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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Blog Logs - China
All times UTC, freqs in kHz // parallel frequency
4460 CHINA. CNR1, 1110, 9/15/07. Listed station was weak with vocal mx in Mandarin language (Strawman-IA).
4905, PBS Lhasa, 1635-1705, Sep 14, the English programme ”Holy Tibet” started with ID ”This is China Tibet Broadcasting”. The talk mainly treated tourism in Tibet, and construction of railways. A few Tibetan folk songs could also be heard, 55444, // 4920 with excellent reception. They are heard regularly in Japan. (Kato)
6110 CHINA. CNR-1, 1233-1248, 9/13&14/07, Chinese programming, good signal but strong echo, seemed to be jamming a weaker station in Chinese (perhaps VOA in Chinese from Philippines). Noted parallel with 5030 (fair), 6030 (fair-poor, mixing with C&W singing from Calgary [CFVP]) and 7280 (good). Thanks to a tip from Dan Sheedy. (Howard-CA)
7110 CHINA . CRI (Hohhot), 1154, 9/15/07. Fair with Asian-style EZL music; closing announcement in Mongolian (listed); @ 1201 this frequency switches to CNR-1 Shijiazhuang in Mandarin. (Ronda-OK)
7165 CHINA. PBS Nei Menggu, Hohhot, 1254, 9/15/07. Presumed station with extended chatter between OM & YL. Peaking S5 butfading by 1259. (Strawman-IA).
7240, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet, 2120-2135, Sep 04, Chinese songs and music, short ann 2130, 34343. 7170 not audible and 4800 very weak. (Bredahl Jorgensen)
7270, PBS Nei Menggu, 1133-1315, Sep 12 and 17, Mongolian talks, 1200 5 + 1 pips, 1300, a drama or "Mongolian Opera", weak, could not hear anything of Wai FM via RTM (Malaysia). Heard // 7210 (weak/under QRM) and 9750 (fair-poor, mixing with NHK). (Howard and Wilkins in DXplorer)
7280, CNR-1, 1206-1211, Sep 12, Chinese programming, strong signal, on top of a station that might have been in Chinese (Voice of Strait or Sound of Hope?). This is to jam the Sound of Hope, which is scheduled for 1100-1300. Heard // 5030 and 6030. (Howard)
7280 CHINA. VO the Strait-Fuzhou, 1125-1142, 9/10/07, Mandarin. OM and YL w/ interview at t/in. CNR jingle mx and ID at 1130 followed by newscast, ads/promo, YL reading some sort of list then ballads at t/out. Good. (Barbour-NH).
7280 CHINA. CNR-1, 1206-1211, 9/12/07, Chinese programming, strong signal, on top of a station that might have been in Chinese (Voice of Strait or SoH?). This is to jam the Sound of Hope, which is scheduled for 1100-1300. Heard // 5030 and 6030. (Howard-CA)
7445 CHINA. Firedrake jamming, 1310, 9/15/07. Chinese opera loop. Probably to jam R. Taiwan I. in Mandarin to SE Asia. Fair. (Taylor-WI)
9410, CNR-5, 1114-1144, Sep 04, Chinese talk and ballad, signal improving the whole time, fair. Broadcasting to Taiwan, scheduled for 0955-0005, no other station noted here, clearly // 5925 (weak) and 7620 (fair), all via Beijing. Audio streaming also at: http://radiotime.com/station/s_2012/China_National_Radio_5_549.aspx noted parallel. As a general rule I find that, if possible, parallels often help ID these Chinese stations. (Howard)
9450, CNR-1, 1402-1411, Sep 16, good signal, with strong echo (operating more than one jamming transmitter and out of sync, causing echo). Also heard firedrake/music jamming here, all for the purpose of jamming the Sound of Hope (scheduled for 1400-1600). CNR-1 clearly // 5030. (Howard)
11650, CNR-2 via Xian (tentative), 0113-0135, Sep 08, nice program of Chinese vocals, Chinese talk, poor. (D'Angelo)
11785 CHINA. CNR-1, 1130-1150, 9/15/07. // 9680, 9780 - all with fair to good reception. Local music. (Alexander-PA)
11980 CHINA. CRI (Xi'an), 1318 9/15/07 fair-good in English with discussion of traditional Chinese opera. (Ronda-OK)
11980 CHINA. China Radio International (X¹ian), 1350, 9/15/07, in English. OM ann. w/ hybird electronic / Trad. Chinese flute music. Very interesting. ID in passing. (Taylor-WI)
(Source: DX Window 333 via Anker Petersen ; NASWA FlashSheet # 294 via Rich D'Angelo)