Welcome to Teak Publishing's Shortwave Central blog. This blog covers shortwave frequency updates, loggings, free radio, international mediumwave, DX tips, clandestine radio, and late-breaking radio news. Visit my YouTube and Twitter links. Content on Shortwave Central is copyright © 2006-2026 by Teak Publishing, which is solely responsible for the content. All rights reserved. Redistribution of these pages in any format without permission is strictly prohibited.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Clandestine station returns to air
Monitoring observations have indicated that clandestine station Radio Free Sarawak, has returned to shortwave. The station was observed on the following schedule.
All times UTC
Radio Free Sarawak - June 26 at new time
1030-1200 on 15425 unknown transmitter to SEAs Iban Mon-Sat
(Sei-ichi Hasegawa)
Summer schedule 2014 as;
1100-1130 on 15425 PUG 125 kW / 222 deg to SEAs Iban Mon-Sat
1130-1200 on 15460 PUG 125 kW / 222 deg to SEAs Iban Mon-Sat
1200-1230 on 15430 PUG 125 kW / 222 deg to SEAs Iban Mon-Sat
Friday, June 26, 2015
Radio Free Asia featured QSL valid to July 31
Radio Free Asia Releases Khene QSL
Radio Free Asia (RFA) announces the release of our 58th
QSL. It is the fourth design in the
series "Celebrating Musical Instruments of Asia". This card shows a khene
, which is a traditional Lao mouth organ played primarily in Laos and
Thailand. The khene’s pipes are made of bamboo, while its reed, which vibrates
to produce the sound, is made of brass or silver. The khene is usually played
using a pentatonic scale, using five notes per octave as opposed to the seven
notes per octave used in most Western music. This QSL is used to confirm all
valid reception reports from May 1 to July 31, 2015.
Created by Congress in 1994 and incorporated in 1996, RFA
broadcasts in Burmese, Cantonese, Khmer, Korean to North Korea, Lao, Mandarin
(including the Wu dialect), Vietnamese, Tibetan (Uke, Amdo, and Kham), and
Uyghur. RFA strives for accuracy, balance, and fairness in its editorial
content. As a ‘surrogate’ broadcaster, RFA provides news and commentary
specific to each of its target countries, acting as the free press these
countries lack. RFA broadcasts only in local languages and dialects, and most
of its broadcasts comprise news of specific local interest. More information about Radio Free Asia,
including our current broadcast frequency schedule, is available at
Reception reports are also accepted by email at
qsl@rfa.org and by mail to:
Free Asia
2025 M.
Street NW, Suite 300
DC 20036
States of America.
(Harry Scott/RFA)
Radio Spaceshuttle set for weekend broadcast
Dear listeners,
Radio Spaceshuttle on 13600 kHz 28th of June 19:00-20:00 UTC. I wish you will have fun with our programs also in future! Please tell you rthoughts to us by e-mail: spaceshuttleradio@yhaoo.com. Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address to:
Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands
A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed! Quick response and communication is possible by e-mail: spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com
Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle
Please note, that we have gathered all reports in here for "One-time" posting after this transmission Season January to end of June. So printed QSLs will be send after that (and e-mailQSLs as well) Prizes for winners of our contest will be posted same time- For 3 most reports sent persons and to 3 winners picked By Madame Fortune. With prizes there are for example Radio Spaceshuttle T-Sirts, Caps, pens, stickers, magnetics, strange music-cds etc....
HLR & Radio City Relays this weekend
The Transmitter of MV Baltic Radio is now running full power!
All times UTC
Saturday and Wednesday HLR:
06.00 to 08.00 7265 KHz
08.00 to 11.00 6190 KHz
11.00 to 15.00 7265 KHz
Sunday HLR:
11.00 to 15.00 9485 kHz
E-mail: *redaktion@hamburger-lokalradio.de
HLR FM-Program via the Internet: www.hamburger-lokalradio.net
Radio City Planned transmissions this coming weekend!
Via Hamburger Lokalradio on Saturday June 27th between 1200-1300 on 7265 kHz.
Via Radio Revival, Sala on Sunday June 28th between 0900-1000 on 9405 kHz (or alternatively 9705 kHz).
As always there is also transmissions every Saturday evening via Radio Merkurs, Latvia on 1485 kHz between 1900-2000.
E-mail address remains citymorecars@yahoo.ca
Good Listening!
Tom Taylor
Grimeton Radio SAQ slated for Sunday broadcast
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Grimeton Radio transmitters |
We will remind you of the Grimeton Radio/SAQ transmission on VLF frequency 17.2 kHz,
CW, with
the Alexanderson 200 kW alternator on “ALEXANDERSON
Sunday, June
28th, at
UTC and
UTC (11:00
and 14:00 SVT).
will start tuning up some 30 minutes before the message.
will be activity on amateur radio frequencies during the day with the call
7,035 CW or
3,755 SSB
145,700/145,100 VHF FM repeater (R-4/RV-56)
QSL to
via SM
on SAQ
transmissions are
kindly received:
E-mail to: info@alexander.n.se
- or
via: SM bureau
- or
direct by mail to: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios
Grimeton 72
radio station will be open to visitors from 08:00 to 14:00 UTC (10:00 to 16:00
read our web site: www.alexander.n.se
(Larry Van Horn)
VOA Radiogram weekend schedule
Hello friends,
I'm almost hoping for poor reception this weekend, because we will transmit another news items in Olivia 32-2000, and this mode can work very well in adverse conditions.
If the RSID does not change your mode to Olivia 32-2000, you can manually make the change in Fldigi:
Op Mode > Olivia > Custom > Bandwidth: 2000, Tones: 32
Or you can make a macro in Flidigi for a quick change to Olivia 32-2000. Insert this under Macro Text:

On the other hand, I'm also hoping for good reception this weekend, because that would bring good conditions for the amateur radio Field Day exercise. The program will include greetings to radio amateurs participating in Field Day.
Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 117, 27-28 June 2015., all in MFSK32 except where noted:
1:31 Program preview
2:38 Triassic Reptile Was 'Grandfather' of All Turtles*
9:06 Explosive Growth May Exhaust Web Space*
18:16 Olivia 32-2000: Consumer rights website blocked In Russia
22:36 Amateur Radio Field Day 2015*
27:13 Closing announcements*
29:08 CW: Bonus mode of the week
* with image
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17870 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
The Mighty KBC will transmit its usual minute of MFSK64 Sunday at 0230 UTC (Saturday 10:30 pm EDT) on 9925 kHz, via Germany. If you decode this, please retune quickly to VOA Radiogram, which also starts at 0230 UTC, on 5745 kHz. Reports for KBC to Eric: themightykbc@gmail.com .
Thanks for your reports from last weekend. I will not be able to finish the gallery for program 115 and begin to respond to reports for program 115 until Sunday.
I hope you can tune in and write in this weekend.
Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram
I'm almost hoping for poor reception this weekend, because we will transmit another news items in Olivia 32-2000, and this mode can work very well in adverse conditions.
If the RSID does not change your mode to Olivia 32-2000, you can manually make the change in Fldigi:
Op Mode > Olivia > Custom > Bandwidth: 2000, Tones: 32
Or you can make a macro in Flidigi for a quick change to Olivia 32-2000. Insert this under Macro Text:
On the other hand, I'm also hoping for good reception this weekend, because that would bring good conditions for the amateur radio Field Day exercise. The program will include greetings to radio amateurs participating in Field Day.
Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 117, 27-28 June 2015., all in MFSK32 except where noted:
1:31 Program preview
2:38 Triassic Reptile Was 'Grandfather' of All Turtles*
9:06 Explosive Growth May Exhaust Web Space*
18:16 Olivia 32-2000: Consumer rights website blocked In Russia
22:36 Amateur Radio Field Day 2015*
27:13 Closing announcements*
29:08 CW: Bonus mode of the week
* with image
Please send reception reports to radiogram@voanews.com.
VOA Radiogram transmission schedule
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17870 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
The Mighty KBC will transmit its usual minute of MFSK64 Sunday at 0230 UTC (Saturday 10:30 pm EDT) on 9925 kHz, via Germany. If you decode this, please retune quickly to VOA Radiogram, which also starts at 0230 UTC, on 5745 kHz. Reports for KBC to Eric: themightykbc@gmail.com .
Thanks for your reports from last weekend. I will not be able to finish the gallery for program 115 and begin to respond to reports for program 115 until Sunday.
I hope you can tune in and write in this weekend.
Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram
Ancient DX Report 1910
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Metropolitan Opera House, New York - postcard |
The first of these broadcasting
achievements took place quite early in the year, under the initiative of Dr.
Lee de Forest. Somewhere around the end
of the previous year, it is reported, Forest installed a radio transmitter
aboard a yacht that James Dunlop Smith had procured.
The Smith yacht was renamed, rather
appropriately “Radio”, and public
demonstrations were presented off the coast of Rhode Island. It is suggested that these radio program
broadcasts were presented to encourage wealthy people ashore to invest in the
Lee de Forest Radio Telephone Company,
Then, after the turn of the year
into 1910, Forest installed a transmitter in the Metropolitan Opera House, New
York where he made a live radio broadcast that was announced in advance. Radio historians suggest that this event was
the first ever radio program broadcast.
For this important occasion, Forest
set up two microphones near the performance stage in the opera house in New
York, together with a 500 watt transmitter on top of the building. Several Forest receivers were installed in
various buildings in New York for the benefit of newspaper reporters and others
who had an interest in the newly developing radio medium.
The operatic program featured Enrico
Caruso and other well known singers of that era performing in the opera
Cavalleria Rusticana, on Thursday January 13, 1910. The New York Times reported next day that the
broadcast was spoiled by static and interference, though this broadcast was
heard more clearly in Bridgeport Connecticut, and also by the radio officer
aboard the ship “Avon” in nearby
coastal waters.
During the year 1910, Dr. Charles
Herrold transmitted many radio program broadcasts from his 10 watt arc station
FN which was installed in his College of Engineering and Wireless in the Garden
Bank Building in San Jose, California.
These program broadcasts were presented on a regular basis and consisted
of recorded music together with news items read from the local newspapers;
regular broadcasting, if you please.
Over in Seattle Washington, the
young experimenter, William Dubilier continued the series of experimental radio
broadcasts that he had inaugurated at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle
during the previous year. His program
broadcasts consisted of recorded music and spoken information.
On July 4, 1910, there was another
significant radio broadcast from a wireless station in California, though this
was all in Morse Code. We take this
information from what is believed to be the world’s oldest off air recording of a radio/wireless
transmission. This broadcast was
recorded on a tin foil cylinder recording.
This original tin foil covered
cylinder containing the off-air recording of a wireless transmission in Morse
Code is housed in the San Francisco State University. The Morse message was recorded at a speed of
125 revolutions per minute.
The tin foil wireless message in
Morse Code seems to be the introductory comment just before a boxing match with
information about the boxer Jack Johnson and his boxing opponent, Jim
Jeffries. This message was sent by
wireless in the original Morse Code that was developed by Samuel Morse and
Alfred Vail in 1844.
In this message, it is stated that
Jack Johnson insisted on a fight with the retired Jim Jeffries, and boxing
records do show that Johnson did meet Jeffries in a match of 15 rounds in Reno,
Nevada on July 4, 1910. This match was
considered to be a fight of major significance in the boxing world and
progressive news of the event was flashed nationwide by Morse Code just as
quickly as the communications of the day could permit.
A short article in the American
magazine, Modern Electrics for August 1910, states that the details of the
Johnson-Jeffries match were transmitted progressively by wireless station TG
which was owned at the time by the Western Wireless Equipment Company in San
Francisco. The station was located in
the city offices of the company and it was on the air with the news broadcast
in Morse Code for the benefit of ships at sea and for local amateur wireless
operators along the west coast of the United States.
A careful listening to the recorded
message indicates that it was made by playing the sound from a wireless
receiver directly into the recording horn of a cylinder phonograph. The available information would suggest that
the Morse Code wireless message from station TG in San Francisco was made
shortly before 3 pm on Monday July 4 in the year 1910.
This broadcast could have been
recorded by an amateur wireless operator somewhere in the San Francisco
area. Or perhaps it was recorded by
Earle Ennis himself, the owner of station TG which was installed in the Grant
Building in San Francisco.
By courtesy of Glen Sage in Portland
Oregon and his website tinfoil.com you can listen now to a portion of what is
believed to be the oldest off air recording from any wireless transmission.
In other radio news for the year 1910, Hugo
Gernsback in New York issued the second edition of his annual publication the
Wireless Blue Book which listed all of the wireless stations on the air in the
United States. At this stage, all
callsigns were self assigned and were frequently made up from the owner’s name or
initials, or his location.
What is believed to be the world’s first
radio/wireless contest was staged in Philadelphia on February 23. Contestants in this nationwide contest were
required to demonstrate capability in the sending and receiving of Morse Code.
In mid 1910, the licensing authorities
in Australia began issuing licenses for amateur stations, and the three letter
callsigns began with the letter X. The
Commonwealth government called for tenders for establishing two wireless
stations; station POP at Pennant Hills near Sydney in New South Wales and
station POF at Fremantle, near Perth in Western Australia. The Australian Wireless Company established
maritime station ATY near the Bulletin office on Underwood Street in Sydney.
In Ireland, Marconi installed his
large wireless station at Cllffden; in Spain a new wireless company was
registered to experiment with Marconi apparatus; and in Belgium the very first
amateur radio operator, Paul de Neck, began his experiments.
On the open seas in 1910, two ships
signaled SOS: the “Minnihaha” ran aground and
called the Marconi station LD at the Lizard in England and the “Puritan” on Lake
Michigan was caught in ice.
(AWR/Wavescan NWS 330)
Wartime Radio in Australia: WW I
Historians tell us that World War 1 began on
Tuesday July 28, 1914 when bristling hostilities between various countries and
ethnic cultures on continental Europe boiled over into open warfare. Country after country declared war on each
other and large armies marched over the borders into neighboring territories
thus changing forever the political geography for multi-millions of people.
the time, all 19 maritime wireless stations around continental Australia and on
neighboring islands had been completed and were on the air in Morse Code. All of these spark gap transmitters, with
callsigns in descending alphabetic order beginning with VIA and ending with
VIZ, were communicating with each other and with passing shipping on a regular
than two weeks after the commencement of open hostilities on continental
Europe, the Australian government required that all experimental wireless
equipment had to be surrendered to the government authorities no later than
Thursday August 6 (1914). From that time
onwards, no unauthorized transmitting nor receiving of wireless signals was
there were a few licensed exceptions to this government mandate; and for
example, Charles Maclurcan in the Hotel Wentworth in Sydney was permitted to
continue his experimental transmissions with the use of his own equipment under
the callsign X2CM. He had been licensed
three years earlier with the experimental callsign XDM.
the same hotel location, Maclurcan had operated the temporary maritime
communication station AAA with the primitive studio equipment on the sixth
floor of the family hotel and the transmitter and two antenna masts on the
roof. The ultra-modern Hotel Wentworth
today, at the same location in Phillip Street, is in close walking distance to
the iconic Opera House and the equally famed Sydney Harbour Bridge.
the army and the navy in Australia utilized wireless equipment for tactical and
training purposes during the war. For
example, the army operated two mobile transmitters at the Mitcham army
encampment in Adelaide South Australia under the consecutive callsigns WAA and
island called Garden Island is located in Sydney Harbour just off the edge of
the shoreline quite close to the big Bridge and to the Opera House. In the days before European colonization,
Garden Island was part of the territory of the Aboriginal Eora tribe.
days after the arrival of the First Fleet from England in 1788, the island was
taken over for use as a kitchen garden to provide food for the new settlers,
hence the name. In fact, the oldest
graffiti in Australia may still be seen on Garden Island; ship steward
Frederick Meredith carved his initials in the soft sandstone, FM 1788.
Island is just a ¼ mile long and even less wide. In 1811 the ownership of the island was
transferred from the navy to the Governor’s Residence. However, no transfer papers were every
signed, and the navy reclaimed the island 55 years later. Historians tell us that the oldest lawn
tennis court in Australia was established on Garden Island in the year 1880,
and it is still in use to this day.
the early part of World War 2, a series of tunnels was dug into the island and
landfill was taken to join the island to the shoreline. Garden Island is no
longer an island, even though it still carries the name.
few days after the commencement of World War 1 in continental Europe on July
28, 1914, the well known Australian radio company AWA installed a wireless
station on the island as part of the navy base.
This station was installed in the record time of just 4 days, and it was
inaugurated for use with Morse Code transmissions under the callsign VKQ.
the Japanese attack on Sydney Harbour on the night of May 30, 1942, the midget
submarine M-24 fired a torpedo that struck the HMAS Kuttabul which exploded,
broke in two, and sank. The explosion
damaged the lighting system on Garden Island, and it also silenced the naval
radio station.
fate of the midget submarine M-24 was unknown for more than 60 years. However, it was relocated quite by chance in
November 2006 by a group of scuba divers some three miles off Bungan Head,
about 25 miles north of Sydney. The M-24
was sitting upright on the sea floor, 180 feet underwater, and it showed
several machine gun bullet holes; apparently slow flooding had brought this
vessel to a standstill.
The combined remains of two other
midget submarines, combined into one unit, are on display in the Heritage
Center Museum on Garden Island.
(AWR/wavescan/NWS 330)
Board to Meet, Examine Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

WASHINGTON - The Broadcasting Board of Governors will meet at the headquarters of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in Prague, Czech Republic, on July 1, 2015. In addition to Board business, the Board will honor the 65th anniversary of RFE/RL and the 30th anniversary of Radio Marti. The Board will also receive a report by the BBG's Interim CEO and Director, as well as a presentation by RFE/RL on its operations and activities.
The public may attend any or all of these sessions in person by registering here by 12:00 p.m. (EDT) on June 26. The meeting will also be streamed live on the BBG website, www.bbg.gov.
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. (EDT). Additional information, including any updates or adjustments to its starting time, will be posted on the BBG website. Minutes, documents and a video recording will be available after the meeting concludes.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Denge Kurdistan slated for 01 July adjustments
Clandestine station, Denge Kurdistan plans the following adjustments effective 01 July, 2015
All times UTC
0300-0500 11600 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs ex 11510
0500-1300 11600 KCH 300 kW / 116 deg to WeAs ex 11510
1300-1700 11600 SCB 100 kW / 090 deg to WeAs ex 11510
1700-1900 11600 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs ex 11510
Frequency 11600 kHz is registered in HFCC database on June 15.
(DX Mix Nx 915/22 Jun)
Iran updates Kazakh service
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VOIRI QSL (Gayle Van Hoen Collection) |
The following schedule updates are effective 22 June, 2015
All times UTC
0123-0200 9430 SIR 500 kW / 018 deg to CeAs, transmission cancelled
0123-0200 11890 SIR 500 kW / 005 deg to CeAs, transmission cancelled
0200-0220 9430 SIR 500 kW / 018 deg to CeAs, transmission cancelled
0200-0220 9430 SIR 500 kW / 018 deg to CeAs, transmission cancelled
0200-0220 11890 SIR 500 kW / 005 deg to CeAs, transmission cancelled
0923-1000 15715 KAM 500 kW / 045 deg to CeAs, new transmission
0923-1000 17635 SIR 500 kW / 031 deg to CeAs, new transmission
1000-1020 15715 KAM 500 kW / 045 deg to CeAs, new transmission
0923-1000 17635 SIR 500 kW / 031 deg to CeAs, new transmission
1000-1020 15715 KAM 500 kW / 045 deg to CeAs, new transmission
1000-1020 17635 SIR 500 kW / 031 deg to CeAs, new transmission
1523-1600 9800 KAM 500 kW / 058 deg
to CeAs, unchanged
1523-1600 11825 SIR 500 kW / 040 deg to CeAs, unchanged
1523-1600 11825 SIR 500 kW / 040 deg to CeAs, unchanged
1600-1620 9800 KAM 500 kW / 058 deg to CeAs, unchanged
1600-1620 11825 SIR 500 kW / 040 deg to CeAs, unchanged
(SWL DXing/22 Jun)
Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletin
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Cranky Sun (NOAA) |
:Issued: 2015 Jun 22 0548 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/weekly.html
# Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 15 - 21 June 2015
Solar activity was at low to moderate levels. Weak to mid-level C-class flares were observed on 15-17 Jun from Regions 2360 (N15, L=129, class/area Eac/220 on 12 Jun), 2367 (S20, L=002, class/area Ekc/400 on 15 Jun), 2268 (S06, L=100, class/area Bxo/010 on 14 Jun) and 2371 (N13, L=302, class/area Fkc/1180 on 21 Jun). Activity increased to moderate levels (R1-minor) on 18 Jun. Old Region 2365 (S13, L=079) produced a long duration event (LDE) M1 flare at 18/0127 UTC. At 18/1736 UTC, Region 2371 produced an M3/1n LDE with associated Type IV and Tenflare (2200 sfu) radio emissions. Associated with this event was an asymmetric, full-halo CME first visible in LASCO C2 imagery at 18/1724 UTC.
19 Jun saw a return to low levels with weak to high-level C-class flares observed from Region 2371. At about 19/0500 UTC, a large filament eruption was observed in the SSE quadrant of the disk. Associated with this eruption was a partial-halo CME, first observed in LASCO C2 imagery at 19/0845 UTC. Moderate levels returned on 20 Jun with an M1/if flare observed at 20/0648 UTC. 21 Jun saw a total of 4 M-class class flares. Region 2371 produced an M2/1n flare at 21/0142 UTC with associated Type II (682 km/s) and Type IV radio emissions. Also associated with this event was a full-halo CME. Shortly afterward, this same region produced an M2.6 x-ray event. At 21/0944 UTC, Region 2367 produced an M3/2b flare followed by an M1 x-ray event at 21/1820 UTC.
A pair of 10 MeV at greater than or equal to 10 pfu proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit. The first event began at 18/1135 UTC, reached a maximum of 16 pfu at 18/1445 UTC and ended at 19/0230 UTC. This event was associated with the M1 flare from old Region 2365 observed at 18/0127 UTC. The second event began at 21/2035 UTC and reached at peak of near 50 pfu at the end of the summary period and was still rising. This event was associated with the M1 flare from Region 2367 observed at 21/1820 UTC.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels through the entire summary period.
Geomagnetic field activity was at quiet to active levels through the period. Quiet to unsettled levels were observed on 15-17 Jun with isolated active periods observed on 15 and 17 Jun. This activity was due to positive polarity coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) effects. Solar wind parameters, measured at the ACE satellite, indicated wind speeds of near 600 km/s early on 15 Jun decreasing to about 450 km/s by the end of the 17th. Total field ranged between 4-8 nT while the Bz component varied between +/- 5 nT. Phi angle was in a predominately positive (away) orientation. Predominately quiet conditions were observed on 18 Jun through late on 21 June. Solar wind speeds decreased from about 450 km/s early on 18 June to near 275 km/s by 21/1540 UTC. During this same time frame, total field ranged between 1-6 nT, Bz varied between +4 nT to -3 nT and phi remained mostly positive. After 21/1540 UTC, wind speed increased toabout 360 km/s, Bt increased to 12 nT, Bz varied between +8 nT to -7 nT and phi briefly rotated to a negative (towards) sector. This deviation indicated a possible co-rotating interaction region in advance of an anticipated positive polarity CH HSS.
Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 22 June - 18 July 2015
Solar activity is expected to be at moderate to high levels (R1-R2, minor-moderate). Active Regions 2367 and 2371, and the return of old Region 2365 on 30 Jun, are expected to keep activity levels enhanced through the outlook period.
The 10 MeV at greater than or equal to 10 pfu proton flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to remain at the S1 (minor) to S2 (moderate) levels through 24 Jun. Effects from the 21 Jun M1 flare, coupled with multiple shocks from the 18, 19 and 21 Jun CMEs, are expected to keep proton flux above event levels.
The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal to moderate levels on 22 Jun through 06 Jul. Moderate to high levels are expected on 07-18 Jul due to CH HSS effects.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to severe storm levels (G1-G3, minor-strong) on 22-24 Jun. This activity is due to the expected arrival of the three CMEs from 18, 19 and 21 Jun. Unsettled to active periods are expected on 06-08 Jul, 12-13 Jul and 18 Jul, along with minor storm periods (G1-minor) on 05 and 11 Jul, due to CIR/CH HSS effects. Predominately quiet to unsettled levels are expected for the remainder of the outlook period.
Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2015 Jun 22 0548 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html
# 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
# Issued 2015-06-22
# UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest
# Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index
2015 Jun 22 135 60 7
2015 Jun 23 130 42 6
2015 Jun 24 125 15 4
2015 Jun 25 125 8 3
2015 Jun 26 130 5 2
2015 Jun 27 130 5 2
2015 Jun 28 125 5 2
2015 Jun 29 120 5 2
2015 Jun 30 125 5 2
2015 Jul 01 125 5 2
2015 Jul 02 125 5 2
2015 Jul 03 125 5 2
2015 Jul 04 125 5 2
2015 Jul 05 120 25 5
2015 Jul 06 120 15 4
2015 Jul 07 125 12 4
2015 Jul 08 125 10 3
2015 Jul 09 125 5 2
2015 Jul 10 125 8 3
2015 Jul 11 130 18 5
2015 Jul 12 130 12 4
2015 Jul 13 130 8 3
2015 Jul 14 130 5 2
2015 Jul 15 130 5 2
2015 Jul 16 130 5 2
2015 Jul 17 130 5 2
2015 Jul 18 130 8 3
Friday, June 19, 2015
VOA Radiogram weekend schedule
Based on your reports,
reception was generally good last weekend. That’s somewhat unfortunate, because
we included a news item in Olivia 32-2000, a mode that can be successful decoded
even in very bad reception conditions. I tested this twice: First was during the
Saturday 1600-1630 UTC broadcast on 17870 kHz. I usually don’t listen to this
transmission because, in northern Virginia, I’m in the skip zone. Last weekend,
the MFSK32 had many errors, but in Olivia 32-2000, 1111 of the 1115 characters
decoded correctly. I had similar results Sunday 0230-0300 UTC on 5745 kHz using
a receiver in Slovakia.
This weekend will be another
all-MFSK32 show, except for MFSK16 as the bonus mode, first at 16 dB under the
closing music, and later at full level.
Here is the lineup for VOA
Radiogram, program 116, 20-21 June
2105, all in MFSK32 except where noted:
1:32 Program
2:51 Amateur Radio Field
Day at former VOA transmitting site*
9:38 630M medium wave
transmissions on Field Day
12:52 Watermills in
Pakistan generate electricity*
20:26 Myanmar intensifies
media restrictions*
26:42 Closing
27:43 MFSK16: Bonus mode 16
dB under closing music
28:40 MFSK16: At full
with image
Please send reception reports
to radiogram@voanews.com
VOA Radiogram transmission
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17870 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
(all days and times UTC):
Sat 0930-1000 5745 kHz
Sat 1600-1630 17870 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.
The Mighty
KBC will transmit a minute of MFSK64
Sunday at 0230 UTC (Saturday 10:30 pm EDT) on 9925 kHz, via Germany. This is
part of the KBC transmission to North America Sunday at 0000-0300 UTC (Saturday
8-11 pm EDT). If you decode this, quickly retune to 5745 kHz for VOA Radiogram.
Reports for KBC to Eric: themightykbc@gmail.com
A reminder about MFSK
images: Fldigi automatically saves
decoded MFSK images as png files in the Windows folder \fldigi.files\images\. If
you send those png files with your reception reports, it’s easy for me to
include them in the gallery.
Thanks for your reception
reports from last weekend. I am still woefully in arrears in answering your
reports, but they will be answered.
I hope you can tune in and
write in this weekend.
Kim Andrew
Producer and
Radio Spaceshuttle weekend schedule
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
British Antarctic Survey slated for annual broadcast-update
BBC will test on June 19 before BAS Annual Midwinter broadcast
June 21 on the following schedule:
All times UTC
2130-2145 on 5905 DHA 250 kW / 203 deg to Antarctica English Friday, June 19
2130-2145 on 5985 WOF 250 kW / 184 deg to Antarctica English Friday, June 19
2130-2145 on 7425 ASC 250 kW / 207 deg to Antarctica English Friday, June 19
2130-2145 on 9590 WOF 250 kW / 182 deg to Antarctica English Friday, June 19
British Antarctic Survey
BAS will air their annual
midwinter's day broadcast to Antarctica. The special English programming will
air Sunday, 21 June on the following schedule.
All times UTC
2130-2200 - 5905 DHA (U.A.E. transmitter) 250
kW/ 203 deg to Antarctica
2130-2200 - 5985 ASC (Ascension Island
transmitter) 250 kW/ 207 deg to Antarctica
2130-2200 - 9590 WOF (Wooferton, U.K.
transmitter) 250 kW/ 182 deg to Antarctica
(Teak Publishing)
BBC Far Eastern Relay Station: The Return to Singapore
BBC Far Eastern Relay Station (fllicker.com) |
story of the BBC Far Eastern Relay Station at its four different locations
spans a total of ¾ century, beginning before the
beginning of World War 2, right up to the present time. This important shortwave relay station has
been located at Jurong out from Singapore city on the island of Singapore;
Ekala out from Colombo on the island of Ceylon, as it was in those days, or Sri
Lanka as it is identified these days; Tebrau near the southern tip of the the
Malay peninsula; and Kranji, back again on the island of Singapore.
That is our story here in Wavescan
today, the return of the BBC Far Eastern Relay station, back to Singapore,
though across the island from the previous location that was on the air in the
middle of last century. Jurong, the
original BBC location, is situated a dozen miles west of Singapore city, and
Kranji is located a dozen miles north of Jurong.
The comparatively new BBC
transmitter site at Kranji is also only a dozen miles distant from its
immediately previous location at Tebrau in Malaysia. The Kranji station is located in a swampy
abandoned area, close to the saltwater Johor strait that separates the island
from the Malay peninsula. The geographic
address states “off Turut Track”,
and this seems to be beyond the
knowledge and experience of the regular taxi services.
The 4 acre BBC property at Kranji is
very compact, with 10 transmitters and 22 antenna systems; and some of the
towers are actually standing in shallow seawater. The first necessity at this property back in
1975 was to raise the level of the entire property by 3 feet, and in order to
accomplish this, 800 truck loads of land fill were brought in every day.
However, the main 2 storey
transmitter building itself was built on piles as a safeguard against any
possibility of a rise in local water level.
The Transmitter Hall is in the same design as the BBC shortwave station
located at Woofferton in England.
The first transmitter for Kranji, a
250 kW Marconi model BD272 was removed from Tebrau in January
1977 and it was re-installed in the new transmitter building where it was
activated a little over a year later during the month of February (1978). The target date for the activation at Kranji
of the second transmitter from Tebrau was a few weeks later, March 5. At this stage, all of the construction work
on the buildings had been completed, and half of the towers were now standing.
The final broadcast from BBC Tebrau
ended on May 18 of the next year (1979).
Initially, the Malay government gave consideration to taking over the
BBC shortwave station for use in its own international communications. However instead, the entire facility has been
absorbed into the expanding local suburban area of Jahore Bahru.
The final completion date for all of
the facilities at BBC Kranji was in the Spring of the year 1979 and at this
stage there were 4 main transmitters at 100 kW and 4 at 250 kW, together with 3
at just 50 kW as stand by units. There
were also 22 antenna systems supported on 17 towers, mainly reversible
curtains. Electricity for the entire
station was mains power provided from the Singapore government electrical
for the BBC Kranji was originally a shortwave feed from Daventry in England,
usually with two transmitters on the same channel, 17790 kHz. In addition, a local FM channel in Singapore
carried the BBC World Service via a transmitter co-sited with the Singapore
domestic transmitters at Bukit Temah in the center of the island. Program relay from London via satellite was
introduced at the end of August 1983.
In 1987, a 250 kW Marconi was
transferred from Daventry in England to Kranji, and just two years ago, another
250 kW transmitter was transferred from Skelton, also in England, to
Kranji. These days, there are officially
10 transmitters located in the BBC shortwave station at Kranji, 5 at 100 kW and
5 at 250 kW.
We should also mention that a dozen
years ago, Merlin Communications took over the operation of the BBC Far Eastern
Relay Station in Singapore. Merlin
subsequently became VT Merlin, and then VT Communications, and then this
organization was taken over as Babcock.
However, in all of these transmigrations, the BBC has still retained
ownership of the station itself.
around 15 years ago, this BBC station in Singapore has also carried relay
programming on behalf of other international shortwave stations, including NHK
Tokyo, Radio Canada International, Radio Netherlands, Deutsche Welle in
Germany, Radio Australia, and several other stations as well, over varying
periods of time.
the past ¼ century,
regular full data QSL cards have been available from the BBC at its Kranji
address, and additionally, some QSL cards have been posted out from the BBC in
London. Three different Singapore cards
are known, each with a photograph in color of the station itself.
far in this series of topics on the BBC Far Eastern Relay Station, we have
presented information regarding their consecutive facilities at Jurong
Singapore, Ekala Sri Lanka, Tebrau Malaysia and now Kranji Singapore. However, in
performing all of this very interesting research, we have uncovered
another location, albeit apparently a very temporary location. That is the story on another coming occasion
here in Wavescan.
(AWR Wavescan/NWS 329)
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
VOA Chief threatens to 'kill' other broadcast stations if .....
By Al Kamen,
The infighting among the U.S. broadcasting units overseen by the chronically troubled (some say dysfunctional) Broadcasting Board of Governors seems to have gotten worse as Congress debates a bill that could alter the units’ mandates.
The broadcasters include the venerable Voice of America and the various “Frees,” such as Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia and Middle East Broadcasting.
At a farewell editorial meeting last week, VOA director David Ensor, a longtime CNN national security reporter who’s leaving in a few weeks after four years running the agency, accused unidentified folks at the “Frees” of teaming up with members of Congress against the VOA.
There are apparently some at the “Frees” trying to get Congress to make them stand alone under their own umbrella and change the VOA’s mandate from reporting news worldwide to a much narrower mandate of only reporting events in this country. That’s a move Ensor said would be a “death sentence” for the VOA.
Additional story at:
Monitoring Indonesia's RRI Merauke
3905 RRI Merauke has not been heard since May 18 reception. Seems they only wanted a very brief reactivation. (Ron Howard-CA-USA, dswci DXW June 12)
Isra Miraj Nabi Muhammad was actually on May 16th, as my Indonesian calendar shows, so it seems that the ceremony mentioned was on the night before that date.
Merauke, as you certainly know, is on East Indonesia Time, which is UTC+9hrs, so the time mentioned in your log would have been 8:30 in the evening. This makes sense because traditionally in Indonesia a night is considered to be part of the following day. A good website for an
Indonesian calendar is also
Where also some explanations as to the nature of these holidays are given. By the way, the month of Ramadan begins this year on or around June 18th (depending on sighting of the moon) and lasts until July 16th. Thus ID (or Eid)-Ul-Fitri falls on July 17 & 18 (Fri-Sat), making this a long holiday
weekend. (Gerhard Werdin-D, dswci DXW June 12)
(BCDX/WWDXC/Top Nx 1211/15 Jun)
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