Friday, October 04, 2024

Blog Logs - October 2024


October 2024 

Welcome to the October 2024 edition of Blog Logs. Thank you for your emails and for following the postings on the Shortwave Central blog and X/Twitter at Shortwave Central @QSLRptMT. 

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Thank you to all the contributors! Your monitoring is always welcome!

Language services as indicated.
// denotes station heard on a parallel frequency
*Sign-on Sign-Off*/ frequencies kHz
Monitored 15 Sept-01 Oct 2024 

All times UTC

Brazil (Portuguese)
850, Rádio Difusora, Campos dos Goytacazes. 2135, Sports news to ID “Rádio Difusora, Campos.” 1440, SINPO 25432 (Rudolf Grimm, San Bernardo, SP, Brazil).

17600, Ifrikya FM. 1855 with music program, station promotional interlude and additional music program SINPO 45444 (Paul Walker, AK) Audible in Arabic 0907-0733 with program comments, SINPO 45444 (Manuel Méndez, Spain/BDXC)

Ascension Island
21645, BBC relay in Hausa via Georgetown at 1602. Comments and interview, SINPO 45444 to West Africa. (Grimm)

9510, Adventist World Radio relay via Mossbrunn in Punjabi at 0238. Asian music and comments. SINPO 25332. 15605 via Moosbrunn in Persian at 1640. SINPO 25442. (Grimm).

6080, VOA relay via Selebi-Phikwe in English at 1930. Music program and announcer’s talk. Noted 6195 with ID and African-style music. SINPO 35443. (Grimm).

4985, Rádio Brasil Central, 2045.Local time check, noted on // 11815, SINPO 35553. 6010, Paul Walker, AK; Méndez)
5940, Rádio Voice Missionary via Camboriu at 1445 with comments and “Missionary Voice” identification, SINPO 45554. Spurs noted on 5842.13; 6037.7; 6135.70 kHz. (Grimm; Walker)
6010, Rádio Inconfidencia at 0326. Several IDs to Brazilian songs. Fair signal quality with a lot of noise and fading (Walker; Méndez). Noted at 1440 at 0230 (Grimm)
6150, Rádio Saturno 0608-0633. Brazilian songs to Faixa Brasil program. SINPO 15422 (Méndez).
9818.9 Rádio Nove de Julho, São Paulo at 0231. Catholic service and music and responding to listeners from various regions of Brazil. SINPO 45554. (Grimm).
11780 Rádio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia 0158-0200*. Brazilian song, Zé Ramalho, government announcement. SINPO 45554. (Grimm; Méndez)
11815, Rádio Brasil Central, Goiania at 0149. Station jingles to station identification to music California Dreaming tune by the Mamas and the Papas. SINPO 35553. (Grimm)

6070, CFRX, Toronto; 0602-0627. Comments, ads and news. Also heard at 0505-0625 in English with similar format and news (Méndez)


6110, China Radio International via Xianyang in Russian at 1910. Chinese/Asia music style to male/female in Russian. SINPO 35543 to Central Asia. Additional CRL monitored as: 7390 via Hohhot in Russian at 1035; Urdu service on 9450 at 0250; Chinese on 9825 at 0231; 11610 in Chinese at 0220; 11640 in Bengali via Kunming at 0213; 11830 via Kashi in Spanish at 0146; 11980 via Kunming in Amoy at 0115; 13660 in French at 1832; 13700 in Chaozhou at 1820; 11735 via Kashi in Mandarin at 1310; 17765 via Kashi in French at 1617. (Grimm)

9810, CNR-1 (Nanning 954). 1400-1402 in Chinese. Top of the hour time pips and time checks, followed by station ID // 9860, 9845; 9820 CNR-2 (Xinxiang 595), 1400-1402 in Chinese. Time pips and Chinese pop music of poor signal quality; 9830 CNR-1 (Hohot 694) 1400-1402 in Chinese. Time pips to time check and station ID. Fair-poor signal // 9860, 9845, 9810. CNR-1 (Beijing-Matoucun 572) Chinese service with pips and time check and ID. Fair-poor signal with interference from Vietnam // 9860, 9830, 9810 (Tony Pavik, BC Canada)

15700, World Music Radio 0452. Afro/Caribbean world music. SINPO 45343. Pretty impressive for only 300 watts into a three-element Yagi beaming due south from the transmitter site in Denmark (Walker). Noted 0817-0835 with Andean and Brazilian music. Station ID and more Latin American tunes. SINPO 45444 (Méndez).

6050, HCJB Quito at 0437. Music to Spanish text and talking – maybe a pastor’s text. SINPO 44444. Their later sign-off a couple of nights a week makes this possible to be heard here in Alaska, well before winter (Walker).Noted 0448-0500* (Méndez).

15300, Radio France International 1943. Actually, heard the U.S. national anthem, which had me stumped for a minute, but it appears the signal is live and RFI was covering live sports event. Announcer’s French chatter. Also noted on 21690 at 1802 in French (Walker).17850 in French at 1609 with African news headlines to West Africa (Grimm).

9670, Channel 292 at 2108. Old Timey Swing music program. Station is obviously using their beam pointed at the U.S., but unsure of the direction. SINPO 44343 with noise and splatter from nearby channels (Walker).

12130, Mashaal Radio at 1125. Pashto service with music and features, targeted to Pakistan 13820 VOA Deewa Radio relay in Pashto at 1405. SINPO 15431. (Grimm).

6050, ELWA Radio via Monrovia, 0557-0615. Interval signal, English ID to Back to the Bible program with comments. Religious vocals, SINPO 25422. Also heard 1921-1927 with religious programming (Méndez).

15125, China Radio International relay via Bamako at 1740. Swahili talks and text with SINPO 35543. Mali relay via China Radio International on 17630 at 1505 in English. (Walker & Grimm)

6185, Radio Educación, Cidad de México, 0440-0704. Latin American music to English pop songs. ID for AM “Cultura 1060 AM, la frecuencia para la divesidad, laemisora de Radio Educación, la radio cultural de México.” SINPO 25422 (Méndez).

5955, Radio Veronica, Westdorpe, 1826-1846. Pop songs in English and Dutch to comments and advertisements (Méndez).

5895, Radio Northern Star, Bergen, 1915-2033. Pop and country songs to announcer’s comments. English ID as “Radio Northern Star.” SINPO 14421 (Méndez).

11960, Radio Romania Int’l via Galbeni to Western Europe at 0533. Newscast with an advisory for Romanians in Lebanon to evacuate. Program segment on Listener’s Day and asking for listener’s email or recorded comments on A.I. (Walker).

United States
7505, WRNO at 0307. Religious text to North America, SINPO 15421 (Grimm).

9265, WINB, 0230-0300. SW Radiogram is quite a good copy for program 367. MFSK32 text 100%. MFSK64 Text 99.9 %. All images made it! (Pavick). VOA  5925 // 6080 with The Hits pop music program. SINPO 55454. Freqs are listed for multiple hours, 6080 signed off and returned a minute later. Portuguese service for VOA on 12080 and 1751 with a report on Zambia at 1751. (Walker)

9960, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila, 0554-0727. Bislama comments to island songs. Drum signal at 0601 to interval signal, news, additional island music and English pop songs. News at 0700, interval signal and news with QRM fro WRMI on 9955. SINPO 23422 (Méndez).

Vatican State
21565, Vaticana Radio, Sta. Maria di Galeria. English programming at 1645. Program comments and music to sign off at 1658. SINPO 25442 to East Africa. (Méndez).