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Monday, January 15, 2007
Blog Logs - DXpedition
Looks like Harold has once again spent some quality time at a DXpedition. Let's hear it for making good use of your time!
Gayle VH
Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts DXpedition, Brighton MIDrake R8B + 500' NE unterminated bev, 250' SE unterminated bev, 65' TTFD.
All dates and times for all logs are UTC unless otherwise noted
AUSTRALIA: 6020 Radio Australia; 1201, 14-Jan; EE Aussie & Pacific news.SIO=3+44- (Frodge-DXP)
BULGARIA: 6200 Radio Bulgaria; 2250-2300*, 13-Jan; M&W in SS alterna-ting items, plus band & chorale music; several IDs during time noted.SIO=332, need USB to kill ute. Not in 07 Passport or WRTVH. Listed //7400 & 9400 not hrd. (Frodge-DXP)
CHILE: 17680 Christian Voice; 1950-2010+, 12-Jan; EE Jeezus rock music;M "CVC" ID in SS @1958. QRM to NZ on 17675 (Frodge-DXP)
CHINA: 7295 China Radio Int'l; 2039-2046+, 12-Jan; CRI on-line spot &Life in China in EE. SIO=2+22, need USB. This will kill any chance ofMalaysia at sunset. //7285, SIO=3+3-3; //7190, SIO=433 (Frodge-DXP)
COLOMBIA:5910.06 Marfil Estereo; 0503-0516+, 13-Jan; M in SS w/rlgs messages & tropicales; ME ID @0516. SIO=3+43. Not //6009.5. (Frodge-DXP)6009.5 La Voz de tu Consencia; 2228-2235+, 13-Jan; M in SS w/chorale & tropicale music; ID as LVdtC HJ(DU) @2231. SIO=233-, need LSB; not //5910. 1150-1201+, 14-Jan; M in SS w/rlgs msg & romantica & tropical style music. SIO=33-3- (Frodge-DXP)
CUBA: 5700 Radio Habana; *0459...0524+, 13-Jan; Cuban anthem & "This isRadio Habana's English language broadcast..."; SIO=2+42; spur?, somedistortion. //6000, S10; //6300, SIO=333, ute bursts; //6420, SIO=222w/woodpecker QRM. More funny business from Raul? (Frodge-DXP)
DIEGO GARCIA: 4319/U AFN/AFRTS; 2141-2152+, 12-Jan; Clark Howard Show;Golden Knights Army Parachute Team promo. SIO=333, QRM from 4316 NMN;//12133.5/U via Key West. 0226-0234, 13-Jan; PSA string & spot about USCentral Command. SIO=2+22 w/strong tone & pulse QRM; //5446.5 via KeyWest, SIO=354- (Frodge-DXP)
GERMANY: 7345 Radio Slovakia Int'l; 1937-1915+, 13-Jan; W in EE w/feature on Slovak visa requirements for US & Canada. SIO=344. EE off@1957, then IS & EE IDs to 1958:37 continuing in LL. (Frodge-DXP)
GUAM: 9585 KSDA Voice of Hope; 1608-1615+, 13-Jan; M&W in EE w/rlgspgm from India, w/pop-style tunes. VoH AWR ID @1612. SIO=253- (Frodge-DXP)
HAWAII: 10320/U AFN/AFRTS; 2011-2025+, 12-Jan; Ed Schultz Show; ArmedForces spots @2020. SIO=132-, lengthy chatter bursts; //12133.5/U viaKey West, SIO=223, swiper QRM (Frodge-DXP)
ICELAND: 13865 Utvarp Reykjavik; 1432-1431+, 13-Jan; M in Nordic LL w/news items including EE clip. UR ID @1430 & into chorale music. SIO=343(Frodge-DXP)
IRAN: 7320 Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran; 1959-2010+, 13-Jan;M in EE interviewing some dufus in a US veterans think tank whichdidn't have a kind word for anybody or anything. 2006 Agenda for Europe,about the new German EU pres. SIO=443; //6020, SIO=242 (Frodge-DXP)
ISRAEL:6973.4 Galei Zahal (p); 2131-2140+, 12-Jan; M&W in HB w/pop music & took phone call. SIO=3+43+, brief CW QRM. (Frodge-DXP)6985 Kol Israel (p); 2114-2131+, 12-Jan; M&W in HB discussing New York theater. SIO=444-, some definite co-channel audio QRM. (Frodge-DXP)
JAMMERS:6280 Crash & Bang CC Music Jammer; 2301, 13-Jan; No audio hrd. (Frodge-DXP)7270 Crash & Bang CC Music Jammer; 2301, 13-Jan; Some audio. (Frodge-DXP)
JORDAN: 11690 Radio Jordan; 1545-1604+, 13-Jan; W in EE w/the SaturdayAfternoon Show w/all EE pop tunes. EE News from Amman @1600 & ID @1604as Radio Jordan 96.3 FM. SIO=243-, need USB to kill ute. (Frodge-DXP)
NEW ZEALAND: 17675 Radio New Zealand Int'l; 1950-2010+, 12-Jan; ISfrom 1950:40; s/on in EE @1951:10 w/ID & variety pop tunes; 9 o'clockTC @2000 the Dateline Pacific. SIO=333+, need LSB to kill CVC Chile on17680 (Frodge-DXP)
OMAN: 15140 Radio Sultantate of Oman; 1404-1431+, 13-Jan; Wide variety ofEE pop music + Macarena; birthday greetings; 6:21 & 6:30 TCs; chimes IS &ID @1430 & into EE news. SIO=343-, sig improved throughout, USB helps(Frodge-DXP)
PERU:4485.97 Radio Frecuencia (t); 0236-0302+, 14-Jan; M in SS w/Andino tunes--lotsa flutes & concertinas; greetings to the Vargas family in Lima; no berak @0300. SIO=3+53 (Frodge-DXP)4790.13 Radio Vision (p); 0303-0315+, 14-Jan; M in SS w/rlgs sermon. SIO=3+33, swiper QRM (Frodge-DXP)
POLAND: 9525 Polish Radio External Svc; 1352-1359:54*, 13-Jan; W in EEw/cmtry on classical & opera music; ID before s/off. SIO=3+33 (Frodge-DXP)
RUSSIA: 7105 Voice of Russia (via ?); 2049-2100+, 12-Jan; M&W in EEw/Russian ballet music; VoRWS ID @2058 & mb sked; chimes IS 2059-2100then "This is Russia". SIO=242+ when chirp QRM is off. Not in 07 Pass-port (Frodge-DXP)
SOUTH AFRICA: 11890 Radio Okapi; 1616-1622+, 13-Jan; M&W in Afro LL;"Oh-Kah-pee" SIDs @1621. SIO=252+ (Frodge-DXP)
SPAIN: 9680 Radio Exterior de Espana; 2028, 12-Jan; EE pgm Origins ofSpanish Music. SIO=2+53 (Frodge-DXP)
TAJIKSTAN: 4635 Tajik Radio (p); 2156-2201+, 12-Jan; M in Asia LL w/vocal music & sounds-like AR chanting; sounded like a brief prayer@2159, then M&W in LL continued w/more chanting. SIO=252, 1st timehrd! 0237, 13-Jan; 2M discussion in LL. On about 4635.06, weak.(Frodge-DXP)
TURKMENISTAN:4930 Turkmen Radio (guess); 2202-2216+, 12-Jan; M&W in Asian LL w/ rousing AR music; W talk segment @2211. SIO=2+33, need LSB. Not //5015. 1st time hrd! (Frodge-DXP)5015 Turkmen Radio (guess); 2202-2216+, 12-Jan; W in Asia LL w/lite music; M&W in LL w/echo spot @2213. Not //4930. SIO=322, 1st time hrd! (Frodge-DXP)
(Source: Harold Frodge, MI/Cumbre DX)