This being Memorial Day Weekend, we honor those that have served our country, and given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. To all of those that continue to serve, THANK YOU!!
God Bless our Troops and God Bless America!
All times UTC // parallel programming *sign-on ; sign off *
Australia, Radio Australia via Brandon 13630 2143 English 333 May 21 YL with comments on Iraq and interviewing another YL. //11660 [333]via Shepparton.(MacKenzie, CA)
Australia, Radio Australia-Shepparton 17795 2320English 444 May 20 YL with World Bank commentsand on the Dali Lama on the Connect to Asia program. The football updates. //15230 [444]Shepparton and 17785SIO 444 Shepparton. (MacKenzie, CA)
Ascension Island, Star Radio 9525, 0733-0800* May 28, seemed to onlybe STAR Radio programming and not Cotton Tree News (CTN). Poor, due toQRM from the return of VOI, with their continual music & ID loop. Theyhad been up on 11785 for about the past three weeks. Even if CTN cansolve their technical difficulties, it will make for challengingreception now that VOI is also here. At 0800 VOI started their Englishsegment. IDs "This is the Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta". (Ron Howard, CA)
Ascension Island, BBC World Service relay 7160 0426 English 333 May 15 OM with a newscast. OM with sports newsupdayes plus Tony Blair updates. (MacKenzie, CA)
Bolivia, Radio Yura 4716.66, 0130-0215, May 27, local Bolivian music. ID, Spanish announcements. March type music.Weak. Poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Bolivia, Radio Mallku 4796.34, 1023-1030 Initially heard either an AD or promo, then live comments by both a male and female. At this point in time, the window for Bolivia was closing here in Central Florida and consequently, Radio Mallku was at a threshold level. (Chuck Bolland, May 11, 2007)
Bolivia, Radio Santa Cruz, 6134.81, 0905-0915 Spanish comments between musical selections. Announcer takes phone calls from listeners also. Signal was fair with dropouts every once in awhile. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
Brazil, Radio Marumby, 9664.98, 2310-2320,May 26, Portuguese religious music & sermon. // 11749.85 - both frequencies weak. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Brazil, Radio Record (tent.) 6150 0232-0238, May 24,Portuguese. Futbol coverage audible under co-channelDGS. Crushed at 0328 by DGS music and contact info.Poor. (Barbour-NH)
Canada, Calgary 6030, CFVP relaying CKMX (AM 1060), 0803-0828 May28, their usual clear Monday (Marti and jammer are off), C&W songs Talking In Your Sleep, Looking For Love, Sunday Morning Coming Down, etc. Station IDs "Classic Country AM 1060", PSA for the June 9 & 10 Easter Seals relay, fair-poor. (Ron Howard, CA)
Cuba, Radio Havana, 5940, 6300, 0515-0545, May 27,Leapfrogging spurs. English programming with news & local music. Fair reception. These could be mistaken for legitimate fundamental frequencies but are leapfrogging spurs from 6060 & 6180. 120khz separation between each frequency. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Cyprus, CBC 9760 2215-2222, May 20, Greek, S/on, music, complete identification by male as: "Radiofonikou Idryma Kyprou”, news by male, SINPO 24332. Not reception from my city on 7210 & 6180(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
Ecuador, Radio Chaskis, 4909.23, 0100-0120, May 26,Tentative with Ecuadorian music. Spanish announcements. Weak.Poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Ecuador, Radio Quito 4918.99, 0110-0200+, May 26, Veryirregular. Ecuadorian music, Spanish ballads, ads, jingles, IDs. Poor. Weak. Much stronger at 0400-0600 but announcements were somewhat distorted. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Ethiopia, Radio Fana, 7210, *0257-0310, May 26,Sign on with IS. Talk in local language at 0300. Horn of Africa music at 0303. Weak. In the clear for 1 minute until covered by BBC IS at 0258 but still audible under BBC. Weak // 6109.92-mixing with TWR 6110. (Brian Alexander, PA)
Israel, Galei Zahel 15792.5v, 2140, May 4, Still drifting upward.How far off frequency will these guys go? // 6976.54v (Brian Alexander, PA)
Latvia, Radio Mi Amigo 9290, 2045-2100, May 23, English, Old songs by Pink Floyd to announcement and identification by male at 2058 UTC, Song by female and s/off, SINPO 44433.(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)
Peru, Radio Victoria 6019.51, 0848-0900 Noted a male and female discussing in Spanish, a social condition in Peru. Sounded like an on the scene interview with background sounds heard. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, May 13, 2007)
Russia, Voice of Russia 13635 0237 English SIO 444 May 20 OM with comments and music via MusicalTales program. YL with comments. "Boys and Girls"song by a YL named Angelica at 0254. //9665 [333]viaMoldova. (MacKenzie-CA)
Russia, Radio Tikhiy Okean, 9675, 0835-0900 Opening with Interval Signal, then man and woman with ID and opening remarks. This followed with news all in Russian Language. The remain time was filled with features and music. and canned ID's. Checked 12065 KHz for parallel and noted the same with a poor signal while 9765 KHz was good. (Chuck Bolland, May 13, 2007)
Rwanda, Deutsche Welle relay, 7245 0420 English 444 May 15 Two OMs with a newscast and IDas DW News. YL with Africa News. //7225 [232]via England and 15445 [333]via Ceylon. MacKenzie, CA.
Singapore, BBC World Service relay, 15360 0013 English 333 Apr 30 Two OMs with news items plus a YL withcomments on refugee camps in Africa. MacKenzie, CA.
South Africa, Channel Africa 9685 0526 English SIO 333 May 21 Two OMs in a conversation on business between Africa and the USA. (MacKenzie,CA)
Zimbabwe, (via Madagascar)Radio Voice of the People, 9765, *0400-0415, May 26, Sign on with African music & opening ID announcements in vernacular & English. IDs & schedule given followed by talk in vernacular. Short breaks of African music. Many IDs. Very good. No jamming heard. (Brian Alexander, PA) upward.How far off frequency will these guys go? // 6976.54v (Brian Alexander, PA)
(photo: FL Dept of Edu)