbour-NH)

"The Sun awakens in the early dawn of Sunspot Cycle 24"

Bulletin from Tomas Hood, NW7US:

"The Sun awakens in the early dawn of Sunspot Cycle 24"

During the week of March 24, the Sun became quite active. This, after many months of long stretches of quiet, sunspot-less days. March 25 images of the sun revealed a train of sunspots, NOAA AR 0987 (a beta configuration), 0988 (a beta configuration), and 0989 (an alpha configuration). For many months prior, there would be an occasional sunspot, if any at all. These three sunspots indicate a sun that is waking up; there was even a strong M1-class solar flare on March 25, the first such strong flare in a long period of quiet (the last such flare was mid-2007).

The M1.7 magnitude flare originated in sunspot 0989, which was on the very edge of the sun, not facing us. As this sunspot group rotates into what is known as "geo-effective" position, it may well cause intense radio blackouts and storms, while also strengthening the ionosphere, in turn creating great DX opportunities on higher HF frequencies during non-radio blackout periods. Radio blackouts occur during solar flares.

On the same day, March 25, the solar flux (10.7-cm flux index) rose from the low 70's to the high of 89 (as of the time this is being written), and the flare caused minor storming and a radio blackout on HF. This is a great trend for those interested in using the high frequencies for radio communications. As we now move away from sunspot cycle minimum to the peak of cycle 24, sometime in the next
three to five years, activity will increase. With this increase in activity will come better HF propagation on the higher portions of HF, while also bringing an increase in radio blackouts and geomagnetic storminess that is part of an active cycle.

We're in for the exciting start of a new solar cycle! Some forecasters speculate that this solar cycle will not be too active. I still hold to one early forecast that speculates that the cycle may be a very active and exciting one. Time will tell!

DX note: the forecast for March 26, 27, 28: Solar Flux expected to reach 90 to 95. This will increase higher frequency propagation on most DX paths. This is a time to be on the radio.
(c) Tomas Hood, NW7US
Contributing editor:
CQ Magazine, CQ VHF, Popular Communications

A point of clarification:

While these three sunspots "are cycle 23 spots based on their polarities", never-the-less, my bulletin does not state that these sunspots are actually cycle 24 spots. Rather, I am pointing to the new level of activity as a possible "waking up" of the sun after a long period of quiet. And, that this could signal the gradual increase of solar activity expected of a newly starting cycle.

Experts are not yet totally agreeing on the statistical end of cycle 23 - but are speculating that February 2008 was the statistical end. Whether or not these sunspots are oriented correctly to belong to a new cycle is not, in my opinion, as "important" to a radio operator as is the actual 10.7-cm flux levels, and the occurrence of space weather (flares, sunspots, and so forth). No one knows, yet, the certain end and start points. We'll know when we can look back at the data.

Anyhow - some people are purists. I'm being nudged in my discussions about the orientation of these spots. They are not reversed. So, they must not be cycle 24's. However, that was not my point, and I still hold that, in terms of the statistical end point (probably in Feb 2008), this new level is part of the sun's waking moments. Take a look at the forecasted Flux levels for the next few days. 95!!!

That's great for a radio operator on HF. Regardless of the orientation of the sunspots... And yes, we probably will see some very quiet points again. I'll venture, though, that they will be shorter and shorter as we move farther into 2008.
- NW7US, Tomas
(c) Tomas Hood, NW7US
Contributing editor:
CQ Magazine, CQ VHF, Popular Communications
(HCDX 26 March 2008)

Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletin

Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2008 Mar 25 2354 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web

Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
17 - 23 March 2008

Solar activity was very low. Region 986 (S04, L = 098, class/area Bxo/010 on 17 March) rotated beyond the west limb as a spotless plage region on 19 March. Region 987 (S08, L = 258, class/area Cso/040 on 23 March) rotated onto the visible solar disk on 23 March. This region increased the X-ray background from below A-class to just below B-class. No X-ray flares were observed during the period; however, Region 987 did produce a Sf flare on 23 March
at 2346 UTC.

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels all days except for 21 and 23 March.

The geomagnetic field was at quiet levels on 17 March as a coronal hole high speed stream rotated out of geoeffective position. Throughout the remainder of the summary period activity levels were at mostly quiet levels, although there were several intervals of unsettled to active conditions due to sustained southward IMF Bz over several hours. ACE solar wind speeds reached a maximum of 576 km/s on 20 March at 1447 UTC, and a minimum of 405 km/s on 22 March at 0759 UTC. The IMF Bz varied between + 6 nT during the period.

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
26 March - 21 April 2008

Solar activity is expected to be low to moderate. At the time of writing there was a low-level M-class flare in progress from Region 989. This region remains capable of producing M-class activity.
Regions 987 and 988 are also capable of producing C-class flares, and perhaps an isolated M-class flare. On 08 April when Region 989 departs the visible solar disk activity levels should decline to very low levels. Activity levels are expected to increase again to very low to low levels when Region 987 rotates back onto the visible solar disk on 19 April.

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels during most of the period. However, the flux may drop to normal levels on 26 March, 02, 05, and 17 - 20 April.

The geomagnetic field is expected to be at unsettled to minor storm levels on 26 - 28 March due to a favorably positioned coronal hole high speed stream. Activity levels should decline to quiet to unsettled levels on 29 - 31 March as the high speed stream rotates out of a geoeffective position. 01 - 03 April a mostly quiet geomagnetic field is expected. On 04 - 11 April a coronal hole high speed stream is expected to influence the geomagnetic field bringing mostly unsettled to active conditions. For the remainder of the period predominately quiet conditions are expected.

Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2008 Mar 25 2354 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC contact on the Web
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2008 Mar 25
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2008 Mar 26 85 20 4
2008 Mar 27 90 25 5
2008 Mar 28 90 15 3
2008 Mar 29 90 10 3
2008 Mar 30 90 10 3
2008 Mar 31 90 10 3
2008 Apr 01 90 8 3
2008 Apr 02 90 5 2
2008 Apr 03 90 5 2
2008 Apr 04 85 15 3
2008 Apr 05 85 25 5
2008 Apr 06 80 15 3
2008 Apr 07 80 10 3
2008 Apr 08 75 15 3
2008 Apr 09 70 15 3
2008 Apr 10 70 12 3
2008 Apr 11 70 10 3
2008 Apr 12 70 5 2
2008 Apr 13 70 5 2
2008 Apr 14 70 8 3
2008 Apr 15 70 5 2
2008 Apr 16 70 5 2
2008 Apr 17 70 5 2
2008 Apr 18 70 5 2
2008 Apr 19 75 5 2
2008 Apr 20 80 5 2
2008 Apr 21 85 5 2

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Polskie Radio - A08 Multilingual schedule

Effective: 30 March - 26 October 2008
All times UTC

1330-1430 7180 9440
1630-1659 9670

1200-1259 9525 11850
1700-1759 7140 7265

1030-1059 11915 11995
1530-1630 9670
2100-2200 5975 7135

1130-1159 5965 5975
1530-1555 5975
1930-1955 6110 6135

1500-1525 9440 11800
1800-1825 6140

1100-1125 13745 13840
1300-1329 11835 13800
1430-1455 11955
1800-1829 6140 9695
1900-1955 6050

1430-1459 11755
1830-1859 6145 6175
(Source:wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Mar 24/wb, Germany/HCDX)

Jerusalem Post editorial argues on broadcasting cuts

The Jerusalem Post has published an editorial in which it argues that Israeli foreign broadcasting should be increased, not cut. As the IBA prepares to drop all shortwave services except Farsi, the newspaper says that “The systemic lack of a foreign media strategy is a form of gross negligence with profound implications for our national security and interests.”

More on this topic from editorial at:
Jerusalm Post
(Source: R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

Radio Romania International - A08 Multilingual schedules

Effective 30 March - 26 October 2008
All times UTC - target areas as indicated

0630-0700 9685 9700 11730 11790
1400-1500 11945 15160

1430-1500 7170
1630-1700 7135
1830-1900 7130 -Sept 6, 5955 fr Sept 7

0400-0430 11790 15215
1300-1330 11795 15435

0100-0200 Canada 6130 9515
0500-0530 Eu. 7180 9655
Sun.1000-1100 Eu. 11830
1000-1100 Eu. 15250
Maghreb 15380 17785
1600-1700 Eu. 9680 11950
2000-2030 Eu. 7215 9655

0600-0630 7125 9740
1100-1200 9525 11775
1800-1900 7160 9775

1400-1430 7170
1600-1630 9620
1800-1830 7130 -Sept 6, 5955 fr Sept 7

0000-0100 N.Am. 9525 11960
0100-0200 N.Am. 9525 11960
Sun.0700-0800 9700 11970 15260 17720
Sun.0800-0900 9700 11875 11970 15450
Sun.0900-1000 11830 11925 15250 15380
1200-1300 Eu. 7165 11920 15195
1400-1500 Eu. 9760 11965
1600-1700 Israel 7205 9690
1700-1800 Eu. 9625 11865
1800-1900 Eu. 9625 11945

0430-0500 7190 9555
1330-1400 9790 11855
1500-1600 7325 9760

1530-1600 6135
1730-1800 6105
1930-2000 6065 7140

0200-0300 Argentina 9520 11945
Mexico 5975 9645
1900-2000 Spain 9775 11715
2100-2200 Argentina 9755 11965
2300-2400 Argentina 9745 11935
Mexico 9655 11880

1500-1530 7210
1700-1730 6135
1900-1930 5910 7210
(Source: Dragan Lekic-Subotica-SER in A-07, updated by wb in A-08, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Mar 24)

Hungarian Radio - A08 schedule

Hungarian Radio - Hungarian schedule

(station does not broadcast in English)
All times UTC - target areas as indicated

0000-0058 on 6040 JBR 250 kW/306 deg to NoAm Radio Budapest
0100-0158 on 5965 JBR 250 kW/306 deg to NoAm Radio Budapest
0300-0700 on 3975 JBR 250 kW/non-dir to WeEu "Kosshut Radio" Mon-Sat

0300-1000 on 6025 JBR 100 kW/non-dir to WeEu "Kosshut Radio" Mon-Sat
0400-0730 on 3975 JBR 250 kW/non-dir to WeEu "Kosshut Radio" Sun
0400-0730 on 7165 JBR 250 kW/288 deg to WeEu "Kosshut Radio" Sun
0400-1000 on 6025 JBR 100 kW/non-dir to WeEu "Kosshut Radio" Sun
1000-1100 on 3975 JBR 250 kW/non-dir to WeEu "Kosshut Radio"
1000-2200 on 6025 JBR 100 kW/non-dir to WeEu "Kosshut Radio"
1100-1158 on 15660 JBR 250 kW/075 deg to AUS Radio Budapest
1400-1700 on 3975 JBR 250 kW/non-dir to WeEu "Kosshut Radio"
1800-1858 on 3975 JBR 250 kW/non-dir to WeEu Radio Budapest
1900-2000 on 3975 JBR 250 kW/non-dir to WeEu "Kosshut Radio"
2000-2058 on 3975 JBR 250 kW/non-dir to WeEu Radio Budapest
2000-2058 on 11695 JBR 250 kW/306 deg to NoAm Radio Budapest
2100-2200 on 3975 JBR 250 kW/non-dir to WeEu "Kosshut Radio"
2100-2158 on 11685 JBR 250 kW/075 deg to AUS Radio Budapest
2200-2258 on 9880 JBR 250 kW/245 deg to SoAm Radio Budapest
2200-2300 on 6025 JBR 100 kW/non-dir to WeEu "Kosshut Radio" Sat/Sun
(Source: Ivo Ivanov, DX MIX NEWS#513,24 March 2008/Alokesh Gupta, India)

Monday, March 24, 2008

It's about time ...QSLing Standard Time & Frequency stations

Next time you're band scanning, tune around 5,000, 10,000 or 15,000 kHz, and you'll hear continuos transmissions of 'beeps' or 'pips' every second, with the time announced in UTC at every minute.

Known in the hobby as Time Signals or an STF, these stations are WWV from Ft. Collins, Colorado and WWVH in Kauai, Hawaii. Many listeners use STFs for checking the performance of their equipment and are invaluable as a means to synchronize station clocks to UTC. Dxers also use them to check propagation and reception paths or quality, and the receiver‛s frequency accuracy.

While WWV and WWVH broadcast 24 hours a day, other world time stations may broadcast for a few hours or only on certain days of the week. Additional world time stations broadcast their identifications in morse-code, while others may be heard as only a 'beep' or 'pip' signal. CHU in Ottawa, Canada, uses continuous voice transmissions in English and French to identify their time signal transmissions. Additional stations are located in Argentina, Belarus, China, Ecuador, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom and Venezuela.

Both U.S. stations and Canada's CHU are easy to verify. Two mint postage stamps will assist WWV/ WWVH stations, while CHU will accept mint Canadian stamps or one IRC. Most foreign stations will generally accept IRCs or mint stamps from their country.
For station frequencies and broadcasting hours, refer to the 2008 edition of World Radio TV Handbook.
(Source: Gayle Van Horn/QSL Report-Monitoring Times Feb. 2008)

Radio Sweden - A08 English service

Special thanks to one of my contributors for the Radio Sweden's A08 English service. In looking over my earlier post, looks like I need to add an entry as indicated below in red.

Effective 30 March - 26 October 2008

All times UTC

English - Radio Sweden
Europe and Africa/Middle East
1430-1500 13820 (100°)
1530-1600 11590 (120°)
1730-1800 Wed-Fri 6065 (100°)
1900-1930 MW 1179
2030-2100 7395 (305°) via Madagascar
2130-2200 6065 (140°-240°) + MW 1179 7420pa

0230-0300 11550 (50°) via Madagascar
1330-1400 15735 (40°)
1430-1500 13820 (100°)
2030-2100 7420 (125°} via Madagascar (to Australia )

North America
0130-0200 6010 (240°) via Sackville
0230-0300 6010 (268°) via Sackville + SAT
1230-1300 15240 (290°)
1430-1500 15240 (272°) via Sackville
2230-2300 9800 (268°) DRM via Sackville

You can listen to our daily program in RealAudio or Windows Media at: There is also now a 30 day sound archive at

Radio Sweden’s weekday and weekend programming is a window on the diverse perspectives and issues in Sweden today. Our daily editions offer a smorgasbord of news and current affairs, science and technology, lifestyle, and culture. We explore, debate, analyse and give insight into the way Swedish society and its people are changing to meet today’s challenges and opportunities. On Saturdays we review the week gone by and on Sundays we present Network Europe: The program that speaks to the hearts & minds of Europeans brought to you by Radio Sweden and a partnership of Europe’s leading international broadcasters.
More details at:
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, India & T. Banks, Dallas, TX)

Pirate logs from Free Radio Weekly

Looks like the pirate gang from Free Radio Weekly, has spent a busy week chasing pirate stations on shortwave radio. The logs below are a sampling from this weekends newsletter. Nice logs guys!

All times UTC *sing-on sign-off*

All Your Base are Belong to Us
6925 USB, 3/19/08 20:40-:50 SINPO 35323 Parody song of Bohemian Rhapsody, "All You Base Belong to Us" with techno music mix, ID in CW (Ragnar-MI)

Captain Morgan
6925USB 3/15/8 20:54 SIO 121. Very faint music, Twilight Zone theme so it must be Captain Morgan, and is the station I heard underneath the unidentified earlier, Pink Panther theme to The Wind Cries Mary, drifting a bit.(Fansome-PA)

East Coast Radio
6925USB, 03/21/08 22:20- SINPO 35323 Next Contestant, Here Without You, "Welcome to East Coast Radio, " music is a little tinny 23:39 second station came on playing old station jingles (Ragnar-MI)

Mash Up Radio
6925 USB, *1945-1954*, 15 Mar 08. "Sweet Home Alabama", ID by announcer several times, John Wayne bit to Do It To Me Baby. SIO: 444 [Lobdell-MA]

6925 USB, 2131-2140*, 15 Mar 08. Station ID to mix of Ghostbusters with Michael Jackson, off abruptly at 2140 UTC SIO: 454. [Lobdell-MA]

Radio Azteca
6925USB 2042-2101 3/10/08 SIO=141/343. Bram Stoker with a typical program from this veteran pirate. Ask Dr. Radio segment. A story told by the Story Lady. A python snake eats a dog. No maildrop address announced, but they use the Belfast drop. (Zeller-OH)

Radio Foxtrot
6925USB 3/15/8 22:12 sio333. Punk-like music to station ID at 22:15 Radio Foxtrot?, Tunes Incense Peppermints, Green Tambourine, Journey to the Center of the Mind, and Over Under Sideways. Station ID and off at 22:26. (Fansome-PA)

Relaxation Radio
6925USB, *2253-2304 Mar 15. Hard to tell when Foxtrot closed and this opened by all of a sudden instead of hearing Radio Foxtrot I was hearing a woman with "Relaxation Radio" followed by a man with several repetitions of station ID. Opening music was Goodnight Sweetheart followed by Mr. Sandman. Several IDs at 2304 tune out. Fair to good signal. (D'Angelo-PA)

Tangerine Radio
6925.6USB 2333-2346 3/10/08 SIO=242. Return of this old-time pirate. Raucnhy Rick with his "anti-religion" program. Among other things, he said that the Rev. Jim Jones, Jesus, and others were cult leaders. The station goes back to 1984, and in those days it used Wellsville, which is now Belfast. This was my second weekday night pirate this week, constituting an unusually large volume of weeknight pirate activity. (Zeller-OH)

Voice of Juliet
6925/USB, 2236-2251+, 20-Mar. Rock tunes; spot for the New Cannibal Cookbook--If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em; Patriarchy sucks; Roseanne bit--men can pee out a campfire better than women; Merlin drop. SIO=3+43+. Old show? Logged here in 1996-98 via NAPRS! (Frodge-MI)

Wolverine Radio
. 6925USB, 0145-0230. 16 March 08. English. Wolverine Radio playing Neil Young, David Bowie and a whole bunch more that I could not identify. Male announcer mentioned that some of the music was from a Swiss band. IDs at 0204 and 0212. Faint signal-close to unreadable. (Wood, TN).

6925, 3/15/08, 2305-2355, SIO=353. Music, National Lampoon Radio, IDs of "WSTD - the pirate station you don't want to touch". (Pls QSL, Lee Silvi, Ohio)

6925 USB, 03/15/08 00:00-58 SINPO 45344 on with fanfare, WTCRTtwentieth Century Radio you music from the Twentieth Century, Day dreamer, Paperback Writer, Lay Lady Lay, My Best Friend's Girl, Drift Away, Sign off at 00:56 (Ragnar-MI)
(Source: Free Radio Weekly # 632 via Bill Finn)