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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Blog Logs from the west coast
Thanks to Ron Howard for the following logs from this morning.
Gayle VH
All times UTC
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
4760, All India Radio-Port Blair, 1319-1325, July 22,clearly parallel with 4920 (AIR Chennai, with QRM), 4970 (AIR Shillong) and 5010 (AIR Thiru.), all mostly poor to almost fair,carrying impassioned political speeches, must be related to today's winning of the vote of confidence by the Congress-led UPA government,faded out by 1325, the others continued on with speeches till 1336tune-out (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1/Cumbre DX)
4940, Voice of Strait (Channel 1), Fuzhou, 1257-1302, July 22,good reception, in Chinese, orchestra music, 5+1 pips, English ID "This is the Voice of Strait News Radio". Have recently heard several of these new IDs. Have not monitored the other VOS channels (Channel 2 - Lifestyle & Entertainment and Channel 3 - Fujianese-dialect programs) to know if it is only Channel 1 (News and Public Affairs)that has English IDs (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E/Cumbre DX1)
5040 AIR Jeypore, 1319-1336, July 22, was not parallel to 4760,4920, 4970 and 5010 until I checked at 1330, after which they also carried the political speeches, poor (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach,CA, Etón E1/Cumbre DX)
6130, Lao National Radio, 1415-1430, July 22, after the news in Laotian, "I am Elizabeth Moore and welcome to Functioning in Business", "Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture", "Checking In - Part 3", business dialogues about confirming hotel and airline reservations, fair (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA,Etón E1/Cumbre DX)
5014.26v, Radio Altura, 0346-0401, July 22, in Spanish, Happy Birthday sung in English three different times, OA music and songs, ID "Radio Altura Peru", almost fair reception (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1/Cumbre DX)
Tatarstan (non)
15110, Voice of Tatarstan/GTRK Tatarstan via Samara,*0410, July 22, ToH continuous tone for one minute, back to open carrier, IS at 0410, ID in English, IS continues, assume news,poor. Tuned in yesterday and heard nothing at all here, assume just variation in conditions (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1/Cumbre DX)
15275, Radio Thailand, at 0229, July 22, in English, continues to announce the wrong time for this English program, "0300 to 0330 G.M.T.", poor (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1/Cumbre DX)